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Layer cake quilt Videos

Double Slice Layer Cake Quilt Along Video 10

This video is about Double Slice Layer Cake Quilt Along Video 10.

User Comments

I purchased my first layer cake, my question is, the stack goes from very pale colors, to medium colors all the way to black. Do I still use them in this order?
+gailnoll I will admit that I move fabric around. Especially for this quilt.
Angie, do you mind if I ask how much the long arm quilter usually charges for this size quilt? I hope you show a picture of it when it's all finished. :)
+SuperScrapper1 I've only made two of these and so far I've not given either of them to Shirley .... my best guess would be around $100 (due to size) but it could be a little less.
I loved the video. I have a question. How do I find a long arm quilter?
+Maureen Zigulis I would call one of your local fabric stores and ask them who they recommend. They usually have a hand full of business cards.

The finished layer cake pinwheel quilt!

I DID make a video of the finished quilt!! Didn't think I took the time.... so here it is!!

User Comments

This is beautiful , well done you ... I have a plain hexagon .. but have no idea how to back and finish it . ! Thank you for sharing your wonderful creation . x
+kazeekins1 Thank you for watching and commenting! This one was a bit of work, but well worth it!!
Hi Trish, beautiful work, looks really lovely, the lady should be very happy with the quilt.
+madpetrolhead Thanks, Ken! I appreciate it!!
I like pinwheels. And I like making them. Something so satisfying when it all lines up so perfect. Very nice quilt
+MSMAGNOLIA1961 They are wicked cool, aren't they??!!

Double Slice Layer Cake Quilt Along Video 6

Video 6 Double Slice Layer Cake Quilt Along.

User Comments

This quilt is going to be so pretty! I know making a quilt is a lot of work, so thank you for bringing us along as you go. I can't wait to see the end result!
I really love all of your things that you make I really do thank you for taking the time to show everyone
where is the next video?
Love it! Thanks!

Starting on the layer cake pinwheel quilt...

Here we go....!! Back to the double pinwheels - only this time, I'm making them from a layer cake and hopefully gonna make them all different!! That will make it ...

User Comments

layer cake...hmmm
+RobsPackanShine I know...... huh???? layer cakes..... jelly rolls..... honey buns...... !!
wonderful! it's amazing how quickly you get this all done! you do a lot of work!
To be honest..... It's winter in Maine, with a LOT of snow and cold.... I'd really be going nuts if I didn't have these quilts to work on! I'm so very grateful!
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