CDC Director, Dr. Tom Frieden, talks about how Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) associates work on the frontlines of public health, protecting people ...
I am intrigued about this opportunity and I hope that I am selected to
participate in PHAP for the 2015 cohort.
Former CDC epidemiologist Dr. Joel Selanikio talks about Ebola crisis
Nations beyond West Africa are strengthening their response to the Ebola epidemic. The U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, arrived in West Africa, ...
The Rise of NCDs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Thomas R. Frieden, director of U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, ...
The US electorate will always vote in whichever politican will give them
more free stuff, particularly when you are promising treatment for the
obese who have inflicted disease on themselves Rather than communicate that
over 65% of medical cost in the US are from self-inflicted disease as a
result of poor health, US politicians try to tearjerk you for your poor
obese grandma and implement more policies which directly encourage obesity
and incentivize the cure of obesity with zero reward for prev
While I can see that Mr Frieden's motives for government expansion are
quite honest and good, I have to say that thinking the government can be
helpful in implementing this kind of policy is totally fantastical and
ignores history. When the gov't begins a small role in health, it quickly
expands out of control and turns in to the unfunded horrendous kind of
treatment available in the US. They encourage bad health by incentivizing
cure and not prevention and they defer the costs to future gens.
It's really disingenuous to pretend that nobody knows where to start for
the obesity epidemic in the US. Choosing to ignore all non-statist
solutions does not invalidate them. If you subsidize obesity and promise
people treatment for this massive burden of self-inflicted disease, you are
encouraging that behaviour and denial won't change reality. If you tell all
Americans they cannot be denied for pre-existing conditions, they will eat
themselves into DiabetesII then sign up. INCENTIVIZATION
Congressman Harris Confronts CDC Director Over Misleading White House Sequester Claims
During a hearing, Congressman Andy Harris, M.D., confronted Dr. Tom Frieden, Director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about misleading statements ...
"Reality is that sequestration was initially a proposal from the White
House during the debt ceiling debate and was enacted in the Budget Control
Act of 2011 on August 2, 2011 and signed into law by President Obama on
August 3, 2011. The architects of sequestration are President Obama, Jack
Lew and Rob Nabors. A meeting was held with Senator Majority Leader Harry
Reid and his chief of staff, David Krone. They presented and sold the
sequestration plan to Harry Reid." Google it & find the truth!
Really? Dr. Frieden doesn't have a general idea if Obama's budget cut the
funds by APPROXIMATELY twice as much as the sequester? He doesn't deserve
that job, and you can't defend someone who is unaware of the important
decisions of his own job. You say Harris brought it up in a "scornful
manner", but he is being direct, a necessity in washington. However, in
your "beloved" Frieden's letter, he holds Republicans responsible for the
sequester (Obama's idea), which is more "scornful" in my book.
So if a single person says he liked an overwhelming majority of the deal
that Obama proposed, some how that's his entire parties fault now? I
actually like the sequester, because without it, no party has enough balls
to actually do any sort of spending control. It doesn't go far enough but
it's a start, a small start. Now Obama is trying to wreck havoc to make it
look like these are serious cuts by making the cuts in the most hurtful of
places since he has that power. Congress doesn't.
Devastatingly logical questioning by Harris, my how this crock of BS of an
administration relies on folks not thinking logically. I take a certain
pleasure in knowing that those who voted for this President to continue his
deceit can look at their pay checks, state of the nation, the world,
Benghazi, the Sequester, Fast and Furious, the list is long!!!, And give
themselves a Crappy Splattery Pat on the Back!!! Yeah Way to Go!!!! Fools
willing to be misled and poorly led!!!!
i think you missed my point. Obama's goons scream "WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF
THE CHILDRENS". My reply is, "I can vaccinate the kids and protect them
with a naval task force AT THE SAME TIME if you stopped filling the
cruisers and destroyers with Johnny Walker Black or
whatever.""But..but...what about Mother Earth?" That's when i toss a stack
of "hide the decline" e-mails at them and say, "Here, burn this in the USS
Cole's boilers. Get lost and have a nice day!"
People should know better the most important thing in America is making the
president look good , nothing else matters. If we have to slash and burn
half the population so be it, as long as the current president looks great
while the country burns. As a disclaimer I am not an American, I think all
political parties are corrupt at this point. I speak for what I see and
think I have no political bias from what I base my opinions on, Only facts.
(not enough space) The Obama administration has proved they are willing to
make life more difficult for the average American citizen by making the
sequester look and feel worse than it actually is, just so they look like
they were right and their political opponents were wrong. is that really
the type of person you want leading your country? The sort of leader that
would throw you all off the boat to keep himself afloat.
Andy Harris is not only an embarrassment to the Anesthesia profession but
an embarrassment to the State of MD. He has a consistent desire to ruin
this country for purely partisan politics. I am very happy that he no
longer represents me in Congress. Thank you to the MD legislature for
redrawing the congressional districts in MD. The 1st District in MD will be
a much better place when he is gone.
if anything you said had anything to do with what is being addressed in
this video, I would like to hear you explain it. KOCH BROTHERs????? Not
even a pimple on the behind of George Soros and Bloomberg Billion Dollar
Cabal - If anyone is interested in the facts take a look at how the left
funds it causes through scum like Soros
I like how you ONLY post the clips you KNOW will be popular, and AVOID the
majority of what you actually say on the floor or during committee. You
have mastered politics, haven't you? I hope the truth about your stupidity
comes out to these blind followers. You've said some seriously stupid shit
while a Congressman.
THIS is what I want and EXPECT of my elected representatives! THIS is why I
work hard to get good people elected! THIS is why I believe all may not yet
be lost in this country! THIS is why I cannot categorically condemn ALL
members of Congress as part of the problem! ANDY- MORE, MORE, MORE!!!!!!!
Very nice, Congressman Harris. So Obama gives 250 million to Egypt but
forsakes vaccinations for children of the U.S.? And all just to have his
revenge against Republicans. Hey Obama, you're a reprobate. Impeach this
cruel man that we unfortunately have as a President. Do it for the children.
Dr. Tom Frieden, M.D. Malpractice Defendant? Medical Disaster? If
President Obama really cares about the children, he should stop making the
Navy buy $26/gal soy diesel for their ships, buy the $3.50/gal oil based
diesel from the freaking RaceTrac, and buy some vaccine with the
The problem with the sequester is that it is not a true cut in spending. It
is merely a cut in this year's proposed budget. (Which is still more than
last year.) Under the sequester, spending is still at 3.1 trillion dollars
this year, versus the 3.01 trillion the government spent last year.
Dr. Gil Mobley joined McIntyre In The Morning to explain why he showed up at the Atlanta airport in a Hazmat suit with "THE CDC IS LYING" written on it.
WTF!!! We KNEW THAT THE CDC lied to abc's alex stone from the first report
and has BS'd everybody regarding Jets, trains Ambulances &Hospitals. Did
you see the movie "OUTBREAK" OR CONTAGION?