This is not real. Even if you block the outlet valve, the water will still
flow upwards because of the pressure from the inlet pipe. You need a real
no-pressure water flow to prove that your pump works. In general these
pumps are good but it's hard to make them so that they do not break from
the pressure.
Doesn't matter how high you have the water pipe raised, if you have the
same amount of pipe coming down, it creates a vacuum that pulls water down
with it. If you want to show how high it can pump, you need to have it come
out the top instead of another pipe coming back down...
The actual height the water is being lifted isn't all the way to the top of
that hose but only as high as from the pump to to opened end of the hose.
Nice try though, trying to suggest it's higher than it really is.
Pompa Hidrolik Ram (Hydraulic Ram Pump) atau Pompa Hidram, dibuat dari paralon dan tabung udara dari botol plastik. Menggunakan klep tabo atau klep ...