Suburbs of Berlin. 23 TH APRIL 1945 MEN OF WAR (PC)
23 th April 1945.The Russians, arrived in the suburbs of Berlin In the lair of Hitler, there is a general panic among calls and dispatches defeats. The German ...
12 days have passed since the Red Army decided to attack the heart of Germany .... Berlin. Many German divisions have retired or have been destroyed, from ...
Waffen-SS - April,1945, Final Battle(Battle of Berlin)
STRICTLY UNPOLITICAL VIDEO.please DO NOT post any abusive / insulting , ultra nationalistic , silly , religious ,communistic nor neo nazi comments , many ...
Yes most were good, brave, loyal men. However they willingly took part in invasions and attacks on other countries.They happily and proudly marched in victory parades, reaped the rewards and paid the price according.There are many more peaceful people not alive now because of their actions... and I'm not talking about jews or anything.It's the government's that brainwashed these guys (and other armies) to fight their disputes for them... and I should know, I've been in my share when younger.
As soon as Hitler tried to minimize the international bankers ability to
exploit the people, the world propaganda machine went into over-drive. He
turned Germany around in just a few short years. He brought Germany from a
third-rate nation to the most powerful country in Europe over night. The
criminal bankers had to stop this before it caught on around the world. I
would suggest watching "Benjamin Freedman 1961 Speech".
Btw, Stalin and his Zionist high command sure fucked with Russia!They killed millions of innocent Russians/Ukrainians but I'm sure as a Bolshevik commi scumbag you're proud of that.
The Soviet Union, would've fell into Germany's hands if it weren't for Britain and the USA.. The Germans steam rolled threw Russia it was to easy fighting against stupid Russian peasants and tin foil tanks..
Short statment
best Soldiers ever Werhmacht
Best Special force SS
Sieg heil
I Can See The Proud of every soldier in The face
They know that they lost the war but still they had Fight hard and kill
many russians and allies
Russia Deads ~ 27 Milions!!!!! Wtf 27 milions Germans 3 milions deads
Wehrmacht was The better Army
Steinbergen SS Ambush Position
This is a 360 degree panoramic video take from the spot north of Steinbergen, Germany where the Nazi SS ambushed a reconnaissance patrol from the 102d ...
Call Of Duty -=HD=- World At War Multiplayer JuMpShOt PWNING
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So, ich habs mir jetzt gekauft und die videos sind echt super. Ich
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Das wär echt super wenn du ein tutorial machen würdest! Ich kenn auch
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das tutorial fertig ist schreib mir bitte einfach in meinen chgannel was
oder kommente hier! =)
LoL why should I get the PS3? I know it's cool too but only if one player
wants to play with me? I'm sry but maybe Ima get that console anytime. But
now I don't have the money for it. Imo PC is more important :)
Leider nicht! Von Fraps gibt's aber eine Testversion mit den
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Fraps-Banner auf jeder Aufnahme. fraps com, guck mal da nach.
LoL sorry I forgot to write in English XXD so maybe you've noticed that
it's a lot more easy to play this game on PC than on consoles. Therefore
you can fix more players on PC.
Deutschland 1945. the western and eastern fronts and of Volkstrumm recruitment. The East Prussian Offensive, known officially to the Soviets as the East ...
@AlperKafa ja, ich bin halb deutscher halb ägypter. der konflikt zwischen
uns allen soll aufhören! solfort! warum muss man sich streiten und
bekämpfen? jeder deutsche hat das recht, unbenachteiligt in seinem land zu
leben. fick dich hitler
This is the craziness and sadness of war ,many children orphans and many
others maimed or psychologically damaged forever.. These videos are great
as they give future generations an education on the madness of war.
hey spyggzckwn--it wasnt for nothing--it destroyed everyones families like
mine--60 years later or more i have no clue whom i am related to or how to
really find them
Note that the Nazis jumped off the boats. The jihadists ride them all the
way in (USS Cole) to the immaculate gates of paradise. Nazis were easier to