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Bonn germany google maps Videos

SAND - Germany, Bonn-Beuel, "Copacabeuel"

Sand from Copacabeuel Beach, in 10x, 60x and 200x magnification. Filmed using a Traveler USB microscope. Exact location: ...

April 3 German Google Doodle.Illuminati Freemason symbolism.

An Investigative look into the April 3 2013 European Google doodle of Henry van de Velde's 150th Birthday. Showing the Head wound of the bible. The Rapture.

User Comments

Fascinating Me.i allways gave to everyone .i mean alot just to See someone smile IT lit up my heart.i allways tried to carry a huge load.and The prayer was please god allways give Me a greater undrstanding.well to do that He gave Me trial and error i did Not See zhe Matrix yet fully.then one day i Herd a voice say my son i am well pleased within Me IT was spontaneous then He started revealing my whole walk that He was there The whole time but Set back to See about my faith and if i followed that
Gibby thats awesome for you to say that..i grew up humble.i never got wooped.my dad died when i was nine i was terified.i had no reliable male figure i Set down when i was 10 and prayed and ask god if He would be my father and i was sincere.i didnt understand untill i looked back about 5 yrs ago iam 35. I didnt no The bible but He would allways give Me scriptures in my mind that i never had read for Me to live by in my journey then as i would read i would say wow i allready knew these IT started
Gennesis 667.. Belive Me you are Not alone..i no that this is why IT say 2 is in The field 1 is taken..if The other goes they will have to prove there works.but without those people we wouldent Of been as strong as we are.this is Jesus trying in every direction to connect to people.im told to throw that Little black book away.my car has bb shootings all over IT from neighbors because i will witness in love and one day The people is fine NeXT day After they are with there corupt parents they turn
Hi . That is a parable by Jesus of the 5 wise and the 5 foolish virgins. The parable talks of the Oil for your lamps.The 5 wise had oil to go into the feast of the wedding with Christ. And the 5 foolish did not have oil.The Oil is your faith. The 5 foolish virgins were sent to Buy there oil.They are sent to the great tribulation. These are very intricate Parables with many different theories of what they mean.If you Trust in the LORD alone, you have oil.Ty Teammate. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way
i was once told that one way to understand that passage in scripture is that every person is the wheat and the tare, the wheat is their good works and the tare is their sin. the sin is left behind, the body is left behind, and the soul and good works are claimed for the kingdom of glory. another way is to see this as two in the field referring to cain and abel, where abel is taken but cain remains. he talks to the Lord, but doesn't realize the Lord sees and knows his thoughts. cain is very dumb.
Its obvious who does stuff The devil allways runs and hides.After alot Of things happen IT kills them that there craveing Me to bash AT them curse or something so they can say See thats Not Jesus but instead again i will say Kind words.its like holy water or garlic on vampires its so strange i can allmost See a spirit pertruding out AT The last Levels Of there faces. I read up on IT and its true The jezabel spirit has so much pride IT wants to reveal itself to its atacker.we live in The Matrix..
Thats awesome you say mercy is The works Of faith i allways Talk to everyone that i feel Jesus wants Me to speak to and i allways come in peace and humiliate myself to Show them that i am nothing but i have found what alot thinks god is because Of how Jesus was falsely showed to people throughout life and people get The wrong messages.so i allways ask for guidance and wisdom and stick with love.its awesome to here messages from people that have exact feelings i have.its the true body Of Christ..
The Masau character: Look at Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' primarily for the importance of the character John the Savage. You will see that Huxley has given the clue that the Enlightenment era in Europe, Shakespeare and Elizabethan mores for example, and cultural critique on the continent, are products of the New World. The Jesuit and Counter Reformer Ignatius Loyala saw a strategy to incorporate America as a New Rome, a Reich. the contagion of liberty had been given vector, antithetically.
an interesting thing to look into is comparing the Bronze Sea that Solomon had cast for the Temple to the description given by Ezekiel and his vision of the four animals and the wheels within wheels at the opening of his prophecy, his presentation of credentials as it were; and then contrast these sets of beasts to the ones described in Daniel and again in Revelation (other pseudepigraphy might have similar usages these are the canonical ones). These sets of creatures perhaps exhibit a duality.
They have some trigger event set with the san onofre Power plant area.And the saltonSea area.Something to trigger a Great Earthquake.Then they have trigger dominoes all the way from there to Hoover dam and the Madrid fault line.All corrordinated for when the stone falls.IN jeremiah 50 this Moves the earth creating tidal waves.As In 2 kings elisha sets a trap after Elijah is raptured.Just as he uses the Bears also symbolizing russia.After the rapture this draws everyone out to fight.Ty Teammate.
the fallen angels wont be released from the pit until the 5th Trumpet Rev 9,..either a meteorite or a Nuke,..probably the latter,. read Rev 9 carefully,..they COME DOWN from the SMOKE that RISES,..from the Bottomless Pit!,..you wont SEE the SUN for SMOKE and they'll come,..BUT,..they aint coming as demons,.OHHH HELL NO,.theyr coming with their king,lookin the part and playing the part,false miracles and lying wonders,DONT BE FOOLED,the 1st christ is the FALSE ONE THIS ONE >>/watch?v=PcR85Ojhx6M
