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Unity 3D wheel alignment issue #*FIXED*#
whenever i make a vehicle in unity, everything works fine, but when i activate my vehice, all my wheels rotate 90 degrees and roll weird. the car drives fine other ...
it has something to do with the alignment of your wheel object in your 3d
program from which you exported it, try going into your program (i use 3d
studio max) and rotate it 90 degrees, re export and try agian, if your
using max you may have to reset x-form aswell
To fix this issue I'd drop the wheel into an empty game object and rotate
it by 90°, then aligned the parent game object to the wheel collider and
viola. It would rotate the parent gameObject and not the wheel model itself.
This is stupid. What if one or both of your wheels is not true? What if a
tire is not true? It amazes me how much bad information is spread on the
Im a 2nd class shop fitter who is starting another job in Pipe fitting for
a better company. This helps alot do to lack of pipe fitting lol. Im more
of Angle hand rails, channel frames, frames built from columns and big
beams, base plates, wings, stiffeners you know what im saying. Pipe hand
rails using a chop saw and a coper is one thing its so easy like that lol.
but ill be doing it similarly to this demonstration. Kind of nervous. And
thing else for a beginning PIPE FITTER bring it on Mr. Bacon, and thanks
angle of cut =number of degrees of turn DIVIDED BY( number of welds say
90 divided by 2= 45degree cut
Mark 2 lines around the pipe equal to the outside diameter apart.Use a
wraparound marked at the exact circumference measurement of the pipe and
mark that at the centre of that measurement on the wraparound. Use that to
mark the pipe at directly opposite points on EACH LINE.Connect the marks
you made using the wraparound. Cut along that biased line. Each piece will
be cut on a 45 and rotate one piece directly opposite will make the 90
degree turn.
That's because I was flying............. But seriously, yeah I was spewing
when I saw the footage was too low to capture the track, especially since
on the first corner where I'm laughing my mate put his car up on 2 wheels
and almost rolled it, would have been epic if my camera saw it.