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Working advantage bbb Videos

(4) DCP: Acceptance! Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique for Spring Advantage 2015

I have been accepted for Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique for Spring Advantage 2015! I can not wait to begin the Disney College Program!!! obviously cause i ...

User Comments

Hello!! I am interested in doing the DCP for the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique as well for the Spring of 2017 after I graduate cosmetology school! Just wondering what time of the year did you apply for it and how do you like it? :-)
Ahhh, thank you so much for your help and thank you so much! :-)
+Caitlin Avila Thanks for watching Caitlin! I applied in August, was accepted in October, and was in WDW from Jan to August! The boutique is sooo magically and such a wonderful place to be! I realize even more so, not that I am gone, just how lucky i was to get this role! Good luck to you in the future!!!
Can you please please pleeeeeeeeease do a Q&A video about CP and the BBB
+LittleMissShante Im editing that video, but it should be back up soon! thanks for watching!!!! :)
+Once Upon A Keim that link leads to a private video!
Thank you!
+n ana Of course! This video has alot of BBB info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kji0cizG424 Feel free to ask any questions you have! thanks for watching!
When Carry on My wayward son come on i started dancing
+Once Upon A Keim I am way too big of a supernatural fan
haha, got to represent that supernatural looove! thanks for watching!
How long did you have to wait until you heard back? my phone interview is tomorrow! eeeee. congrats, btw, today is your date! 
Thanks so much! I had my interview yesterday and it went great. Can't wait! 
Thank you! So far, so good! It took 2 months for me to hear back. There were a few girls that found out a few weeks before me and a couple after me. So I would say the average was about 6 weeks. Good luck to you!!
Did you have previous experience in hair and make up? BBB is my top role and I had my PI yesterday. I don't have any formal training in hair and make up, like at a salon, but I have done it for theatre and dance shows throughout the years.
That is basically true for me as well! I have nothing formal, but helped with the make-up for a few of the different musicals I was in over the years! Good luck!!
Was it hard to get accepted? What kind of questions do they ask you?
Getting accepted all depends on you and what you have to offer to the program! Just be confident and let them know how passionate you are about getting a certain role. For BBB I was just asked about any experience I had with children as well as any makeup & hair experience I had
I'll be a Fairy Godmother in Training for the spring program! I'll see you there!
Yay fellow FGIT! I can't wait!

BBB Squat Day C5/W1 - Benefit Of Working Out At Home

Boss Man Apparel Store - //goo.gl/jZe3Qq Dan & Leanne Vlog Channel - //goo.gl/Ndexfx Boss Man Apparel Facebook Page - //goo.gl/nekBc ...

User Comments

Leanne we want to see squat.. Leanne we want to see squat
Haha so do I
Hell ya FUCKIN LOVE working out at home man!! I dont have a pup to come lick me after a killer set but at least i can yack right there on the spot if i feel the need to ... Nice work man keep pushing it hard!
Nooooooooo no dogs for me lol theyre nice but they cant take care of themselves im just lazy i suppose haha
Haha Ralph get a dog man defo becomes your best friend
Awesome job atg... you have the best spotter in the world so cute how he makes you happy I can do sit ups around my puppys they attack me with love lol
Haha best spotters in my opinion Yaz
Cant wait to meet you dog!
+DanielJon AWESOME!!!! im ready
I'm calling you in the next few days stay tuned bro
Hey DJ, I like the fact you are so constructive, growing fruits and vegetables. That is so positive and productive, good on you. Quick question, now that you are working out at home, how is your calf training coming along? Do you do lunges at home? Thanks.
Good question man going to answer this ASAP
Home gym is looking good man 
Thanks man appreciate it
Haha lol to the dog mate! Get the same thing from our little ones. Quite strange when i'm benching dying under the bar and i start getting licked on my legs hahaha
Lol it's like there saying come on dad you got this
:) dude u gotta watch that butt wink ,its pushing ur spine forwards :( ur doing a banana motion on your lowerback..
I think I did better in my next squat video let me know though when you see it should be up in couple days or so
Us brits are not used to working out in the heat lol
Indeed we are not

BBB segment: BBB offers help to prevent you%

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