Indian Healthcare: A Native Perspective - Coming 2010
Documenting the history of the Indian healthcare system in American and the state of care today. For more information or pre orders:
Indigenous Peoples of what is called "United States of America" need to
rise up and go to the UN and have "US Government" brought up on charges for
cultural genocide, mass murderers,imprisonment,and systematically
destroying the People/Human Beings of what they call "North America". Take
back what is ours,put them on reservations,send them in boarding schools
and assimilate them to our ways,laugh at them,then ultimately load them up
on boats and send them back to where their ancestors came from!
OMG!!! Thank you so much for putting this on youtube! This video is what
has inspired me for the creation of my persuasive essay writing
assignment's topic! I love how this video is filled with so much helpful
information and support claims. You have have no idea how truely thankful I
am from the bottom of my heart for this video. My introduction is already
massive and needs desparately to be cut short, but who cares, I'll fix it
later lol!
The difference is that the IHS is a treaty obligation that the USA barely
funds because they want to force assimilation or let us die. The Obama-care
act seeks to control all the greedy insurance companies, doctors and
hospitals who got into the business for money and not helping humanity. The
idea is that once everyone cooperates and white people's lives are at
stake....then government health care will run better and be cheaper.
But that wont happen because there are too many wealthy people who don't
want everyone to be healthy and will never cooperate. They believe its the
natural order to have a hierarchical class system of rich , middle class
and the poor. So much so that they would rather have winners and losers,
have and have nots, the living and the dead. Talk about social darwinism.
I have said it before, but I will say it again. Native peoples of the North
American continent were killed and their culture destroyed for one reason.
They had the ability to communicate with their dead ancestors, and the dad
guys feared that, so the bad guys destroyed their culture. The good news is
that some are remerging.
All America will know what it is like to live on a reservation and have
useless forced health care under the current administration. The last line
of this video tells it all
Native American Indian Healthcare Health Care Lakota Sioux Pine Ridge Cherokee President Obama
Rich-Heape Films, Inc. proudly announces their latest documentary, "Don't Get Sick After June: American Indian Healthcare". On camera presentation by Peter ...
Brunea Chris T Atty // lawyers buffalo ...
CHANNELS (2011 Edition) - Screening/Q&A With Squeaky Wheel (2011-12-11): Part 1
Slow Roll Buffalo - St. Patrick's Day Parade 2016
Chelsea Morales Interview on Healthcare and Fort Belknap
Hunting the Rez Films / Ft Belknap Buffalo Hunt "video trailer" part 1.wmv
This is a trailer clip of a buffalo hunt on the Ft Belknap Indian Reservation in north central Montana. In the freezing cold, these tribal hunters follow the foot steps ...