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Columbus police merchandise Videos

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop Store Robbed of $170K Worth of Items

Goop is probably having a pretty poop day right now. Gwyneth Paltrow's New York City Goop store was reportedly robbed on Saturday (Dec. 5, 2015) when ...

NXT HOUSE SHOW Balor, Corbin, Joe, Bailey, Regal, Emma, Zayne, Apollo PAVILION COLUMBUS OHIO 3/3/16

13 sammy zayne entrance 1:17 OHH LAYY CHANT / zayne over as fuck 2:26 corbin vs zayne match start 3:18 apollo vs 10 guy 3:41 diva tag match 4:15 ...

PRO LIGHT GUN GAMING - Police 911 2 - (Part 1)

Don't wanna miss videos? Follow my Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr! Links below. So if you want more arcade videos, let me know, if you don't like this stuff, let me ...

User Comments

This seems cool. The only shooter games i played in arcades from what i remember is all the Time Crisis games (fan of it. I even own Time Crisis 3 with the G-Con 2 on my PS2), the Terminator arcade game, the Point Blank games (love em and pretty pro at them) and 2 others i can't remember. 1 was a hunting game (i don't think it was any of the Big Buck Hunting games) and another was a game where you sit down with this big gun and shoot bugs and do quick time events with the gun and a button.
Mo-cap boxing was awesome. I didn't understand how to play though, so I ended up throwing hundreds of punches a bout. I was dog-tired by mid third bout. I couldn't believe there was a 100 hit counter on the guys face. I just kept thinking, wow, maybe Konami is expecting too much from your average American? Then I understood a little better and it made more sense - they actually want you to dodge.. that makes it less crazy. Then I came across something called Punch Mania..
Hey Dez,I recommend that you get a HD Go Pro Camera.So that way,you can play arcade games that are either shoot em up,or racing,pin ball,etc.You can probably start a series of these types of videos.You can put the camera on the gun,or on a stance,maybe even on the seat of a racing game.Just saying.This can probably help out a lot.Also,the camera should not cost more than 250-300.Plus,you can use it for other purposes.
When I was around 4 or 5, I was scared of this game. It wasn't the game that scared me, it was how the game demonstrated how you could move your body to dodge bullets. When the player failed to dodge, it showed the bullet coming out of the screen and killing the player. So from that demo, I always thought that if I played that game I would die in real life... -_-
Oh how I miss real light gun games versus the simulated IR sensor based games they have on consoles now. It's so difficult to find them around where I live unless you go to the local miniature golf place if your lucky. This looks really fun and seems cool you can dodge the bullets. Awesome video and commentary.
Love light-gun games. Don't like it when they're cheap in killing you so that you have to pay more. That's why I like Time Crisis so much, it doesn't cheat you and if you're good you can clear the games without getting shot. Never heard of this one before, it seems interesting though.
Oh nice! That's good! Back to the good ol' days now lol OH! So, now that you are good, you are probably going to be doing some streaming, any idea when? I know it's completely random and I watched the stream-info video, but I always just miss them by a couple minutes. The agony x3
Cool! I never knew the US version has different characters. In Asia, the characters you can choose are from the Japanese Police. I still remember that, when you press the trigger 10 times, hold it then insert your credits, you get to choose from a different set of characters!
If you like light gun games, you should get a PS3, with the "Move" motion controller(and EyeCam) and the light gun attachment, and then get the game: "The Shoot". (Or download House of the Dead from PSN). It's like having an arcade at home! :D
i've had a gopro for about two years now: search "gopro azuritereaction" and "gopro azuriteblogs" :) i just don't use it because it picks up the smallest movements, so on games like this where you have to constantly move, it would shake a LOT.
The Japanese police are only available in Japan and Asian version which both are called "The Keisatsukan 2 Nationwide Investigation". The European and US have American Police Officers in place of a Japanese Detective and Police Woman.
I can always knock out the first guy in MoCap Boxing in one punch, but everyone else always gets me, and I have to do it the tedious way, and I eventually throw my back out a little with all the dodging.
Yes i meant a new type of game,i believe you dont have anything like that on your channel so far,and its still a new game,that might grant you alot of views and possibly new subscribers

Woodbridge police officer uses Taser to subdue knife-wielding man

Police in New Jersey are beginning to use Tasers as a less lethal way of subduing people who are considered to be a threat to themselves or others. The NJ ...

Help Police Identify Family Dollar Robbery Suspect

Report: 20130019794 Address: 1134 Mason Av (Family Dollar) Date: 11/08/2013 11:45 The unknown black female in this video entered the Family Dollar store ...

CourtesyOf - March, 27, 2015 - Shot by @cincinnvti [ Columbus, Ohio ]

The Courtesyof crew came back this month and brought their Chicago friends along to turn Ohio up. Sounds were provided by CandiFresca , ChrisMarsb, ...

Niles police shut down shoplifting ring

Niles police shut down shoplifting ring.
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