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Buffalo bills goal line club Videos

Steve "Stevie" Johnson interview - How to overcome adversity

//bit.ly/MSeiKe Steve "Stevie" Johnson is the starting wide receiver for the Buffalo Bills. He was drafted by the Bills in the seventh round of the 2008 NFL Draft ...

Redskins at Chicago Breakfast Club

Sean Taylor FEDEX FIELD LIVE TRIBUTE Redskins vs Bills

This was the live video I took from my seat on the club level during the tribute to Sean Taylor. We have all watched the tribute but its different feeling the energy of ...

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Dee and Mike's Summer Anime Line-Up 2014 First Impressions

Me and Michael decide to take a look at the PV's of the Summer line-up and make funny commentary over it. We were looking to take a serious approach of it but ...

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There really is a level beyond rocking one's socks off...
BowsThank you, thank you. I'll be here for...no idea, a while I guess.

Steel TV Special: Rusty's Rascals Kids Club Party: Steel Rookie Dance off & Games @ Enchanted Castle

The Chicago Steel welcome Rusty's Rascals to the Kids Club Party at Enchanted Castle. Watch as your favorite Steel Rookies Chris Nell, Thomas Ebbing, Chris ...

Inline Hockey with Wild Panthers Hockey Club

Wild Panthers Inline Hockey Club-Jakarta-Indonesia Rink : VIDI ARENA, Hanggar Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan. CP : 0818822448 - Seta 081808183197 - Erik.

Bill Cosby Accused of Rape by Many Women

Bill Cosby has been accused of rape by many women //www.mediaite.com/tv/da-who-didnt-charge-cosby-with-rape-in-2005-stands-by-decision/ ...