I like your rapture story!..every since I got a Word watch the 'bus disasters with children' there have been weird countless ones, today I knew it would be relevant the school bus was headed to Newport Elementary (york, town, port, jersey) near Chicago- 35 kids crashed -1 dead person Revelation 2:13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's Seat* is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days where in Antipas was my faithful martyr..cont
Christ is the mediator between mankind and God, the intercessor. So we have the expression, 'Forgive them Father, they know not what they do.' Christ is petitioner to Heaven and prophet to Earth, it is a sort of dual role. As Christians our role is to be noble, to be wise, to have integrity of character. We might lose all we own but must never allow ourselves to lose our faith. It is the ember of hope that all of humanity needs more than anything else, regardless of cost. Follow the examples.
Pause this video at 4:52 and study the skyscraper in the Google Doodle. Notice how it's orange on top as if it's being heated or something, and the smoke at the bottom. Then open this video of the skyscraper that burned in Chechnya on the same day /watch?v=zpZZslP0KPQ in another window & pause it at 1:42. Click between the two images a few times. I find it interesting that there is a skyscraper in this Google doodle drawing that is so similar to the one that burned in Chechnya on the same day.
Hi spookglee That one I think was not backed up. I will take some time to redo it. I enjoyed the capt Morgan ones. I lived in Panama for 3.5 years and went to alot of the islands when my father was stationed there in the army.I always thought of it as the symbolism of the rapture.My Dad was stationed in korea I was 11 years old with my mom in florida while he was in Korea.He came in the Middle of the night and whisked us all off saying we had to go to panama for 3 and a half years.Ty teammate
The Same that nobody will by or sell without The Mark... So shall thanks goes out to you MARK from alot Of people that through JESUS to you to your friends that alot Of people want by or sell from you MARK that JESUS put a seel on them that they might Not Seen SAME trade a MARK for a Mark.its freewill im glad i didnt never have a rebellious heart.thanks for persevering in your desires for JESUS.IT will be worth IT. every step every nail The blood and journey foundation HOLY IS HE THE LAMB..
well almost all the nuclear power plants in usa sit on the major fault lines so if the incident in southern california cracks off these fault lines and causes massive earth quakes not only will there be massive power failure nation wide but there will be radiation bigtime.if that happens u wont have to worry about nukes falling because all these damaged power plants will be way worse then nukes falling in terms of radiation released.the fact they sit on these fault lines show their intent
Dear Mark and his following :) Today I was made aware of two miracles... my mother has two friends who are very faithful In Christ and our lord God. These two people woke up many years ago to find that they got gold crowns and fillings in their mouths. When this happend many years ago and at different times, both of them were in need of dental work and were not able to purchase it, because they didn't have the money . But God gave them the gold they both needed. :)
I never new my dad. I grew with my Mom gay. Until I was 13, my lil brother was born. Thats when i learned what sin really was. When she told me she was pregnant, i said get an abortion. She didnt. Thank God! When he was born. I reallized my words could have killed him, and because of my pride of being an only child. But when i held him. I repented befofe i new what that meant. of course I sinned on. But kept the commandments that I thought were important to me
i think many of us have wondered about that parable. i certainly have mulled it over a lot. while reading the response by groxt to this Q, i got another possible take on it. ok, 10 virgins..which in my mind would be Godly folks. perhaps the 5 foolish would be those still being Godly under the law. the 5 virgins w/oil would be those filled w/the Spirit, born again. so therein lies the separation. that said, in the trib they have the chance to get their oil.
I Seen The US map that The navy suposedly allready goes by..what IT is.a map that AT The fault lines america has been split up in 3 or 4 sections and also 1 Island in between its logical all coastal cities are gone. This is erelavent but interesting didnt no if any one Else has Seen them u can Google navy maps Of america one even showed Atlantis over AT Florida re riseing like The gods Of renown.do you no anything about these maps MARK..its interesting..
I have watched many many of your videos and I understand. I would not ask you questions if I was not open to the answer! I thought that the elite whom ever they maybe had the chair for Satan. Waiting for the day he is finally thrown from heaven. It was you that taught me that he can still come back and forth where before I thought he was already thrown down. Like Neo was told. Follow the white rabbit. Can you answer what you mean by the bride of Christ?
Some individuals are not confused but have a large ego, the groxt is aligned with what the gospel of Paul preached which is salvation by grace. Jesus Christ already fulfilled the Law when He died on the cross. We cannot improve on what Jesus did. Christians work because we are already saved with the Holy Spirit in us, we keep commandments because we love Jesus/God, we love ourselves and others, we cannot attain salvation by it.
...who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. Revelation 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his Seat, and great authority. Revelation 16:10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the Seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
Hi 2012khaleesi. Those things have been happening alot lately.I am not sure about all of that my friend. The Sinkhole in assumption parish I tracked and showed that it is linked to the madrid fault line and the methane gas deposits. That are all under and around the Gulf area. Assuption parish is right by ascension parish. Both mean to be Raptured into Heaven. Ty Teammate lets keep tracking the evidence.

