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Auburn university oac Videos

OAC 2015

Auburn University Outdoor Adventure Club Get ready for another awesome year full of exciting trips and adventures! Song: Come With Me Now by KONGOS.

OAC Wild Pony Island Adventure Highlight Reel Super HD

OAC Takes Lake Martin 2015

Rachel Overboard!

The Sling with OAC Part 3

OAC trip to the Auburn Ropes Course Ellie goes first.. Nov. 15, 2009.

User Comments

@mccaslin42 it was min. five feet or so off the ground.. but i see what you mean, it looks like a lot less in this video
wow that was really close to the ground?? I guess they adjust it for taller and heavier people?

OAC Progress (22/03/13)

Rock climbing is working with my OAC! I don't do any specific training to this since I started with Rock Climbing two months ago, and there's a real progress on ...

OAC SPOT Sensory Room 2

OAC SPOT Sensory Room 2 Property of the Ottawa Area Center.

Blizzard is the best archer ever oac

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