Audi s8 msrp 2011 Videos

2011 Audi A8 Review - FLDetours

J.F. Musial reviews the new 2011 Audi A8.

User Comments
@eau9999 yeah you're right but take a look at the way vw behaved and is behaving during this economic crisis.vw didn't have the problems GM ford or Chrysler had or have.Volkswage, Audi,Bugatti, Lamborghini,Bentley and Porsche are benchmark brand known and respected in all the world that make a lot of profit.None of these brands had loses during the crisis.Seat and Skoda also have very good sales in europe.If vw keeps it's current status it will become nr.1 in the world by 2015 no doubt.
This newest of Audi's looks cheap right from the get go, look at it and compare the body structure from that of a 2004, you will be able to see a significant difference in the quality of the material to the paint quality and lines. They call it the "NEW" super flexible "MLP" architecture chassis. I call it the Dixie cup material special...or in other words, crap plastic. This is the same chassis that they have used in the newest A4 and A5 and will be using in the upcoming A7.
Let me break it down for some of you who don't have the access to get the truth about the Auto industry right about now...Let's take this review for example on the 2011 Audi A8. "Before we get to drive this car there are a lot of things you need know"...(He got one thing right.) Audi and many other auto companies have gone from top quality build to budget building all within the past 2 to 3 years now. While others have gone the opposite ( Ford, Hyundai,Susuki,Kia)...
The Youtube Decrees of Commenting- I. Thou shall not make retarded ass Bieber jokes II. Thou shall not comment on the dislike bar III. Thou shall not combine the first two decrees,EVER IIII. Thou shall stay on subject when commenting IIIII. Thou shall not beg like a bitch for thumbs-up IIIIII. Thou shall spread the decrees, or face a lifetime of justin bieber spam comments and male enhancement ads and propaganda, but do not thumbs up my comment
Say this prayer to be saved by Jesus, watch?v=XcUpq3MHkhs Lord, I admit that I am a sinner. I believed that you died on the cross to pay for my sins. I believe that you rose from the dead and are alive today. I know that without you I am lost forever. Please Forgive my sins and into my life as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus name I pray....
you guys need to do your research before you do your car reviews. the A8 and the A7 do NOT share the shame chassis/platform. The new gen A6/A7 uses the same chasis and platform. NOT the A8. This whole review is sadly not a very informative review. Everything you covered i could read off the dam brochures!
I'm getting sick of the Toyota advertisements, because it keeps saying how would I use Toyota technology. The advertisements ask us also how would we use it? I fucking would NOT use it, because if I were to put Toyota technology on a roller coaster we would have runaway roller coasters without brakes. =/
u can make it stiff if u really wanna have fun with it, and make it soft if u just wanna go in the city...the fuck they get this dude from "Hey guys i know what well do, drive a brilliant car through puddles and...yea drive it through lots of puddles"
@BlueReaperX NO! because you are illiterate. correction: Fine day today, hmm yes, the weather is sure fantastic for a pleasure drive along the park. Oh is that what I think it is? Hmmmmmm yes! its my dream car! Audi A8, may I please obtain one. /done
If I wanted to know how all the flashing lights and radio works in this car, I can look up the manual online. This was a waste of time. This guy does the worst car reviews ever. I'd rather watch paint dry than this dude.
I predict that this car holds value better tan the other german rivals. It has an irresistible sense of understatement that makes it somehow better to be seen driving than an S-class.
can you review the 911. My question is - is the 911 a good everyday car? if not what GT car is the best everyday driver ? try to be subjective we all know that you guys love 911 s
The Audi 8 appears to have traveled from the near future and got stuck in the present. I drool from the left side of my mouth when I look at it.
what about when they put the 5.2L v10 in this u fag.. what a shit review.. creating opinions in all these sheep when u urself dont know anything
The Audi 8 appears to have traveled from the near future and got stuck in the present. I drool from the left side of my mouth when I look at it.
the fact that its a wifi hotspot just blew my mind, I was deciding between this and a 750Li and now I'm gonna take this beast. I want it haha
It is downright offensive to any automotive enthusiast to call Jeremy Clarkson of TopGear fame a car reviewer. He is a bloviating ignoramus.
love my 2000 a6 but no were near as nice as this. wi-fi hot spot WTF can't wait till this is 10 years old so i can afford it. LOL
The only thing that isn't nice about this car is the licence plate that we have to put on the awesome front grille. :P

