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Penn state university and sandusky Videos

Penn State Sex Scandal Jerry Sandusky Full Interview with Bob Costas

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Slap. Slap. Slapping sounds.
That might be the quote of the interview!
Hope he gets shanked in jail. Piece of shit.
+Paul DiracI am somewhat disappointed with that revelation. Bastard should be in general population.
+upinsmoke2897 I believe he is separated from the other prisoners..If he were not separated, he would have been shanked by now. I agree, though. DSandusky is animal - he ruined the lives of many little kids...he deserves to die a hideous, grotesque death.
lol he admitted to showering naked with little boys and then said "no! its not sexual!" what a freak of nature
"i've showered, ive touched their leg, without sexual contact" "horsing around" who does that?

What did Penn State know about Sandusky? - E-mails revealed

CNN's Susan Candiotti reports on e-mails between Penn State officials regarding Jerry Sandusky's child sex abuse. For more CNN videos, check out our ...

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The NCAA should give Penn State football the death penalty. But they are too busy creating and enforcing rules against spreading cream cheese on bagels served to the families of scholarship athletes. The inbreds who live in Central Pennsyltucky are guilty of idolatry of Joe Paterno. I don't give a shit how many games he won. HE FUCKED UP! I hope that greasy old wop is burning in hell for enabling a child rapist.
PENN STATE HARBORS PEDOPHILES! An extensive vet of the university will reveal a scandal the likes of which we have never seen before. The only reason this hasn't happened yet is because powerful individuals would be exposed as pedophiles so they're using connections and influence to obstruct the truth! It's up to the people to keep up the pressure so we can flush out the remaining predators.
Organizations, whether it be Penn State or the Catholic Church, always protect their own (doesn't matter what they've done...murder, rape, abuse, etc)...unless it is a lower level person who isn't liked. If you want something done about someone in an organization, go to an external party...like a news service, governmental agency, or outside funder.
The Term "Good People try to make the right decisions..." WTF Did they mean by that.. They had word that the crime was committed... Where/ when.. Do "Good People" NOT report a crime against Children... Is this how the Faculty at Penn State Thinks... They are, By the way, PAID THINKERS.... No matter what Capacity... WOW!!!
Anyone who hears about a child being fucked by a man is as sick as the man who hurt the child. Fucking disgusting. Very glad all this is coming to light to show the masses how people cover up abuse. Sick sick sick.
He's the same as any other administrator/executive. He covers his ass and tries to avoid hassles...laissez faire management and ignoring what might harm the bottom line otherwise.
you sick son of uh bitch I hope you rott in hell where they'll be making you the bitch bent over backwards piece of shit 
they should all go to jail right behind Sandusky. Paterno was just as guilty and clearly involved in the coverup.
Graham Spanier is one sick, heartless bastard. I hope he and the other two scumbags do some hard time.
They had no right to be judge and jury. They should of Called the real POLICE!!!!!
What happened someone tell me the story
All boutta lose their jobs hopefully
Imprecatory prayer.
Pennetration State
Warped mind.

Penn State Scandal - Did Paterno Cover for Sandusky?

Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky is being accused of child sexual abuse. Did legendary coach Joe Paterno help cover it up?

