Not really. At least in our case we isolate the issue and mitigate the
attack. If individuals do have any issues we work to resolve them
Det är en grupp på 5 pers på mitt ofentliga Skype acc. En av dom heter
anonymous och ringer mig hela tiden och spelar upp en inspelad röst, man
hör klicket på hans mus. Som säger we are hacker do what we say or be
hacked. Alla andra spammar we are anonymous hackers and we are Here to hela
him.dom säger att dom kan ddosa och sånt. Dock så vet jag att dom försöker
skrämma folk att lyda dom. Jag tänker blocka dom när jag har fixat en sak.
I just say Noobs.
Beer Friday: What is a DDOS attack (extended version) |
CTV National News - Dec08/10 - WikiLeaks MC/Visa Attacks
Robert Fife's report on the DDoS attacks that took down financial institutions, including MasterCard that had earlier suspended service to the WikiLeaks web site.
Attorney Stanley Cohen talks over the "PayPal 14" case
A clip from WE ARE LEGION: The Story of the Hacktivists. The "Paypal 14" are back in court. They are accused of participating in DDoS attacks on Paypal when ...