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Buffalo bills goodwin Videos

Marquise Goodwin - You're Not Faster Then Me Until You Beat ME

//www.BillsFanaticsBF.com Bills Fanatics Website Marquise Goodwin - You're Not Faster Then Me Until You Beat ME Marquise Goodwin - You're Not Faster ...

User Comments

That hat goes hard
+The New England Deflatriots: Serial Cheaters LOL ur avatar....

Marquise Goodwin - NFL to The Olympic Games | Gillette World Sport

World Sport goes Long jump training with NFL wide receiver and Olympian Marquise Goodwin. Having successfully crossed over from American Football to ...

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+Know More Jackie Legs!!

Buffalo Bills Marquise Goodwin Kick Return Madden 25

Marquise Goodwin's Olympic dream [Sept. 26, 2012]

Longhorn Network profiles Marquise Goodwin and his Olympic dreams and disappointments, and his return to the Texas Football team for the 2012 season.

User Comments

what's the song starting at the 50 second mark?

Marquise Goodwin - 2012 Olympic Long Jump Qualifier

Marquise Goodwin from Rowlett Texas and wide receiver for the University of Texas Longhorns, Long Jump qualifying round. 08/03/2012.

User Comments

Damn is he using sprint spikes? Crazy!
There long jump spikes.... There called Nike Zoom Long Jump 4 Field Spikes.

Marquise Goodwin Long Jump + NFL Compilation

Marquise Goodwin is the insane athlete. He was the 1st in World Junior Championship in 2008, 10th at the Olympics in 2012, took 2nd place at the ...

User Comments

Really cool

Marquise Goodwin Triple Jump 50 Feet 3 in

Regional Track Meet Waco TX 2009 5a Boys Triple Jump 1st place Rowlett HS Marquise Goodwin jumps 50feet 3 in (Video - 300 Frames per second)

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dude u just proved how bad my technque in each event u did..i run a 40 in 4.74my running vertical is 36inches my long jump is about 20ft my triple jump is a mere 39'6 my techqinue is rly bad bro i dont even extend my legs on each phase i just cycle and kip my legs bent till i hit the ground and i jump way too high on my first phase..on my last phase i also lend on heel whichg caused a lot pain and caused me not finish at finals..
not tht im giiving any advice cuz mine is rly bad but you know this guy has bad form because my teammate was last years national triple jump champ and his form is like a pro his best jump was the same as this guy..but the point is this guy is nearly jumping a 27ft long jump while my teammate is jumping a 23ft long jump..imagine if this guy was had as good as a form as my teammate..if you wana look at him search up imani brown
@spraystarch93 so just bc a person doesnt jump further means they cant give advice? then what good is it to have a coach? Dont you think most people jump better then their coaches do? and besides.. anyone who watches REAL triple jump know the form is shit..but then again..that is why he is a long jumper and not a triple jumper.
Checked this guys athletic record for his senior year. 100m - 10.24 aw 200m - 21.24 aw Long - 26' 4.75"w Triple - 50' 5.75"w This guy is FAST!!! I run a 4.98 40m which is little less than a 12.45 100m, long jump 18 feet even, but I triple 44'10". I need this guys speed and power haha.
Often times it's not about jumping better than the athlete, it's about knowing the mechanics of how to jump. I bet you 95% of collegiate coaches cannot out triple jump their own athletes, but I guarantee they have more knowledge about it.
to be able to jump that far with form that sloppy, you know he's going fast as shit. i'm pretty sure he ran like a 10.6 100 or something. he's RB for the longhorns now
this is just amazing this is my first year doing triple jump and my PR is 41.3 feet so maybe in a few years when i get the technique down ill get a 50 foot :D
@asianrapper209 The hop phase is an active jump. You hold the speed left after your hop phase by holding your knee up on your skip phase. Hope that helps.
@thesoftersideofsears He also has the HS NR for long jump and jumps fro the Long Horns... he's at a little less than 27 feet right now, this season.
ive competed against brown. his form is far from perfect. i saw him indoor season nationals 48'10 he is okay man... wellington zaza has better for
if he (goodwin) hadn't jumped that 27 4' at the trials, they might as well have used ashton eaton for the long jump squad. ridiculous athlete.
i don't know about anybody else, but this looks REALLY fake....well here comes a bunch of dislikes and spam for me and rude reply's...
Freaking ridiculous...I know seniors that can't even long jump his last phase...then again they kinda suck aha. Props to this man.
He just won the Long Jump at the USA olympic trials and will represent Texas and the USA in London! Congrats Marquise! Hook'em!
Can anyone recommend an excellent jump coach in the DFW Metroplex, I'm searching now... serious recommendations only please
who are you lone ranger? You seem to know everything just live life to the fullest, and don't take shit so seriously..
Wow on that 3rd step, you can see the energy recoiling back into his back and launching him into the sky :O
He toes down his second phase, look how his heel hits after his toe. He gave up some distance right there.
wow great form. You must have a fast sprint, because you floated a long ways on each jump. Nice man!
I promise you his last phase is longer then my average distance in long jump which is around 20ft
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