HUUN HUUR TU VITag google maps


Hallo warga bonn dan sekitarnya! Daripada suntuk di rumah, yuk datang ke BONN GREET & GRILL! *Apa itu BONN GREET & GRILL? BONN GREET & GRILL ...

Prof. Avram Noam Chomsky (Speech starts at 6:10 minutes)

Special Guest: Prof. Avram Noam Chomsky A Roadmap to a Just World - People Reanimating Democracy.

User Comments

The picture box around the moving video is to identify the branding, producer, and supporter of the Noam Chomsky lecture. When getting information it's important to know who's paying for it and saying it and what their agenda is. Also the visual of Noam Chomsky standing on a lecture not moving much more than his lips doesn't do much for the viewer so it might as well be in a small box.
I totally agree with the RBE concept and discovered Fresco before Chomsky but I find them in no way contradictory just extremely different attitudes but RBE and anarcho-syndicalism both desire no restrictions on the human being and trust in the inherent desire to do good if the system allows...but I implore you as a fellow RBE enthusiast don't dismiss Chomsky he is a great man
I imagine not every community on the planet will adopt a RBE no matter how well or sustainable it is. It's just some people are different than others and will arrange their communities accordingly, maybe their way will be just as sustainable or maybe not, but it's up to them.
Well, his views are more or less okay, as far as I am acquainted with them. It is him that I don't like, for his ye olde academic attitude and his rejection of Resource Based Economy idea.
You've never met the man and you don't like him, strange. From listening to Chomsky for years now I doubt he rejects individual communities setting up their own resource based economies.
Just listen to the words !! i think is the most importante on a Chomsky video.. It isnt beyounce to see in HD... ga ga ga... and so on and so on... Have a nice day my friend
What the hell is with the video being framed inside of a frame with the kid holding a box on some kind of construction scaffold with a cityscape in the background? Why?
Haha, it is the logo of the Global Media Forum,which is organized by Deutsche Welle, a branch of german state TV. No idea why they put it around the video.
He goes to the heart of the matters that matter today. Excellent. I wish him many more years among us. I wish the younger generations would listen and act.
Chomsky cites a standard study that shows that the bottom 70 percent have zero input on policy in the US. Anyone know what author/study he's citing?
Thankfully, most Chomsky fans know to focus on the content, rather than minor superficial appearances. Perhaps verbal machine is against progress.
RBE cannot be just a local community of enthusiasts... And I remember some YT vid with mr Chomsky talking bout RBE as some silly utopian idea...
TRUTH needs courage,Not FEAR, this is why USA fuels fear to drive Endless war, endless oil, endless killing = world domination.
That audience was so captivated he had to say thank you twice for them to accept that the speech was over
"I'd like the press to tell the truth about the important things", Noam Chomsky What a wonderful speech!
Yes, this looks very amateurish and frankly it's annoying. What is this, a chomsky speech for ants??
not that I like Chomsky, but it is mos unusual that this video has only 325 views so far...
I think it's showing exploitation of children and the criminal conditions they work under.
if you press the little boxy things on the bottom right it kinda zooms in.
Is there anyone else I should listen to if I like Chomsky?
because the source video was low resolution ?
You mean you don't like Chomskys views.
Free Europe from neo-liberal Germany!
Free the world from neo-liberalism!
Woman's sandal appears at 15:23.
What was with the guy shouting?

"UFO landing" area on Google Mars?

This unusual looking feature was found on Google Mars in one of the NASA image overlays. Some have the dark area looks like a hole in the surface of mars ...

User Comments

Good find!!! Thank you for sharing.
Very nice finding. :)
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