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Examples of Rock Formations

Calvin Tillman | Phelim McAleer Debate 10.27.14 pt 3

User Comments

It's a shame that the audio is so horrible on this 3rd piece...I side with Phelim here. He is obviously just trying to cut through all the sensationalism put out there by people like Josh Fox and reveal as much truth as he can find. The mayor's report was put together by a woman with NO experience, why is it being held up like it's the bible truth? 
"The mayor's report was put together by a woman with NO experience, why is it being held up like it's the bible truth? "In fact she had more than enough experience - she had her masters at the time and was about to complete her Phd.- to take both the DISH and the Lipsky cases:https://profile.hsc.unt.edu/profilesystem/viewprofile.php?pid=100496&onlyview=1What citation could you give to back your assertion?Also - Phelim and his film are a hoax actually: //fracknationreview.blogspot.com/Do you know where he gets the claim that Alisa is a fraud? I do. If you are interested I'm happy to let you know ....
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