Mexican students, as well as peasant organizations and labor unions, marched in the streets of Mexico City to commemorate the 46th anniversary of the 1968 ...
Tlatelolco, Verano del 68 'Tlatelolco, Summer of 68' (2012) - Official Trailer
Albuquerque Latino Film Festival ¡Cine Magnífico! presents: Mexico City, 1968: As Mexico prepares to host the Olympics, students take to the streets to protest ...
Will this film ever be released on DVD? I saw it at the Hola Mexico film
festival in Los Angeles earlier this year.
Mexico Marks Anniversary of 1968 Student Massacre
Today marks the 47th anniversary of the massacre of the 1968 Mexican student movement at the Tlatelolco housing project in Mexico City. Tens of thousands ...
The government barricade Mexico City's downtown
Today marks another year of the slaughter of Tlatelolco which occurred on October 2, 1968 In the afternoon a march is expected, so the city government siege ...
demaiados muertos y miles de desaparecidos madres que nunca sabran donde
quedo el cuerpo de sus hijos y aun lo debatimos por que queremos la verdad,
busquemos sanar esas heridas y para ello solo con la erdad se lograra
Masacre estudiantil en la unidad Nonoalco,Tlatelolco 2 de Octubre de 1968-Toda una movilización del ejercito contra estudiantes que lo único que pedían era ...