J.S. Bruno Groening helps ... Inspirational / Spiritual / Piano and Orchestra Music
Bruno Groening - an extraordinary person In 1949 the name Bruno Groening became a household word in Germany overnight. Reports about him appeared in ...
When I watched the movie about Bruno Groening, even though I was so
exhausted by overwork and fell asleep during it over and over, I was CURED
of hemorrhoids which I had when I went into the movie and did NOT have
after the movie! And this is just one example that there is free healing to
be had through this servant of God and people. Some people are even healed
when they hear the music or see his photo. If you can, find a group and go
to the Introduction and learn the healing meditation which you'll be able
to do anywhere.
Excelente video, donde se da a conocer la vida de nuestro amigo Bruno, tuve
la suerte de conocer sus maravillas que realizó y realmente fue grande curó
a tanta gente y ayudó a los más necesitados.Realmente enseñaste a vivir en
armonía y eso es maravilloso.Gracias por ayudar a tanta gente.Agradesco a
Scheshonoie y al circulo de amigos de Bruno que me permitió conocer a mi
amigo Bruno.
divan je bruno . divan kao i braco.... ljubav i priroda . priroda je ljubav
... ljubav je uzvisenje,,,, stanje duha i emocija na najsuptilnijoj razini
kada je sve moguce... volim vas ... jer nas učite tome... snješka
Hair Loss treatment for Men & Women - Hair Loss Home Remedies - Ayurvedic Natural Home Remedies
When we talk about hair fall, men are worst affected by it .Thinning and loss of hair has a very intimidating effect as it affects the persons overall appearance.