Taken yesterday. I apologize that I had to film behind the fence for this. I actually saw this train off I-70 when driving to Massachusetts Avenue, but he was going ...
Indianapolis WTTV Channel 4 kid's show personality Cowboy Bob is interviewed at his Southern Indiana home by Al Hunter for the Eastside Voice newspaper.
Ask "Bob" if he remembers the old "Mt Pleasant Standard/Amoco"....I can
tell you about Sunday afternoons as he returned from day's of wind-surfing
at Lake Monroe/Bloomington. Maybe I shouldn't...? It might not be "anything
nice to say"....LOL
I was a 70's watcher, and later knew Mr Glaze...He was a good guy in all!!
They recently (in the last month) tore down the old WTHR Bluff Rd Studio
Building...just a concrete slab now. Sad...
I can still remember the day in the very early 1970's that he read a letter
from me, written by my mom of course, on tv. My mother just had to tell him
I didn't like to take a nap so Cowboy Bob made a point of telling me to be
sure to listen to my mom and take my nap.
Happy to announce that Cowboy Bob will be at Kokomo Toys & Collectibles on
April 4, 2014 during First Friday Kokomo from 6PM until 9PM. Please, help
spread the word and come out and meet him.
Might have been an interesting interview, Cowboy bob seems likable.
However, why the camera decided it was best to film this from the closet in
the next room is beyond me.
@DarthAcroyear Although my name isn't Johnny, the year would have been
about 1971 or so. I can't believe he remembers that! Sorry I ruined nap
time for the rest of you.