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Bonn germany gdp Videos

International Human Dimensions Programme

Modern German army (HD 720p)

"Military of Germany" redirects here. For other uses, see Military of Germany (disambiguation).Federal Defence Forces of Germany Bundeswehr Insignia of the ...

User Comments

the greatest army who can't even fix it's own country's immigration problem. Shame on you merkels and the german cucks.
Greatings from Albania .God bless German Army !!!
Greatest armee in History

German Military

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User Comments

hehe, die landser waren ne beindruckende truppe und hätten damals zivieldienstleistende auch nur angepöbelt. heutzutage sind sie aber froh wenn mal einer sich zu ihnen setzt und den sich die ganzen kriegsgeschichten anhört. und da kommen die zivies ins spiel. ohne die zivies würden all die kernigen, militanten jungs die damals auch zu arrogant gewesen wären solche "frauenarbeit" zu übernehmen heute einsam in ihrer eigenen scheisse verhungern wärend ihr ihr eien auf wehrmacht für pussys macht.
the new German army isn't comparable to the old ones.neither in manpower, nor weapons. plus the german inteligence agency is a joke. also they lack the support of most their politicians and civilians. the training methods the bundeswehr uses and the way germans are raised today produce nothing like the the marines or landsers. the eastern german national peoples army troops at least had some discipline. and btw. i am west german. BIG THX to all the GIjoes who helped to defend us from the Ivans!
@Warpath2198 A lot of countrys have a lot of debts. I just wrote down the numbers to let you see a comparision. The Iraq war was expensive. China is "growing" each year with about ~10-15%. Each year, more and more people buy cars, high tech, maschines. The europeen market and the US market is saturated. Before using words like "lol", which brands you as a kid, you should calm down and write in an objective way. And btw, the debts of the USA are 13.256623 trillians (march 2010), extra for you.
@OnlyLifeMatters Offcourse Germany makes an assload of various components. But still, consider all of the tanks/aircrafts/vessels/helicopters/vehicles in the US military. The vast majority of components must still be made in the US (Im guessing, but Im pretty sure this is true). But when it comes to small arms, weapons of german origin probably counts for a decent percentage. But then again, as you said, other nations contribute here also; Belgium (FN minimi/M249), US (M4/M16), Sweden (AT4)...
@me1004me1004 Haha India.... How can you even mention India in the same sentence as a powerfull country like Germany! India has nothing but buttfuckers and do you know India is so poor and in bad condition its get lots of money from other countries bc you cant even manage ppl education, water etc in many areas. Germany would just rip your hearts out and i would like to see that so really start a war and see how long you last muthafucker! And no im not German but i know the truth RETARD!!
don't hit a women face in a flat show hologram work use voice control as part mind control see burn and see other women face clear and scar fee and see her beat up by a women man ok in England Bristol OK hair stay on her head grow thicker longer all over face clear ok skin neck firm as as from a flat from jane aboot ok crime and to cat dogs ok leave people mind a lone ok as you have celebrity and elite OK in London where she went she get justice her money
@D3LmoneyD3L that is true, but trust me the world fear us! their know what we can do becuz we are loyal! i'm very sure each of us hear the stories about the Iron Cross... We are not the best and biggest Federal Armed Forces in the world but we have the best Technic and even more know how as the rest of the world! If a country is able to buy your war-toys their do i guess that the best proof.. With us on your side u have a bas ass mate :)
@Lintflas no, of course there is no terrorism. religious fanatics who randomly murder thousands of innocent people are no terrorists, they are just defending their homes and their countries - come on ôÔ of course neither the nato nor the soldiers themselves are always doing everything right and there sometimes also may be a critical amound of colleteral damage - but - that is no reason to simply deny terrorism.
@Warpath2198 The USA is hated around to world, so you need this "defense". And by the way: national debt of the USA: 14 trillians USD, Germany: 1,7 trillians €. So who pays who? The Europeen economy directs more and more to Asia. If you read the statistics, you will recognize China will overtake the USA in about 20 years. Europe made its homework then. Germans are always punctual.
@Waldkraiburg2Bavaria Blödsinn. Das ist ja das verrückte. Quasi alle deutschen Waffen sind besser UND billiger als das US Gegenstück. G36 & hk416 billiger als m16/m5. leopard2 billiger als abrams m1a2sep. tiger billiger als apachee. puma billiger als bradley. Klasse 212 A billiger als Virginia-Klasse. pzh2000 billiger als M109A6. dingo2 billiger als humvee......
@Paulitolt LOL That cant possibly be true.... The US army also uses weapons from other nations as well, so with your calculations you reckon that the US only uses about, what 10% of US-made weaponry? I will also pull a number out of my ass, and guess that german made weaponry/equipment in the US army is closer to 7%.
@AdamSavage88 I don´t know all about it and im happy not to have the responsibility to decide about it but you are right. It doesn´t make that much sense to watch the way soldiers kill off eachother in a war but on the other hand.. i would rather take the bullet instead of being burned or lose my legs >.>
in my opinion evry nation today should put their army against terror and not against each other and fuck all the never gonna be used nuke bombs... i dont think that both usa russia or germany ever going to use it and if yes some one should kill the "person" and not country who agreed for it
@Waldkraiburg2Bavaria Ich hab schon über die Exportpreise geredet, die sind billiger. Aber genau aus dem Grund das die Ammis ihre Wirtschaft pushen wollen kaufen sie dem Kram nicht aus Deutschland obwohl es prinzipiell günstiger und besser ist.
самый надёжный автомат - из России , самое лучшее ПРО - из России, самые точные и мощные ракеты- из России . Победители в 1945 - из России )))
@lew7272 no because they arent nazi germany anymore, its not like they are trying to rule the world ...and technically they aren't aloud to have a "military" but they have armed troops i guess you could say...hard to explain
i always choose axis when i play shoting games... and i always win you know why? because i did train a lot, and i know my enemy very well, i know my mission and i know how to attack and where from.... but thats a videogame
@Warpath2198 idiot ! the internet was invented by CERN - the first computer ever made was invented by a german (zuse) why dont YOU use the internet to look up some things .. or just try to read a book - youll be surprised
@oirarnoknutgib this video is on the current german army if you did not notice. and by the way the waffen ss was never an official geman army, it was the military force of the paramilitary nazi foces, the ss.
@hydrostrudel wenn dir arschabwischen und zeug von dementen, sabbernden, alten leuten an den kopf geworfen zu bekommen spaß macht, dann solltest du das ruhig tun und damit dein schönes leben verschwenden :)

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