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Sports cars blogspot Videos

Chris Brown REZVANI Beast selfie! New sports car! #rezvani #rezvanibeast #chrisbrown #chris

Chris Brown REZVANI Beast selfie! New sports car! #rezvani #rezvanibeast #chrisbrown #chris ...

User Comments

This thing only has a 300 hp supercharged k20 Honda engine with the skeleton of an Ariel Atom 3 and I'm guessing that since the car he would do what most roadster trim vehicle owners would do... Use it on sunny days and take the Lambo or rolls Royce out on the rainy days
what happens If it rains LOLOLOL, just go faster, but the car looks awesome and acceleration is brutal i hope it knows how g around a turn - considering it is American :p
The host is a dumbass! Fiberglass steering wheel? LMAO! Carbon Fiber moron! Next time do your homework about a car before you even start talking about it!
how u he gonna get it made with out custom doors ohhh wait the 1at edition should be stock tho yaaa it's a bad ass toy
dude its not supposed to have a roof
Optional Carbon fiber steering wheel
he can't drive it...
So far Meh....

Volkswagen Passat Park Assist

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