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American real estate billionaires Videos

Real Estate Billionaire Jorge Perez On Why Cities Need Museums (Extended)

Forbes 400 Summit interview with Jorge Perez.

User Comments

Rich people and poor people should be equal in obligation to society. I am totally disagree with people witch think that Rich people should give away a lot of money. But as we can see, they are more generous than poor or average people in percentage terms. I know personally many multimillionaires and they are much more generous than poor people. To be honest, poor and average people are more greedy- that's also why they are not successful. Unfortunately the perception in society is different.
Rich ppl are actually on average give lesser of a percentage of their income then poor ppl, proven fact. 
This is how a billionaire should be! Long live the arts.Hope to be like this one day.
Good interview. Pleas make more with billionaires.

Top 10 Youngest American Billionaires

Visit us @ //alltimebest.co/ Top Ten list of Youngest Billionaires in America are Dustin Moskovitz (Facebook), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Albert von Turn ...

Floyd Mayweather Billionaires Helping Him Invest in Real Estate in New York

//www.boxingsocialist.com Download Android App Here //goo.gl/wOi9O Download Iphone App Here //goo.gl/1rwai -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ...

User Comments

u need 2 get him on an interview. ask the real questions....is he done with boxing. will he give canel or bradley a shot. will he ever cut ties with golden boy so they stop getting a cut off ur fights. Whats considered an expert in boxing? why not fight more often 2 shut all the critics up and become a billionaire in front of our eyes. is that ZERO that serious in your life. y havn't u signed broner yet and do u still love the sport? Real questions!!!!
Floyd will be broke as fu*k in 5 years time, maybe less. He'll be putting up posters for HBO & ShowTime lol.
I really don't care about any of that. My only concern is WHEN & WHO IS FLOYD FIGHTING NEXT, PERIOD!!!!!!
black millionaires have a habit of going broke , so maybe it's not a bad idea to listen to some advices
White billionaires love to tell black millionaires what they should spend their money on lol.
Good investments. That land will be very valuable after the Nuclear Holocaust lol.
he better be carful. wall street scammed antoine walker out of his money
well just let the lawyers review paperwork b4 you sign anything
Floyd needs to stop trusting all these people man.
just hope he dont go broke in ten years from now.
I seen it

London Mayor Hits Trump On Muslim Ban

Recently elected Sadiq Khan is London's first muslim Mayor. He pointed out that if Donald Trump becomes president he may not be able to visit the US. Missing ...

User Comments

Khan has soft Corner for Islamist, Jihadist. This Muzzy have no business putting his nose in US politics.
+Amrit Patel does he?
50% of London's population is migrant.
Also, I stated nothing more than a figure. Typical self hating European, getting butt hurt at every opportunity.
Yes, perhaps. Like how to bend over and be raped but then blame ourselves for not being more understanding or helping my rapist more. Muslims aren't necessarily the issue, there is nothing Zionist about it. The issue is where the scum comes from. I have plenty of westernized Muslim friends and there good people. But the people coming from the third world bring third world ideals. And when they come in mass, they don't integrate. They form gangs and rape girls on new years. If it was a small flow and no fear of being labeled racist, the EU wouldn't be so fucked right now. It's as if native Europeans lost the idea of self preservation.
Typical Trump worshipper comment, where is your evidence and so what if they are? I live a little over 100 miles from London and in this country the Muslims are a minority. Yet with all this hate and prejudice against Muslims, London is the only country in entire Europe to show that a Muslim can become a political leader. Shame on USA and the racists Zionists that run the government, you guys should learn a thing or 2 from London.
Hello Mr Cenk..why do I feel like tearing down my couch, every time you open your mouth talking about Islam and Islamism. You know nothing about Sadiq Khan, and his Islamist past. and you know nothing about Londons problems, it has gone to dogs. You should keep your Islamic background sympathies to yourself and then claim yourself as a liberal and talk about politics. If you were in Turkey..you would be pandering with Erdogons Islamists Gangs...
Your waisting your time, the west will fall, at least the US has Trump. The Queen will die in a couple of years if they dont do nothing about it, muslims will take care of her.
on breaking news a white male Christian mayor recently got elected to run Dubai.
isn't Dubai more like an amusement park than an actual city?
it is time for Cenk Uygur to stop telling lies, and come out that he is a Muslim. just like Barack Obama
I will live a lot longer than you. You took advantage of our tolerance of your kind. Well the time is up for your kind. Go back to the 7th century were you belong
Blame "brown people " for you're failures in life, you probably don't have a good pension (if any) bad health insurance, divorced, looking at your pic, high cholesterol and blood pressure, Old white and miserable. I CAN SEE WHY IT'S EASY FOR YOU TO HATE BROWN PEOPLE. You gotta blame someone. Now go away and make sure you're doctor doesn't give you bad prescription drugs, I hear you have more chances getting killed by them , then isis.
+Artan it is so easy to hate you and your brown shit
that's Barack Hussein Obama to you, you miserable middle aged white dying breed.
Well the Muslim mayor is NOT welcome in the USA! Keep your sandnigger ass out of my country! Terrorist motherfucker!
+Joe KoolOkay troll, you went a little too far, but I almost believed you, so I award you 9/10.
cenk lying again. do people even believe this crap?
No, he said ALL Muslims. Not "people we're at war with". And that's ignoring the fact that the US started this war, the US was the one who decided to invade Iraq and further destabilize the region, and now the people caught in the cross-fire are to get double penalized?
+Dara trump doesnt want to ban muslims, just people we are currently at war with.
+pingpong wigwom Care to explain?
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