Allegheny college new york Videos

Getting More Whip at the End of the Discus Throw |

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User Comments
Hey coach Matt. i had set a goal in the beginning of my season to throw near 150+. were i should really suppose to be throwing. which in va it not that bad. but i am in 11 grade and just throwing 120. I've watch your videos and work on the problems that i have. But still throwing 120's. i have videos set up on my page and if you would like to watch them and i would appreciate it. i defiantly would like your help. if you can help me and anyone else would help me. i appreciate it.
Coach Matt I have a bad problem with reaching out when i throw the discus in a meet when the throw really counts but in practice when i am not worried about it i hit 100 -110 feet. I have not even broken 100ft in a meet yet. is there something i can be thinking or drilling different in practice? Also i don't have a coach and the only teaching i get are from your videos do you know of any camps or summer clinics i can attend in michigan?
Coach Matt, I'm in 8th grade and I am throwing about 52 feet at prescribe but at meets my best so far has been 48 or 49 feet. We don't do the spin because lack of practice to be taught so we just do standing power shots. I think I may be releasing a little too low and my coach says I need more power. How can I fix this and hopefully increase my throws to upper 50s maybe 60s? Please help!
Hey Coach Matt i just finished my season with a standing throw of 101 ft....this was my personal best but its not enough to carry me to states next year.....Coach i need your help on what i need to do to add 60 ft to my throw in time for next season i have already started working on flexibility and speed but im not sure on what i should be doing and when
60 feet is a lot to add in one year. Start doing your full throws and work on the technique. Take it step by step and make sure to use good technique and build great habits. Distance will come but don't expect 60 extra feet in a few months. It will take consistent practice every day and a laser like focus on accomplishing your goals to get it done.
start spinning, get the discus to come out of your hand spinning very fast, and after you start getting it to leave your hand fast, try to throw a higher rim weight discus. it will carry farther.
Hey coach matt. I wanted to know how I could get a faster pull on the disc from around the back and some flexibility drills I could do to get the disc way back
Coach Matt do you have any drills for a slow left leg plant at the front? I don't get enough separation when I hit the power position in the discus
Hey Matt how can I keep my wish straight that's my problem when I go to throw my wrist always turns up what can I do to fix that?
Hey coach Matt every time I through my hand turns I can't keep it straight how do I do that any drills or something like that
You can, "try too hard in disc." This type of thing is what seems to happen when trying too hard.
thank you! I think that is exactly my problem and I'm pumped to try it tomorrow at practice
Thanks coach Matt for all your advices!!!appreciate a lot!

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