Did security allow people to video? I read on the Schott site that no audio
or video would be allowed. I'm going next Friday night and am hoping to get
some video for my sister as she won't be able to go. Thanks.
+Michael Hubbard You can use your phone for pics or video. You are not supposed to be able to use an actual camera; that being said, I did see a couple people using them. As long as they are small and do not have a detachable lens. Keep in mind you might be asked to put the camera away.
+Michael Hubbard I work at the Schott and it does depend on the band. They tell us what is allowed and we go with it. As long as it's your phone and not a camera it is allowed.
+Michael Hubbard I think it depends on the performer and Garth doesn't care. he was taking people's phones and taking selfies with them! I assume as long as the entire performance isn't recorded and disseminated, but we'll see if this recording stays up! It was the best concert I've ever seen!
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NEW Controversial Photo Of UFO Mothership In Storm Over Canada! 8/11/2015
SOURCE: //www.ufocasebook.com/2015/osnaburgh-ontario-canada-ufo-photo.html Secureteam10 is your source for the best in new UFO sighting videos, ...
...Aside from reflections "lamp shade" or "cell phone" might actually not
be a reflection if you think about it. Lamps wires are not on the bottom of
a lamp, they are on the top part of the lamp shade. So why would this
picture have cross bars of some sort at the bottom? I dunno, just an
Yes you can get lamp shades that hang from the ceiling...but there are no cross bars usually on the bottom/ underside of them, as it would cast unwanted shadows unless it was an enclosed shade which this could be lol Who knows :)
+Chey B You can get lamps that hand from the ceiling, one that could easily look like UFOs too. For example: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=circle+ceiling+lamp&safe=active&espv=2&biw=1440&bih=815&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjr7Lngj4nMAhUB6xoKHeM-A6kQ_AUIBigB#safe=active&tbm=isch&q=round+ceiling+lamp&imgrc=fbCvHChrovJZNM%3A
+Grant Baldwin Click here for the mother ship. https://www.google.com/search?q=lamp+with+deer+on+the+side&espv=2&biw=1664&bih=879&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CBwQsARqFQoTCOX4reXhg8kCFYIUPgodyecNjw#imgrc=7nGOMo0CJ2XLJM%3A
Ok Secureteam, I am wondering what you all make of the
rectangularlight/reflection is just to the right of the center line down
near the bottom of the frame? It appears to start just at or above the
water line. Kind of looks like a reflection to me, idk. Curious what you