Wellesley President H. Kim Bottomly on Women Leaders
Women's Leadership Potential Wellesley College President H. Kim Bottomly talks about the importance of women's leadership as an element of a Wellesley ...
Nora Ephron at Wellesley College 1996
Wellesley College 1996 Commencement Speaker, the late Nora Ephron, spoke at one of the rainiest commencements ever, a deluge that set in motion the Big ...
Boston Marathon 2014 - runner's POV from start to finish
118th Boston Marathon from the runner's perspective. Start in wave 1 corral 9, arrival ~3.30hrs. I am sepaking my native Polish, but nothing really important to ...
Great Video! I just captured aerial footage over downtown Hopkinton, MA and
with all the snow it is hard to believe the Boston Marathon will start in
less than 1 month!!
Special message from GGM reporter Maroi Ech-Charkaouym interviewing visiting students from Wellesley College on the importance of this special day.
Using the "C-Word": Will the New Economy Be Capitalism, or Something Else?
IsItCapitalism #NewEconomyWeek FEATURING: Gar Alperovitz (Next System Project) Sohnie Black (Fund for Democratic Communities) John Fullerton (Capital ...
Building from the bottom and how to scale? Well... What do we mean by the
bottom? It is local coops, land trusts, local public utilities? There's
nothing new with that in my view, all these are classical structures. This
is why the problem of scaling occurs, because scaling needs to happen
within the new global environment, which is fundamentally transformed by
the new digital technology. So let's think outside of the box and redesign
economic systems in a way that small scale and local becomes an integral
part of the large scale and global. Take a look at the "Open Value Network"
+Tiberius Brastaviceanu Indeed this is a big problem for the New Economy - scaling up existing initiatives and preserving its moral roots.
QAI 2.11: Definitions
This video is brought to you by the Quantitative Analysis Institute at Wellesley College as part of its Blended Learning Initiative. The video covers some important ...
Ophelia Dahl: Précis
In this teaser video, Ophelia Dahl '94, executive director of Partners in Health, shares her thoughts on the importance of global public health.