Train Entering Subway Station in Downtown Toronto!
Here's a quick time lapse of a train entering Queen's Park Subway Station in downtown Toronto! I recorded this on Friday March 4th, 2016! Enjoy the video and ...
Toronto Subway: Timelapse From Kennedy to Castle Frank
This is last video taken in Toronto.
#525 - 2br West Harlem Call 917-601-1918 1ABCD Subways, Elevator Laundry
Exiting Park Ave tunnels to Harlem-125st
6/30/13 Heading home on a Sunday at 7:20 in the morning, caught Metro North train 8707 home instead of the subway where you can wait 10-15 min for your ...
You could try the front of a push pull set heading into Grand Central, a
Hudson line one so it stays to the right, I've gotten pretty good footage
from the backs of the cabcars, but not the M7A's those windows are narrow
and high up. I once wanted to film an Amtrak overtaking our train but had
to settle for the door window instead. I've never seen an engineer of an M7
ride with the door open. After 9/11 you think they would know better.
I know I love it! I couldn't live in a city any smaller than Miami or
Montreal population wise, even LA seems empty to me. Rio de Janeiro,
London, & Paris I would like to live in. I hated living in upstate NY, it
was boring, all you could do was eat & drink. I don't like how people from
small towns sometimes aren't nice to outsiders, especially in college
towns( I went to school in Saratoga Springs).
I use it to get downtown quickly and conveniently. It leaves me on the east
side of Manhattan where I can go shopping, get to Brooklyn easily on the L
for tennis or hanging out. I can take the 456 into Soho or Fulton St for
the Ferry. It's just perfect. Gets me home so fast too. I never ride during
peak times though the fares are just too much! My 15 yr reunion for college
is next year, 15!
been wanting to get a video out of the front or rear window of an MNCR
train as it enters the tunnel while passing the three closed stations
inside, but too bad most engineers operate with their doors wide open
(which i don't think is safe or legal) while the back cars are usually off
limits to the public
Hey Walter, I've only been offered a cab ride once and it never
materialized, I'm not sure I would post the video that would be wrong.
Maybe if I press the camera up against the window?
I was wondering that... do you take all these trips just for the sake of
riding the train, or are you going back & forth to a job or college or
something, going shopping, ....??