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Universal remote boxee Videos

Boxee Boxee issue

I have the great universal media player called the boxee box which no longer works. My remote is new and does turn the device on but no other inputs happen.

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Since the remote is bluetooth you have to sync the new remote to the existing box. To do so do the following: 1. turn off all boxes but one 2. at that one box, with the box ON, stand near the box with the remote and hold down the center button (ok/select button) for 10 seconds. yes, the box will go a bit crazy 3. turn off this box.
Do You Have An Iphone or An Ipod Touch Or If You Have a Friend Who Has One. You Can Get A Free Remote App Which Is Better That The Official Remote. Either Use The Iphone/Ipod Touch With Remote App Instead or Use It After Booting Into Recovery Menu To Reset The Box and See If The Normal Remote Works After That.
I have the same issue exactly minus the turn on button. my remote stopped working some time ago so I used my android phone to control the boxee but now with that screen saying connot connet to internet... the android app is not responsive, when I scan it says "no boxee" found. Were you able to find a solution?
just throwing out an idea.... try connecting it to a network and using the android or iOS boxee remote app. if that works, try again with the regular boxee remote.
I have a mini-keyboard hooked to my boxee box and works perfectly. you can get it at amazon.com or compusa, it's not bigger than the boxee remote, try it.
If You Have An Adroid Phone or Android Tablet There is Supposed To Be A Remote App That Works As Well
which mini keyboard did you get? I'm thinking of buying a rii mini keyboard
same here. did you get a replacement?

Vergleich Iomega TV with Boxee und BoxeeBox Remote

Ein Vergleich der Iomega TV mit Boxee Remote und der BoxeeBox Remote. Dein deutsches Boxee Portal www.boxee-forum.de.

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Where should the batteries go?

Universal Remote Control - URC 6440 Simple 4 "CombiControl" feature - GB | One For All

Simple 4 - URC 6440 For more information or to buy now //www.oneforall.co.uk/universal-remotes/urc6440-simple-4.html Easy control of digital TV and ...

User Comments

Ok, when I control PVR I cant mute without having to change to TV? If thats not possible to change this one is going bach to shop...

i-Got-Control Universal Remote

i-Got-Control Universal Remote Control for iPad, iPod touch, and iPhone. LIKE us www.facebook.com/baysunday Follow us www.twitter.com/cbs5sbaysunday ...

boxee mac mini

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