Shawn Lyons Autism Spectrum Disorder Teenager Part
Jeanne Lyons discusses her son Shawn and his characteristics of ASD. Shawn also discusses having Asperger syndrome and the impact it has had on his life ...
Viewed this documentory, was very informative. My son has aspergers, was
diagnosed at age 3. At first, it was hard to accept his disability.
However, as time went on I learned to work with him on needed skills,
reading and writing. Some of the teachers were very helpful. Now that he is
an in- Senior, I feel that he is going to need more help in preparing for
future. Thank you, Shawn for being an Autism advocate. I feel this may be
my calling too. Good luck in your future.
I knew Shawn during my freshmen year of high school; A wonderful person,
and a wonderful friend. I never even knew this; Doesn't make him any
different of a person.