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Auburn university oak trees poisoned Videos

Auburn Prunes Poisoned Toomer's Corner Oak Trees

Auburn University pruned the poisoned oaks at Toomer's Corner on Wednesday to remove weakened braches before the fall football season. Officials said fans ...

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oh christ here we go....first it's animals are more important than humans....we can watch humans fight but not dogs b/c they must be that special....now we're choosing trees over people..we'd rather punish a dude than just say fuck that tree...christ i just burned 2 in a campfire..........christ we are slaves in america...not a damn thing has changed....we're all just goyem to the people in charge...chattel property
Earlier this year in Florida someone burned down "The Senator", the 5th oldest tree in the world. They caught who did it, which is good. Turned out to be some meth fiend. Was just terrible. People think "What? It's just a tree!" and don't realize that most trees have been alive longer than them.
Spike 80DF, when pure copper sulfate just won't offer long-term control solutions for tough woody invasive species such as oak, tarbush, creosote bush, multiflora rose and sagebrush.
Why not? The poisoning was somewhat widely reported and I'm sure the local community would like to know if the trees are still healthy.
He confessed on a live radio show and used a credit card. Open-and-shut case as they say.
Spike 80DF, or tebuthiuron, now available in water soluable granules!
too bad they wont be rolling it that many times this year
ur an asshole...it's a fucking tree
i know right,a damn tree
H O L Y . S H I T

Ala. Man Accused of Poisoning Auburn Trees

The man allegedly responsible for poisoning the live oaks at Toomer's Corner where Auburn fans have long celebrated big wins has been arrested and charged ...

