Miami university utilities Videos

Let's Play Cities: Skylines - Episode 40 Utilities & Services (Part 1)

Subscribe & Like for More*** PLAYLIST LINK: Hey guys, welcome back again!

User Comments
Hey Will , cant believe how lakewood is growing , catching up in my marathon run as you know , 40 episodes in and 70,000 population :)
+MrRandom UploaderHD you're really moving along! I'm glad you got to see your park area too :)
Yay 2 vids:-)! Thanks... One thing- i think the island as a down town area isnt working. Its too sparse what with the big interchange and lowrise buidlings downtown should b rammed!!? Hope u feel better soon :-)
+kerry deakin Yea I keep thinking that maybe the island does need a major overhaul, I think most of that interchange could be buried underground to give us some more space to work with.
oh my gosh that was a pleasant surprise! thank you for making the athletic park after me, I'm actually super honoured lol.. love the way the expansion is going , keep it up! this city is growing up fast. :)
+Ubayd Deen it's just my way of saying thanks for your ongoing support, you've been a great commenter with great ideas :)
This series is so relaxing to watch and listen to everything coming together :)
+SimplyPressStart you're sweet for saying so :)
In the future when you need a bit more power, you can just increase the budget rather than build new powerplants
+Owen Duffy I have nightmares about that dam, lol.
+Oliver McCourty thanks for the tip :)
+Oliver McCourty or turn on his original dam?
The same thing applies to sewage and water too
The red double-decker passenger train is from Germany, not France
+Valentino YT why thank you kindly for the correct information :)
sounds like you need a hug. *hugs*
+TOvlogs normal boring people! We're the different cool people ;)
+Stanstar22 thanks :)Who doesn't like hugs?
Im glad you got that damn dam working ;)
+TOvlogs They're so difficult to get right, it feels like a great achievement. Loving your lets play...keep it going big thumbs up :)
+Mike Bravo (SimmerMB) first good night of sleep I've had in a while, lol. This dam had been haunting my dreams!

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Let's Play Cities: Skylines - Episode 40 Utilities & Services (Part 2)

Subscribe & Like for More*** PLAYLIST LINK: PART 2 Hey guys, welcome ...

User Comments
So I've been marathon watching and was kinda expecting/hoping that you would've incorporated some first person views from drives through the city, going under tunnel, or trains, or just some cruising around. I think this is one of the best aspects of the game. Building, and as it evolves from time to time experience it from the ground level, as the buildings level up, and become taller and taller, as things get refined and polished, the view changes. I think its a loss that there really isnt any such footage, you got some short bits here and there but not enough for my taste. But thats just my opinion of course :-) Really love your approach, the care and passion u put into it is endearing to watch. Keep it up!
+TOvlogs yea i dont see other people making this request so its probably just me. Looking forward to traveling through ur city in the future tho :)Been speed-catching up this weekend, i find ur vids to be a nice soothing form of divertissement :)
+panthamor yea I get what you mean. I kinda wish I had done things a bit differently and done more of those first person tours. I'm doing more of them more often now with some of the newer builds/episodes. When I was making this series I was still pretty new to the whole YouTube scene and was just kind of figuring stuff out as I went along :)I really appreciate all your comments and feedback!
The Orthopaedics or The Exhibitioners? To remind you that this bit was built during CNE!
+Matt Lawson +TOvlogs Or the 'Exhibitionists' if we're being a bit risqué about things...
To connect power lines/power, you should use things like water-towers to spread the area of influence.
+minimilla hey that's not a bad idea at all :)
Just realised I watched your vids out of order and you just put Traffic++ into ghost mode so my previous comments is a little awry, sorry.
+John L no problemo, the thumbnail for these didn't upload right away when I made them go live. Sorry for the confusion :)

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