2011 Audi A8 review: luxury, and more

The Audi A8 is a full-size luxury car that handles like a much smaller vehicle, David Undercoffler says. Read more at //

User Comments can you compare a Lexus to an Audi? in Germany, its considered like this: Audi, BMW and Mercedes are premium-manufacturers. Audi is considered rather "fresh and expensive" , BMW "sporty and expensive" and Mercedes "conservative and expensive" - though most engineers want to work for Audi, i don't know why, but its just like that in Germany.
@eleonik76 It seems you are one of those kids who have bicycle in their garage and talk like you know all about cars. I do not need to post a video of my A4 changing 8 shifts for a low life like you. From Wikipedia A4 (B8) Page. Youtube won't let me post the link. Transmission: 6-speed Manual, 6-speed Tiptronic, 7-speed S tronic, 8-speed Multitronic
@ZodiaMC They probably know Audi is best too. BMW is sporty, Merc is luxury, Audi blends both without sacrificing either. They prob also want to work for Audi because VW is a massive company and most likely willing to pay more in developing their top selling luxury brand.
@KayC604 oh finally after decades of fugly fisheye headlights jaguar attempted a newer look. jaguar is a nice car on its own, but never ever compare it to a german car again. your foolish statements prove that you obviously haven't driven a fully equipped audi.
@KayC604 Cheap materials? Haha. Have you ever driven an Audi? I suppose you think your Cadillac or what ever piece of shit you drive has better materials. You're a fine example of a pleb. You don't know what's good if it smacked you in the face
@JohnRhysMusician yea man; and as bad as their exteriors look, their interiors are even worse. Absolutely no talent for design, the 7series interior lacks plushness and looks like uninspired peices of plastic put together. BMW=Big Money Wasted
@gnabeel Yah..,8 speed together with the parking and reverse..,right? Couse as far as i know Lexus are the only company producing 8 speed gears..,so unles you dont drive Lexus with Audi badge..,you have fuck all my dear friend:)
@edward12erm3 , Audi call it Multitronic Transmission, When on Auto, I feel like I am driving in single gear, You won't notice gearshift at all. I also have Mercedes E Class 1.8 , and gearshifts are very prominent in that car.
A tip for your next video - spend less camera time on the narrator and more on the actual car that we're interested in. No offence, but nobody tunes in to look at the guy, they tune in to look at the car
@gnabeel BTW... This has nothing to do with Audi... but why does Mercedes have 2 reverse speeds? I mean you are only meant to park not to have a race backwards.
@KayC604 But you'll spend more time at the dealership than behind the wheel, and the XJ looks like a wannabe Aston because they hired the same guy.
@JohnRhysMusician in my view, the new 7 series looks ugly and unappealling inside and out. BMW needs to hire a new design team
i hate how you buy a car but then with these newer cars, you regret buying their older car and not waiting for the newer one
this guy is good, delivers the shit well, and doesnt make me think hes a douchebag. nice video. its hard to do
@gnabeel That is what I mean... Engines are too small for that gearbox.... you can have it but .... no point
@EntVariety Oh,really?Why don't you go build a better one:) I bet you are a bmw fan,right?
boring commentary for a sexy car :D it's ok that is why i watch top gear.
a bit ugly. germanian are too artistic. i wanna work for them some day
@Fahadinho1985 not the 2011 but they did a review on the r8

2011 Audi S8 (Spy Shots)

When the Audi S8 was nixed from the automaker's lineup late last year, the news produced a collective sigh around Autoblog Towers. Audi's largest, most ...

User Comments
about the description: the new S8 won't have a V10, nor 600+ HP, and won't make it's debut so early :) It's engine is under development currently. (by the way: 5.2 V10 Biturbo nevr existed, the RS6 has a 5.0 V10 Biturbo)
hell no its not S8. Its one of the first A8 from 2010... not even a A8L.
@albokidnj the d4 has dual exhaust pipes , the s8 would have quad pipes
u sure thats just not an 2011 a8 d4?
either way . . bye bye 8 serious !
so this is a new S8:). LOVELY
thats just an a8.
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