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Well, unless 1 of them has a piece of underwear with his dna on it, he's innocent. Unless 1 of them filed a police report & there was no investigation because the district sttorney thought there wasn't enough evidence, (just like with sandusky's case), he's innocent. Unless he or a member of his family had been rejected by a light-skinned woman; or he had a poor rel'p with his mother, who happened to be light-skinned, or he never knew his father, no chance he cdve committed those crimes. Finally, unless his accusers have a track record of deception/manipulation; &/or are intent on seeing justice be done rather than cash settlement, he's innocent...
*unless his accusers have NO track record of deception/manipulation..."
To all the people quick to dismiss these as "just allegations", I think you're willfully blind to a few important facts. "Just allegations" is plausible when there's one or two accusers, but there are a shitton of them. Many are financially secure, well-known people who are not doing it for any discernible monetary gain. Yes, false rape accusations happen, and highly publicized ones are motivated by a desire to make money off a rich and famous person. But no one else has been gone after to this extent. I think at a certain point we can drop the presumption of innocence, which is really only necessary for courts. Cosby can't be legally punished without being found guilty in a court of law, but there has to be a point at which we stop being willfully overcredulous. How many of you honestly think Michael Jackson never did anything untoward to children?
Some are even in their 70's. Never really known of a high profile case of an elderly women doing something like this for money. I think they are still accusations. But not "just" accusations. This many accusations warrants serious looking in to.
"How many of you honestly think Michael Jackson never did anything untoward to children?" I dont think he didnt do anything of that sort, but i also dont think he did. Theres a difference between believing he didnt do it and not believing he did. But that might also be due to the fact that i dont care about Michael Jackson anyways. Ill say that much though: If it wasnt enough for a court to convict him - which i dont know if he was convicted or not to be honest, again i dont care about Michael Jackson - Its certainly not enough for me either as someone who has way less evidence available, even if i would dig everything up thats out there.
One of them was Janice Dickinson? OMGoodness!
.... as if she has any credibility.  The way she treated her models ..... OMG again.
I love all people of the world but unfortunately i as m hated just because of the color of my skin.I know this is about rape but lets be honest we all have been or been raped in some way shape or form...life is a crime in itself not just for blacks but whites as well but i feel if you've been raped dont wait 100 years later to tell it and treat those that rape the same as those that have raped.
I think the woman full of crap.
Interesting how there was no one to testify against him for the felony charges, yet when it comes to suing for damages suddenly every woman Bill Cosby ever met comes forward to testify. Sure, maybe I'm being insensitive, but if they're sincere and not afraid to testify to that effect then WHY did they not help to put the man in jail? If they went through something as horrible as rape, WHY did it take the incentive of a settlement to come forward to put him to justice? If there were that many accusations from women that could prove they had some sort of interaction with him, he would be in jail right now. If this man is truly a rapist, shame on them for letting him walk free. If he isn't a rapist, then shame on them for letting their greed destroy an honest man's life and reputation, and perhaps even worse, marginalizing all those who have ever truly been raped and trivializing the issue altogether.
+Charles K Then we're very much in agreement. I've had a lot more exposure to these people because I love politics, and I go to university in Canada, they've really been ramping up their efforts in the past few years.As an aside, accusations can technically be considered evidence in the form of testimony of character witnesses, so if each of these women were telling the truth and had something to substantiate their claims (some sort of evidence proving they were in fact together at the time of the incident) they would be able to build up a pretty damning case. 
I feel the worst part is that these people will defend the victims till they die and use all the allegations as evidence. I had a 100+ comment debate with someone over this and it finally came down to me asking if he believed in guilty until proven innocent or the other way around.Spoiler: He couldn't give a full answer because he knew it would be contradictory. I was never into politics, i fucking hate politics and being involved in shit like this... but quite frankly its getting extremely out of hand. If there was a rally for #gamergate  or against these notions of guilty until proven innocent i'd be right along with the crowd in full support. Thats how bad i think this has gotten.
+Charles K You know, even if they just decided to wait so long, I would be disappointed but accepting. But they didn't come forward for them to prosecute him on felony charges, then shortly after they see the light when he's being sued for civil damages. I guess the light is huge cash payouts, and it's a damn shame because either he's a monster who should have been put behind bars for life (and believe me, he would have); or he's just an innocent guy being taken advantage of by a slough of unscrupulous women, and being forced to take the full brunt of society's misplaced frustration.
From what the opposing side said... "the victims that were raped went through serious trauma so they didn't immediately go to the police".They are forming a lynch mob, and every man needs to be extremely careful in what women he talks to and he gets in a relationship with.
I'm somehow reminded of all the child molestation accusations against MJ, all settled out of court and nobody wanted to believe a famous person could be a sexual predator. There may not be sufficient evidence against him, but he sure ain't helping himself by being dodgy. Either 20+ women have been planning this conspiracy for more than 40 years or Bill's in some deep shit. 
+Theo Fenraven Exactly. You don't go paying off your accusers out of court when the accusations are already made public, you fight them in court for everyone to see that you're innocent. It looks like blackmail from their side and hush money from his. More than a couple of them must have consented and are in it for the money. Janice is probably looking for publicity. 
I always felt MJ was a pervert, and I held that notion before he was accused of child molestation. It's still unbelievable to me he is so revered. He was a freaking pedophile! They wouldn't accept that in anyone else, but they do in him? People amaze me. And yeah, I think there's fire here, too.
Bill does have one bright spot, Janice Dickenson is batshit-fuckin-crazy. Just by having her be one of the accusers is enough to make some people think "Lunatic hysteria?"

Madden 15| Madden 15 RR1 Franchise week 1 Bears vs Bills funning wit Forte is my forte

User Comments

Great game/video!! i forgot that the cpu does cheat lol good thing u had ur boy forte he is a problem on that football field!!
Thanx homie yea he is I forgot how awesome and elusive he is thanks for watching homie
Hate the CPU sumtimes as well 
Thanx for watching homie
Hell yea
Great video! I can't wait to see that week 2 game against the 49ers!!
Thanx for watching bro it's all chopped up and ready for commentating tomorrow
You on xbox now bro
I got both bro
You the man big Mike stay cool big Pimp!!!!
Fosho my dude thanx for watching
Beast mode big smoke
+Jarvis Battle thanx for watching homie

Everson Walls: Bill Belichick Is Same Guy From 26 Years Ago

Everson Walls stopped by Radio Row and went one-on-one with NESN.com's Michaela Vernava to talk about the two Sports Illustrated covers he was featured ...
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