Deer Hunting: Doe with a slug gun Deer Hunting: Doe with a slug gun Deer Hunting: Doe with a slug gun - YouTube Meat Hunter: Whitetail Deer vs 12 Gauge ...
English/Nat Lawmakers in the U.S. Congress are set today to strip away the maximum speed limit for national highways. Some in Congress say the speed limit ...
Surfin' USA - Sebastian Arcelus [Good Vibrations, OBC 2005]
Good Vibrations is a Broadway jukebox musical featuring the music of Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys. It opened February 2, 2005, at the Eugene O'Neill ...
Keine Macht dem Alkohol: Die Prohibition in den USA lebt
Alkohol? Nein, danke! In hunderten Ortschaften und Gemeinden in den USA ist die Prohibition noch längst nicht abgeschafft. Genau 80 Jahre nachdem der ...
Es gibt auch Gemeinden und Städte in Amerika, wo das Tanzen oder das
öffentliche Küssen verboten sind. Manche Orte sind nunmal ewiggestrig.
Jersey cattle - Video Learning -
"Jersey cattle" are a small breed of dairy cattle. Originally bred in the Channel Island of Jersey, the breed is popular for the high butterfat content of its milk and ...
Tomahawk Lake Water Park Injury Lawsuit New Jersey Attorney (866) 629-9056 NJ
Tomahawk Lake Water Park Injury Lawsuit New Jersey Attorney (866) 629-9056 NJ Call us toll free: (866) 629-9056 Hello, I'm attorney Steven Greenstein.
What is Agenda 21?
Agenda 21 is a product of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, and it is the means by which Americans may soon be saddled with lower living standards. Agenda 21 is ...
agenda 21 is the NWO, which will bring the Antichrist, which they will make
everyone worship him, they don't care if you don't believe in God or not,
if you don't worship they will kill you or put u in Jail. But I'm here to
tell you there is a GOD and all this been prophesied in the Bible, And the
only way to the trust is to read and grown, because the. Lord (Jesus) is
returning but we have to go though somethings first , stay strong, Stay
sober pray for your brothers and sisters
20% of people are antisocial. 3% are crazy and dangerous. They believe
everyone is trying to harm/kill them, so they must kill you before you kill
them, they must steal your money before you steal theirs, and so on. Who do
you ignore? Who do you support? L. Ron Hubbard discovered 12 signs of
psychopaths/suppressive people. Google"hubbard, antisocial, 12" for
details. 17% cause trouble because they are easily influenced by evil
people. American president Richard Nixon had all 12 signs of a
psychopath/suppressive person.
+zackroe1 Also, If L. Ron Hubbard is a quack/ con artist/ just a science fiction writer, etc., why would the C.I.A. try to hire him to work with them about 60 years ago? Why did the Russian government also try to hire him about 70 years ago? And why, when he refused to work for the Americans and the Russians, did both governments turn on him and attack him, simply for saying, "No. Thank you!" ? You don't have to take my word for it.
+zackroe1 Some people would love for you to believe that Scientology is bullshit. Scientology is something you USE and it helps people all over the world. Do a little research and please think for yourself.
Scientology has helped many people all over the world. A few evil people/psychopaths would love for you to believe that Scientology is bullshit. Please look into Hubbard's research, experiments, and discoveries for yourself.
And yet fuchachima goes on polluting the ocean. Spare me with the foot
print I leave!! How about taking care of these big companies and how they
destroying the world... Right now we have oil washing up on the beautiful
beaches of California.... Quit trying to control me!!
What Americans need to understand is that they cannot exist without the
world. The world would go on existing if America sank into the ocean. What
I want to say to America is Go Frack Yourself but you already have.
+Robert Hudson The world would go on existing if any one country sank into the ocean. The U.S. is the worlds largest oil producer, we grow more food then we consume, and we have one of the largest economies per capita on earth.
Where was the part about people being killed! All I heard was about getting
away from fossil fuels and going with green energy, which is wrong why?
Seems like a good thing to me. I don't have oil stocks screw big oil green
energy is the future!!!!!
It is their plans which almost all has been been fulfilled to date.....they do need their crisis to complete it.
Become an Athlete and Sports Competitor
Athletes and sports competitors compete in organized, officiated sports events to entertain spectators. When playing a game, athletes are required to understand ...