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I'm beginning to wonder if Jerry Sandusky is a psychopath. Right after the scandal broke, the president and the head coach were fired. But while Sandusky was on bail, he was seen at the local mall wearing a Penn State sweat shirt with a smile. If he was innocent, he would have laid low.  And if he was guilty, he would have laid low, since his alleged crimes were so sensational. A "morally sane" person would have simply let their lawyer do all the talking and not give incriminating interviews.
Ask yourself, if YOUR child was being molested would'nt you want EVERYBODY who even THOUGHT something was going on to go to the Authorities?? Paterno should of raised more sand about this, how in the hell can one sleep at night knowing these horrendous atrocities are occurring??? I notice some of the people commenting are misinformed/ill informed, read the friggin report of the last ten years THEN explain to the world how you feel Mr. Paterno should be exonerated. Mr. P is JUST as guilty period.
USA is just a fucked up country. Just imagine, if you didn't defeat us Brits 200 years ago, we'd still be running your country today and none of this Sandusky shit would be happening. We are a civilised nation and your country is a joke. Drive-by shootings, school massacres, a former "football" players found not guilty of murdering his ex-wife and her boyfriend just cause the football player happens to be Negro and the jury were Negroes. What an insane country. Murderers, paedophiles, rapists...
Here is something interesting. I listen to sports talk The Fan on AM radio, when the case broke the first day it was as if the President had just been shot, just a couple days later the story was less covered and basically put on the back-burner. It's because that 3rd or 4th day it was found that the kids Sandusky were raping were predominately Black and or poor, I even heard some comic overtones from some of the host and guest. Everybody says "its not about race", well i hate to break the news.
Most American males are homos. Look at American football. Look at the skintight lycra tights they wear. Faggots. They couldn't care less that a 100 million TV viewers are watching their oversized cocks.The fact that Sandusky is a child raping queer does not surprise me. I bet most college football coaches are faggots who like boys.Yours is one sick country.Big stinking cocks darting all over the TV screen, instigating wars in a faraway land, going round the world pretending to be noble.Pathetic.
The sad thing is that his actions were known and accepted by the school. the campus police and the local police dept. He was dealing with donors who contributed to the school, and to himself was untouchable. That's the type of society that we live in, look the other way if it benefits you. What about the kids, who was concerned for them? Christ told us in the Bible that our society would come to this in the last days and look at the U.S. becoming more corrupt and spinning out of control daily.
I would Love for some of you very intelligent people to explain why Mr. Michael Vick and Tiger Woods were basically ostracized by Earth's "humanity" but Mr Paterno is receiving so much love and support. This man is as guilty as the devil himself yet he is getting a pass... I think dog fighting is disgusting, and Tiger Woods personal life is HIS business, but screwing 10 year olds????? Why is Mr. P getting so much support?? I cant understand for the life of me how the hell he sleeps at night.
@01coyote13 I agree and I am surprised that other players or whomever does not raise hell about it. Most athletes are not bad, but they should have to do the time like everyone else. This "no-snitch" culture has been around for a long time in parts of the US such as the Military. They covered up the real sexual harassment and assaults to where they are now facing million dollar lawsuits, class action suits. You want to talk about a lack of honor, look to them, not to say that all are bad.
The blame was given out accordingly.This guy was RAPING CHILDREN for God knows how many years and the higher ups who have the moral obligation to alert the authorities and act like half decent human beings, which they failed miserably, TURN A BLIND EYE TO IT!. and for what money, reputation?. these guys probably had kids themselves and were still able to sleep at night.They could had PREVENTED more kids from going through his perverted fantasies and only God knows how they'll end up.
@01coyote13 Agree 100%. The glorification that we give to sports in the country makes people like Joe Paterno out to be little less than a God. All people want to talk about is his "LEGACY," and how it will be affected. Really? His Legacy? Here's his "Legacy:" Joe Pa was a football coach, nothing more, he taught athletes how to move a fucking pig skin up and down a field and how to kick the crap out of one another. To quote Denny Green: If you wanna crown him, than crown his ass!!!!!
My question is this: After McQueary told Paterno what he saw, why didn't Paterno approach Sandusky and ask him about it?.....They had known each other for 30 years, and Sandusky was his top assistant.....If I had known someone that long, and they were accused of this, I'd approach them to get their side......I think it's because Paterno already knew about it from 1998 and wasn't surprised. He told Curley to cover his butt legally, but he morally failed and was deservedly fired.
@lamrof Wow, you would actually kill innocent students from that school? Really? And then you also claim to want to kill an innocent old white guy?! You are no better than a child rapist... You need to go back on your meds... And then you're getting upset at Steve for being really upset at what happened? So much so that you're calling him a "chink"? I mean, you are setting there at your computer telling us all how you want to kill innocent people... Again, take your meds...
Penn State would have had a better reputation if they had done something way back when, because it would show that no one gets away with anything and parents would feel safer knowing that. It is similar to the Military and how they handled sexual assault. Instead of doing an investigation and punishing the wrongdoer, they ignored it until some women spoke out years later. If they would have had a "zero tolerance" policy then, they would not be worrying so much now.
Sandusky should be tied to a post in the middle of penn state and people should be able to throw apples, tomatoes, and whatever, then dragged behind a horse down main street, these child abusers are the lowest form of life using their power to have sex with children and then others covering it up so the good name of the school would not be tainted, well how did that work out not so good huh, these fuckers teach our kids and they are as dumb as a fucken rock.
@FuckUtube4Life2010 Sorry to dissapoint you, but I've never been abused, but you certainly sound like a alot of those creeps who see no problem with guys like Sudusky or Paterno, who don't see what all the fuss is about. Have you done some of the things Sudusky has? You sound like you may have some predatory experience. You and Sudusky...got the same urges, huh, tough guy? Only fellow pedofiles would defend these creeps and talk like you're talkin.
To know the students rioted supporting their coach makes me wish someone plant a bomb in that school and kill everybody in it. Destroy the existence of the culture that created this madness. Students fucking supporting a coach who covered up a child rape, A coach and administration that cover up this creep, and the creep himself, he makes me fell like going out and lynch the first old white guy I see and put a burning button in his ass.
The "legacy of sports" was far more important to these a-holes than protecting children. Their act(s) of collusion should insure them a seat in court to speak for their not reporting these crimes against children to the police. Everone who knew and did nothing should be prosecuted. The college students that are standing behind Paterno (obviously) are only getting a skewed view of education if they think their loyalty is justified.
Jerry Sandusky adopted a lot of minority kids in his home. I can't imagine what they have been through. Child Molesters know who to prey on. They prey on single mother's Who are poor, with no Father figure. They love to start up Charities for under privileged Children. Then they have access to the kids, no Questions ask. This is a monster. But he will get couple of years in jail, Plea insanity and be a Hero to Penn State.
@urmissinformed so i take it you didn't enjoy being molested when you were younger? i certainly wouldn't have minded, but only if it were by a beautiful woman. where was debra lafave when i was in kindergarden...at any rate, if the boys were homosexual and enjoyed the experience, i'd say this is much to do about nothing. everybody has their preferences-his (sandusky) happens to be adolescent boys...live and let live.
@Berthasfave1 Agreed. The craziest part of this whole mess is when Sandusky was caught sodomizing the boy in the shower, one would think he'd want to get the fuck out of dodge post haste. But he didnt . That tells me that he Assumed nothing would come of it. Why the fuck would he assume that? That the witness McQueery got a lucrative coaching position doesnt help. This is the Franklin boystown shit all over again.
fuck off LSU TIGES NUMBER ONE FOREVER YPU CHEAT AND LIAR hello dumbasses this is how the song used to go /watch?v=op3VnzVKq1Q&feature=related did you see tigers released in ohio and state penn and those disgusting corrupt old liberal jew backstabbing obama supporters go suck your dying race's child's milk /watch?v=op3VnzVKq1Q&feature=related die of cancer and your whole satganc obama underrminne mouse asshole
i hate how sports gets way too much attention and all the individuals involved in that "machine" are seen as to valuable to lose if they do something wrong and are not hold accountable for their wrong doings especially in this "no-snitching" culture that is coming about, fuck yes you should snitch when its this type of sick shit, but if it is about some one doing drugs than fuck them i got better shit to do!

