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Universal remote flirc Videos

Rise of the Phoenix, Remote Control

Let's see if we can get the old TV remote control working with Kodi. So the TV/DVD player has a full function infrared remote control. I used the Flirc remote ...

Raspberry Pi - Flirc

In this video I show you how to setup and use a device called Flirc on your Raspberry Pi. You can purchase Flirc from Aus Pi Technologies: ...

Flirc in less than a minute

Setting up the basics of Flirc in under a minute.


Take control of your media center and the clutter off your living room table. Easy Setup. Use our automated GUI to setup ANY remote control with your PC Media ...

Logitech Harmony 350 delay set to 0 KODI response

All delay options in the harmony software are set to 0. I´m using a FLIRC infra red receiver and using a random cheap remote I get similar responsen like seen ...

User Comments

I also have a Harmony 650 which controls OpenELEC on an Intel NUC. My NUC doesn't have IR, so I purchased an HP IR Receiver (USB). I haven't been able to get rid of the annoying lag from the Harmony, even after setting Inter-Key delay to zero. I just ordered a cheap Media Center Remote from Ebay today to see if the lag disappears. If it does, then it proves the Harmony is the problem.
+Glenn Watkins That's very true. I haven't found a remote that can do that either. Maybee these new 500 $ remotes from Harmony can do that but I'm not willing to spend that much. There is just no such market for people who want an universial remote control that works flawlessly and are not willing to spend hundrets of $.
+Eugen Heide  The trouble is finding another remote that can do what the Harmony does but without the lag. (without spending a mint)
+Glenn Watkins The Harmony is definitly the problem. I tried setting up old remote controls for my FLIRC IR USB dongle and they worked much better. In fact they worked instantly where the Harmony takes its time for each and every command.

Logitech Harmony One Universal Remote Review

Universal Ir Apple Remote for any computer running OSX

There was a post about a guy who installed an Ir receiver from a Macbook Pro 15" into a dell mini 9, but I thought that mod was cool except for the fact that it was ...

User Comments

hello, i recently purchased the macbook pro retina 13 inch, i also got an apple remote for powerpoint presentation assuming that the rmbp had an ir receiver, it does not, and i cannot seem to find an irda adapter that would work for mac os, any suggestions?
@details1st I looked at a usb pinout, and the cables on the ir receiver had similar colors, but substituted yellow for white. So I soldered it 1st to do a test connection before I crammed it inside the casing
Hi, how did you figure out the pinout of the MacBook's IR receiver? I'd also like to use the IR receiver of my old white 13" MacBook on other machines, but there are no colored wires attached to it.
Sorry to pull this back from the dead, but will this work on a PC running Windows 7? Basically, is this IR receiver specific to Mac OS?
Haha, just found this while checking out archives of my old projects. That guy who installed it was me. :-)
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