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You think it is right Auburn students celebrating Bear's death by TPing those trees? He was a great coach and he dominated for a long time but at the end of the day he is a person and has a family. Aub Fans laughing about his death is low. What is real funny is how scared they were when he was alive. At the end of the day the DBag was wrong for what he did to those trees but hanging jerseys from bear's statue and making fun of his death? grow up tree hugers! U reap what you sow Roll tide Roll
As a 57 year old, I can attest that guys my age are at the beginning of old age and still haven't shifted over into a food supplement habit. Clearly, this guy's brain could no longer realize the severity of what he was doing. Malice was behind an incident in which Blacksburg High School near Virginia Tech was mysteriously wrecked, I think by water freezing inside the gymnasium walls at 10 below zero. Drug cartel? School rivalry incident? The building has been closed for two years now.
@IronicallyVague Actually That would be a very good thing if every non black would JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!! But unfortunately they don't ...... 1..one of you always has to call us monkeys 2..or one of you women is always trying to fuck us. 3... And you know you peckerwoods are always asking us for weed and crack!! Don't want to play with us??? WHEN DID YOU PECKERWOODS EVER WANT TO PLAY WITH A NIGGER?? YOU HAD LAWS AGAINST THAT REMEMBER ??
@luckyjinxer As a matter of law it does'nt matter what you do with those trees. If UGA melted down the "rambling wreck" and made it into a toilet, the charges would be the same. I know Auburn fans love these trees. I just wish the media and pop culture would stop anthropomorphizing everything, it devalues human life. Speaking of identifing yourself are you a "bird of prey" or one of the "great cats"?
I am not a fan of UA or Bama and this guy should go to jail, but I think reporting on this story is way over the top, ESPN said "this is not the only time the rivalry has turned to violence." The woman in this video said that these trees didnt do anything to anyone, of course they did'nt they are trees! not people. He will go to jail for destroying property....not murder.
@lta6494 And to us, its not the fact that he poisoned two random oaks on our campus, if he had, we would probably just have considered it a prank in bad taste. Its the fact that he poisoned two of the most iconic trees in the state, the center of so much tradition to our university. Thats why we are acting they way we are.
HAHAHA hell yea! Tomers COrner = P0wned! hahaha !!!! Auburn cry baby bitches! Fuckin bunch of tree huggers. Who rolls their own school, honestly. Auburn has the worst traditions because they are UA's bitch. bunch of wanna bes. tomers corner is gone stupid auburn fans and we are laughing at how stupid auburn is
I'm an Alabama grad and former band member. I'm disgusted and shocked at this senseless act. His guy is obviously mentally ill. His actions have nothing to do with football or rivalry. I extend my sympathy to the Auburn community. I hope the trees can be saved. Ed UA '76 MDBA
This sick old fool should not be used to give former police officers or Alabama fans a bad name, but he does personally need to pay a price. These trees are priceless, and Updike should be sued for every penny he has (which I suspect is very limited).
@DoobieDude56 I like rich people. They pay most of the taxes in the USA. We need rich people.....but I'm not defending their spoiled little braty kids. But in the end of all this that Upkdike guy need the prison time if found guilty.
@trwesty02 Thats ridiculous. EVERYONE at UA is pissed at what this guy has done. He's giving all Bama fans a bad name. No one wanted this to happen. Not even Bama fans. There's rivalry, and then there's stupidity.
there's revolutions going on in the middle east, a bill in the house to slash PBS funding to $0, and we a take a minute for these trees.... im totally for helping trees and what not, but come on! wtf?
@trwesty02 Don't put the entire fan base in the same category is this lunatic. If they were all like that, this would have happened years ago. There are a few fringe people that just go too far.
130 year tradition is over. But a new one will begins--with a plaque on the site pointing out that Updike killed the oaks. He needs the maximum sentence of 10 years.
@lta6494 Our mascot is the Tiger. War Eagle is just a chant, and the eagle flying in the stadium is another tradition. So we "identify" as the Auburn Tigers.
@IronicallyVague On the contrary This niggers life is beautiful. A peckerwood free life?? hahahahahahahahahahahahahah Now thats the life!!
why didn't he just poison himself instead? - damnit!! would of been a FAR FAR FAR less of a tragedy than the trees dying.
@hastious The reason no one will play with you anymore is becouse you've spent your whole life playing that victim card
@luckyjinxer I knew you would correct that! I had fat finger syndrome with UA/AU OK, overlord of internet grammar?
@lta6494 Not really, as thats how we identify each other in large part, its not "semantics". Its just wrong.
@hastious - Must really suck to be you then, You've had a rough life Good luck
Alabama should bann Harvey Updyke from campus and all future sporting events.
lol that girl talks like the tree is her husband that got shot in the head
@lta6494 Agreed! You'd think someone was murdered! Move on people!
Damn, I've heard of people holding grudges but that's just silly
lucky he is white!!! He would be dead if he was black!!
Fucking weirdo, who drives 30 miles to poison trees?
@lta6494 UA is Bama. Auburn University is AU.
i am a alabama fan we are a team not killers
how the fuck do you even poison a tree?

Bamer-poisoned Toomers Corner Trees discussed by Duck Football Fans, Tide for Toomers

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@ghostfacekilah00 Actually, I am from Oregon. Eastern Oregon, went to COCC and then transferred. No racial rallies here, not that I have seen. You should travel a bit and get out of the woods. Might help that racist issue you got going on there.

Toomer's Corner: Poisoning of the Oak Trees Auburn, AL

I covered the story of Harvey Updyke poisioning the oak trees at Toomer's Corner in Auburn AL. I went down from school one Saturday when they had a rally for ...

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Waste of toilet paper

Quercus Circus: Part One: Toomer's Poison

Quercus Circus is a short film about violence against trees and the fragile relationship our culture has with plants. This is the first part, highlighting the poisoning ...

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@ppage27 The song is Mountain of Gods by videocopilot.
whats the song playing?
@openHort thanks!

TWER interviews Stephen Enloe, the emotional agronomist, on Toomer's Corner tree poisoning

After Thursday morning's press conference on the Toomer's Oaks poisoning, we were able to grab an interview with assistant Auburn agronomy professor ...
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