this is just a little thing, but the sound and voice played over the intercom makes me smile when i hear it again. all these "little parts of life" videos from Hungary ...
Nyelvtanilag ez nem teljesen helyes, mert így azt jelenti, hogy az ajtók
éppen bezárnak valamit. Helyesebb a passzív szerkezetet használni, vagyis
The doors are being closed. Ez azt jelenti, hogy az ajtók éppen csukódnak,
valaki által (aki jelen esetben ugyebár a metróvezető) :)
i'll assume from the ":)" that you both were complimentary of the video.
unfortunately, my hungarian isn't what it used to be... so i have no idea
what you guys said. but köszönöm szépen for stopping by.
Hey there... I completely understand what you wrote about the voice played
over the intercom. I love Hungary and been there many's amazing
the memories those sounds bring.
Spaceous carriages, an infectious chime with an announcement in a language
I couldn't master. These are some of the things that bring back fond
memories of this city to me.
Please..can anyone write what the speaker says??? I came back from Budapest
yesterday and that voice was really funny.. but i'm curious to know what
was it saying
I love that sound; I took the metro back from my sports camp at McGill in
July. Some of STM's LFS artics have ZF transmissions right? I took two of
them if i'm right, they make like a really nice whining/groaning sound
(lol). Keep up the good vids!
Yeah that sound is a nice touch. Makes sure less people jam in the doors
when they're running for it. All the STM's LFSAs have either the ZF Ecomat
6HP604C transmission (2009 and 2010) or the ZF Ecolife 6AP1700B
transmission (2010+).