Slayer Altar of Sacrifice / Jesus Saves LA Forum 11/14/2014
The mighty Slayer at the Fabulous Forum in Los Angeles, November 14, 2014. Two classics off of Reign in Blood!
[ Miharu & Yoite ] Throw Our Life Away
SONG: Sooner or Later = ARTIST: Breaking Benjamin = ANIME: Nabari no Ou = PROGRAM: Vegas 7.0 = (D I S C L A I M E R:) The song belongs solely to the ...
ahem... Now about the video. I WUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUVED IT! I
about 5 amv's with sony, and you are by FAR better than me.... *pouts*
COOKIES!! I give you hundreds of cookies! This is wonderfull *__* I like it
also because it didn't spoil episodes 24,25 and 26... I haven't watched
them yet 'cause I got spoiled what happens to Yoite and... I need time to
get over it xD
Yesterday me and my friend went to an anime club, and they were playing
this show, they only showed us episodes 1 & 2 but now I'm hooked watching
this, and I've never even heard of this show before xD i love it! Nice
video :3
@SakuraGekkou13 It does. In fact, in the beginning, all you really think it
is is comedy with ninjas. It gets more serious as it goes, but there are
always moments in which you laugh, even in the most serious instances.
This anime is Nabari no Ou. It's amazing, but it can be sad sometimes...
;A; It's lovely and original and beautiful with fantasically developed
characters, though, especially in the manga. :3
looks like a cool anime thanks RedEyedGirl for answer the question of what
this anime called save me time on looking for it anyways looks like a cool
amine can't wait to watch it
is this another anime that is borderline shouen-ai where you just wanna
scream at the screen and yell"JUST HAVE SEX ALREADY!!!" this happens in a
lot of anime I watch....
Ah! I didn't know that they made anime for this story! I read all manga,
but i didn't check if there is anime facepalm Great job. Music works
perfectly with animation :D
Wow! Really amazing job on this amv ^^! I like how you used effects that
aren't extremely flashy and have a possible chance of taking away from the
video. Great job ^^
@LailaFaila i totally agree with you although i haven't seen this anime
before and by me just watching these scenes i was thinking the same the
about sabasien and ciel
This is SO SAD!! I cried for days when.. You know who died. ;_; HAVE FUN IN
Actually if you read the manga you'd see that Yoite is not male or female.
So yaoi or not, I think it's ok. They are a great pairing either way. LOVE
this anime!!!
I love this anime series but, the manga version is much better. Yoite and
Miharu are my favorite characters from the series. I like Raikou Shimizu
Be proud of you, it made me watch this anime immediately after seeing this
AMV. And i agree Yoite and Miharu are cute together, but Raikou is the best!
@KiwiDynasty they could be a cople but yoite is intersexual so it woulden't
be yaoi :1
osu!French Duel OP - Thunderfire vs. Milady
L'osu! French Duel est un évènement où deux joueurs se confrontent sur un mappool sélectionnés par eux. Bien que l'osu! French Duel est basé sur des ...
Sports predictions 2007 // For those who didn't think that West Virginia had a chance in ...
It was a game to remember, that's for sure. The numeric outcome is what
will stick in my mind. This formula, "by four ways and in two parts," was
used to predict two hurricanes this year, the number 4 storm Dean, and the
number 8 storm Humberto, so to have the winner chalk up 48 points is
amazing. See "about video" to the right. I heard one ESPN commentator call
OU the "red storm." I bet he's eating his words now. The storm came all
right, and it left OU on the dusty trail.
Dumb video...I love the mountaineer's...always have through the good the
bad and the ugly...ya know the pundunt's were wrong...they never say
anything good about our ERR's...Sooners are a good team...But we are
better, so you pundunt's that predicted we would get beat by 3 t/d's...the
joke is on you guy's stick that feather in your white hat...GO
lol, i moved from oklahoma about 4 weeks ago, i rooted for wv cause well i
always have, and after they won all the sonner fan were crying that it was
the ref's flaut they lost, but ou is jsut a dirty team, there were tons of
pents that the ref didn't call, so for the sonner fans... SUCK IT UP, YOU
i don't see why WVU fans should hold a grudge against Oklahoma and their
fans, obviously the staff with the Fiesta bowl know more about college
football than ESPN and most other TV commentators
oklahoma was a talented team but we won because we wanted to show the world
that even though we lost our old coach dosn't mean that we would be out of
the game but OU was a good team