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Can Brain Damage Give You Super Powers?

Please Subscribe! //testu.be/1FjtHn5 The brain uses our senses to tell us what is going on in the outside world. When things go wrong, however, the ...

User Comments

Anytime I get sleepy if I have my eyes shut and I hear a sudden unexpected loud sound, E.G someone knocks something over, I see a really bright flash of white even if it's pitch black, it allways makes me think someone turned a bright light in my face which makes me jump and open my eyes, but I guess that's more my brain playing tricks on me and not really synesthesia.
Oh wow, actually that may explain a lot, my heart rate does always rise when it happens and 99% of the time I'm not sure what the noise is from I just assume the house is suddenly cooling or heating, but now that I think of it the sounds often don't make sense for that nor can I figure out the direction, usually sounds like someone cracking there knuckles but incredibly loud. Cheers man :)
That sounds like "Exploding head syndrome" google it
When I was 4 I had to wait for the babysitter to stop using the orange crayon so I could color my “A” the correct color. When she colored her “A” I told her she colored it wrong and she said, “It can be any color you like.” This really only confused me, because “A” was orange. Period. B black, C light-blue, D mossy green, E teal, F grey/tan, G brown, etc. Monday is black, Friday is dirty orange, Saturday and Sunday are red, October is black, November is orange, etc. I learned only as an adult that this is not normal, and that I have grapheme-color synesthesia.
I have something similar, and I think it's actually associated with this... I associate personalities with numbers. It's pretty hard to describe the personalities, though, I only know them in my head and can't put them in words too well.
This video smells purple but tastes like gravity.
+Keisha KelmAnd I enjoy reading your replies to my replies!
+TouYube i enjoy reading your replies lol
+SuperAtheist Interesting. It smells more like the number 3 to me, but it tastes like Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
Wow! Synesthesia sounds like a really talented thing (sort of). I don't know how people with synesthesia can perceive letters and other things with colour, but it sounds amazing!
I associate personalities with numbers, which is, I believe, related to the colors/letters/numbers etc...
I'm sure it's come up in the previous couple of videos, but is that shirt supposed to be "Obi-wan (Ol' Ben) Franklin" or something like that?
Which is bullshit anyway, now that I think of it......we all know Muddy Waters invented electricity.....
I have strong synesthesia. I can picture the number line in 3D and dates, as well as the year in months. I can also relate all words to colours. I used to even be able to think of something and then be able to position that thought on a "circuit" which I had a feeling was inside my brain. It was actually pretty cool. :3
+Tristan Mitchell yea yea i can relate to that, Tuesday is Green!
+Epic Chibi My 9 is a sassy black chick. 
+Tristan Mitchell I associate personalities with numbers. 9 is a slutty hoe.
Fine, but I'm sure we can all agree that Thursday is in-fact Orange.
+Tristan Mitchell nope, Tuesday is brown
Nah Tuesday is obviously grey!
+Tristan Mitchell Btw Tuesday is green. Deal with it.

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User Comments

Very informative

Jessie All Episode Links

Watch Jessie online for free in //www.tubeplus.me/info/1921210/Jessie/ I'm not trying to lie to you,It really works And be sure to Like&Comment Enjoy!

User Comments

This doesn't even work a bit! Oh My Godish I am gonna find a better link than this one By, Some YouTube Watcher! Jokes the name is Rebecca Swag & Jessica Laugh Out Loud
No it doesn't...How did you make it work?
Exactly what I'm saying!
Dont Work Nobhead
I know rigght?
This is crazy
It works

Austin and Ally Mattress store's and Music Factories Clip + Auslly Scene (New Episode)

So here's the clip if you haven't seen this episode yet or if you want to see it again :D I know most of you people came here for Auslly XD So ya. XD Full episode ...

User Comments

Lol, she's his hobby, that sounds..interesting... XD auslly have been up to no good
austin and ally auslly spoiler ally beilve marry auslly
If she is a hobby
Ya your parents are the worst

Hal roller skating

Malcolm in the Middle.

User Comments

Comedy gold!!!
+Dark Knight I see what u did there
+Mella Bella You are goddamn right!
Which episode is this?
+Mr Agk thanks
+Alia Phelps Season 1 Episode 13: Rollerskates :)

Bryan Cranston How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Preview

Bryan Cranston is returning to How I Met Your Mother Season 9. He previously appeared in season 2 before Breaking Bad Season 1 started.

User Comments

Why did i never noticed Bob or Bryan in HIMYM -.-
+Dynamix Project holy shit, I just realized Bob was in HIMYM too ahahahahahahaha
he's the dad from malcolm in the middle right?
Yes, and the main actor for AMC's Breaking Bad.
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