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Manns Minute - Quick Wheel Alignment
//MannsRestoration.com If you've changed out your suspension you should always get an alignment. This could cause a lot of expensive damage if you do ...
Core Training Demonstration
Dr Donald A Ozello DC of Championship Chiropractic in Las Vegas, NV demonstrates two core exercises, Fitball Pike & Roll out and Ab Wheel Roll out.
Video: Core Training Demonstration: Fitball Rollouts & Ab Wheel Rollouts
#fitness #fitball #runningtips #video //youtu.be/NWl2LEDmeTQ
Thompson Would - the West Coast Wolves (rec&edited by Apples)
The Wolves have their roots in surfing culture and describe themselves as being “deeply connected to the ocean and kreef gods of South Africa's diabolical West ...
It was interesting to catch up with Galen before this show. Amongst the
raft of topics discussed, the heavy 'Merican twang he utilises in his music
stood out as the most intriguing subject. As the man himself pointed out,
in nothing short of a Capetonian accent you'd find any day of the week
around Camps Bay, his performances, now, are part-homage to what he called
"youth's often crushing inability to do its own, legitimate thing". This
was, of course, a reference to the glaring incongruity of his vocal style.
I probed further, inquisitive: "when you're young and lacking in the
confidence to sound South African, you appropriate any old piss from fabled
America. So, the way I sing now is a sort of cute honouring of how dumb we
are when young and doing those terrible pop punk bands back in the day",
Galen added. We laughed and I remarked on how wonderfully self-aware he
was. "What about Caucasian dreadlocks?", I asked, when the laughing died
down. "That's perhaps not-so self-aware", he replied, "cultural
appropriation of the saddest kind..."