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How to view qt files Videos

QT C++ GUI Tutorial 24- How to use QFileDialog

How to use QDir and QFileDialog in Qt can the Open File dialog be used to select a Folder c++ - In the Qt how to open QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames Qt ...

User Comments

moc_mainwindow.obj:-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: void __thiscall MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked(void)" (?on_pushButton_clicked@MainWindow@@AAEXXZ) referenced in function "private: static void __cdecl MainWindow::qt_static_metacall(class QObject *,enum QMetaObject::Call,int,void * *)" (?qt_static_metacall@MainWindow@@CAXPAVQObject@@W4Call@QMetaObject@@HPAPAX@Z)
tiny file dialogs on sourceforge is a single C C++ cross-platform file offering many native dialogs. it has no init and no main loop.
even though I started learning python your videos are very helpful for me. Just want to say thank you.
Thanks man it works like a charm when using QObject::connect
Many thanks , very clear

C++ Qt 12 - QFile

How to work with the QT QFile class to write and read files.

User Comments

what does the qDebug function do?? is it the same as cout in c++??
+Chen Guang so its the same as cout << ....cause he didnt even explain many keywords that he wrote
+619FanHarut Put the string into the buffer of a QFile instance.
Then what is out << that he did in this video?
+619FanHarut Yes it's the same
Could not open file ? why? I set the path of file in D:\test.txt But I cant open the file. My function is: void Write(QString pathFilesName) { QFile files(pathFilesName); if(!files.open(QFile::WriteOnly|QFile::Text)) { qDebug()
+Thong nguyen viet I suppose, it's because of backslash in the path. Use forward slash instead.

save and read file in qt

subscribe my channel and sharing my video for everyone I'm LVT electronics.

C++ Qt 13 - Resource Files

How to create and read from QT resource files that are compiled in your application.

User Comments

For some reason I can't add the prefixes the way Brian did. The fields are greyed out. If you have a similar problem, in the project explorer, under resources, you can right click on the .qrc file and select Add Prefix. there you can enter the prefix name. Then in the project explorer the prefix will be added under the .qrc file. Right click on the prefix, and you can add a file. Bizarre, but it works. My problems might be due to my using Windows 10 - QT5.4 (QT creator 3.3.0) doesn't seem quite Windows 10 ready yet.
I watched this and tried to use QIcon where file comes from the project resource file. First it didn't work but I solved it by first copying my icon files manually inside the project folder and then add them using the "Add exisiting files". You used existing project files in the example. Your example could have been better by using files that were first somewhere else in your filesystem. Still thumbs up! Thanks.
Hi Brian, I am using Qt version 5.0.1 and I am not able to read the file. I get the debug error message of "Cannot open file for reading". I am doing the exact same thing as in video. It happened with me in the past as well. There is some problem for me with resource files. Any idea how I can fix it? Thanks!
Extremely useful tutorial. I have been using resource files in my projects to store images and some other types of files. The problem I'm having is playing a sound file that is inside a resource file. Does anyone know how I can do this?
@ Chetan ..........Just change the name of the resource from Myfile......because in the previous tutorial you may have saved the txt file from the same name..........that is why just change the name and it will work.
Handy thing I just found, in the resources.qrc file if you right click on a file it has the option to "Copy Resource Path to Clipboard" so you can then paste the address into your code without having to retype it all.
Really like this kind of video. Very quick efficient and informative. Don't waste time to explain something very basic and treat us like knownnothing. 
You need to add RESOURCES += YourFile.qrc to the .pro file and run qmake after this. Then try building the project. That solved my problem.
Add "INCLUDEPATH += ." to pro file and rebuild the project solves the "Could not reading" problem
Wow. That's actually much more simple when you explain so fine.
great ! I can´t wait to see how you put Images in and use them.
What kind of softwares a person can develop in Qt besides Gui.
Nice! In java I was saving highscores in a txt files :p
Great tutorials. Well done and thank you!!
congratulations for the work
You could develop a game.
I love your videos. 
China coder mark
good work
lol XD

Python GUI Development with Qt - Resource File - Video 15

For more information and code download please visit //py.bo.vc Video 15 - In order to use icons or any other images in your application, you must define a ...

User Comments

Hello Bo, I cant find the file 'pyside-1.1.2.win32-py2.7-win32.egg' in my site-packages library. I am using python 2.7.9 and PySide. Please any advice?
+edijemeni I could not find it either this is the path I used and it seemed to work C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PySide
Yes it is 32bit Bo. I am also using the latest version of PySide.
+edijemeni Hello, is the Python version you are using also 32bit?
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