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Gold Bars Filled With "Tungsten" Discovered In New York City!

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User Comments

Gold bars are not just manipulated by a few, it's produced as faux items knowingly. The original producers are perpetrating this crime at the behest of central banks & commercial gold holders. Unless you forge your own ingots, then you probably have been fleeced- unless you bought it 50 years ago. If these crimes were done by the 'Blood's/Crip's', a huge outcry would be in the air for heads to roll. When banksters orchestrate deception, people sit ideally by & wounder why their asshole aches.
To match the density of silver with base metals, I would think mixing lead and tin might be the easiest way to do it. Geting the proprotions just right would be tedious, too much lead would be too dense and too much tin too light. Still probably detectable with an accurate scale and a test of other physical properties like elastic modulus (drop it on a table and listen to the sound of the clink, or use that ultrasound thingy in the vid) or electrical conductivity.
You talk about BitCoin, gold, silver, dollars... All worthless. The device makes trade smooth and easy is the trust you have in it. No value. Gold has no value at all, just people think it has, because its rare. Earths poulation is kept behind the bars of the Bilderberg group. Manipulation... wars... for what? To kill you, to collect all the gold, oil and lithium on the Earth. I can't give you wit, so learn and walk with open eyes and mind.
I guess you're right. It's a bit cumbersome to have to pull out a weight and a beaker, but if I were buying 200 gram gold bars, I'd sure as hell want to be be certain that it is indeed gold I am getting, especially after this. I've actually bought some gold coins recently. Perhaps it would be a good idea to check them, although I figure they would be harder to fake because of their smaller size.
Buy gold-plated tungsten at the price of pure gold, you will be able to make lightbulbs that bring light into your head. The price is high, but you will be smarter next time. If there is next time. If you can buy these crap, buy them, your bankers will thrive at the same time you'll die in hunger. Long live the bloodsucking murderer bankers!
Anyone with half a brain could have predicted this was coming. Even central banks have been duped by the US Fed with this tungsten crap. Just wait, after gold is finally revalued up to $3000/oz the Fed will start branding their own gold bars and if your gold doesn't have their "mark" of approval you'll get half of what it's worth.
This sort of fraud can be detected the way Archimedes did it: wiegh the gold bar and re-weigh it under water. Scales accurate to 7 digits can be had for fairly cheap these days and there is no way anyone is going to match a tungsten-stuffed bar's mass density to 100 parts per billion.
Well another larger problem is that banks and other financial institutions that deals in gold have been double or triple selling their gold for years, but no one dares to do a full audit as a lot of gold "on paper" suddenly just wouldn't be there.
It seems to me to be practical to do it right in the store. A hanging balance scale and a beaker of water is all you need. And it sure beats drilling holes in your gold bars.
Here's a stupid thought; each one of those bars has a serial number and can be traced back to it's previous owner. TRACE THE BARS!!!!!! I thought these people were smart.
So stupid they weren't rebuilt, they were made that way in the first place, if its international its the governments, didn't Rome do the same thing?
Fucking banks and government is stealing as much gold as possible before the crash. they are the only ones that can get away with it.
didn't know that. For silver now, what metal would they use. Surely not tungsten, cause that is similar in weight to gold. ????
Er, wrong. Bitcoin cannot be "copied". It can, however, be stolen. It is not possible to counterfeit Bitcoins.
Not if you create a offline wallet. It is perfectly secure if you do it the right way.
But your machine can be hacked and your Bitcoin copied. Nothing is perfect.
Yes, but the attackers do that (usually) by copying the private key.
Bitcoin can't be faked or printed out of thin air.
So you're going to do that at the store?
go to weusecoins (dot) com to find out

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Good Job Andrew!! hope to see you play at the final show!!!
Awesome job Grayson Rogers Band!!! So proud of all of you!!!

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