Vaccines Autism Spectrum Disorders and Herd Immunity so oVMWhsyo
Vaccine Reality
Vaccine Reality- the Reality is Vaccines cause Autism Spectrum Disorder. Even the chief of the CDC admits this and explains how during an interview with CNN.
Mandatory vaccines now legal for the poor! Since wealth provides private
schooling so no vaccine mandate. If you choose to home school your children
then your labeled an "extremist"(Fed Govt label for people who won't let
them educate your kids) which nobody wants to be called and it is also a
reason for CPS to take your kids from you.
So to have the right of education for Americans(which is automatically
given to undocumented and illegal immigrants ) they have to get repeated
vaccines containing mercury(a neurotoxin aka poisonous to the brain and
nervous system aka deadly!) or be able to pay for the right of education(US
Constitution says rights are FREE!) or be called an "extremist" and hope
for the best!
Why are wealthy politicians(highest accumulation of wealth in America)
making laws mandating poison injections to poor people in order to get an
education(even though 60% of high school grads are illiterate still so
"What Education?")?
Vaccinated people won't get the diseases from un-vaccinated people unless
the vaccine didn't work!
Regressive autism after vaccination vaccine Injury -.flv
The Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorders Must Be Spotted in Time..Please watch this video for help.. // ...