Donkey of the day: Penn State (Jerry Sandusky Season Pass)

Power 105.1FM The Breakfast Club 2014. Subscribe to The Breakfast Club's Official Channel for New Videos Daily: ...

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these edomites have pedophile rings set up all around the world. especially in Europe.
+Taveris Pittman lmao word
White men ben touching on little boys since the dawn of their evil ass history.
It's december ninfe? 
XD nineFFFFFF lololol
Luke guystalker... Lmfao!
That was pretty good i must admit lol

Donkey Of The Day: Penn State University Asked Jerry Sandusky To renew His Season Tickets.

Donkey Of The Day: Penn State University Asked Jerry Sandusky To renew His Season Tickets..power 105.1 breakfast club interviews.

Bob Costas Sandusky Interview - Guilty

Bob Costas interviewed Penn State University defensive coach Jerry Sandusky who is facing numerous allegations of sexual abuse in a scandal that got Joe ...

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@ViolentRiC - you did it again you made it about a comparison of 'moral righteousness' between you and i - i did say at 1 point that i had nothing further productive to say - i think were both too stubborn in our own right to back down on our positions - and you seem consumed with the thought that i consider myself morally superior to you - it is not the case - im not anti-paedophile, im just pro-child (if you will) i have known 1. he raped a boy for over a year and the boy (now a man) is a MESS
@ViolentRiC - read it again einstein, it says 'rapists' not 'rape' - and your views make no fucking sense you think everyone else should just learn to live with paedophiles but when you yourself are called one, you reply by saying how reprehensible and destructive paedophiles or 'child rapists' (like it makes a fucking difference!) are.. your despicable nature is revealed not through your rhetoric in defence of yourself, but in the defence of OTHER paedophiles - you cant presume to predict the -
@ViolentRiC - i believe that anyone who's existence alone will almost certainly result in the destruction of a genuinely innocent life should be eradicated swiftly.. that includes IMO: (active) racists, rapists, paedophiles.. let me put it this way: if i take a hundred men that i know to have sexual feelings for children and i kill them all - i wouldnt know how many children would not be raped because of this action but i DO know that if the number is greater than 1 (which it would be), i would-
@ViolentRiC - i missed out a word so i deleted the msg, and never got round to re-posting..dude youre a narcissistic paedophile the catholic should hire you as minister of propaganda because you have a million excuses and justifications for the 'rapists of children' whatever you want to call them.. you call me vile? ha. you are a ticking time bomb - and you know it. and even if you dont have sex with children you have repeatedly defended the position of those who do. walks like 1, quacks like 1.
..beliefs, which are not objective conclusions but personal feelings and opinions. You class the single act of sexual abuse of a child as far, far, far higher than of scores of innocent lives. Either you are putting the heinous act on par with perhaps genocide of an entire race/continent or you view the lives of the paedophiles you hypothetically know to be innocent as being of little if any worth. If you have a concept of right and wrong, then you will either see that is wrong or lie. See, I..
..fear nobody's judgment because I can explain every single thought in my head, and when there's personal bias or prejudice I have to accept it and try to fix it. If you tell me it is moral to kill 100 peple if it turns out 1 instance of child abuse was prevented, you either don't understand the theory behind the words (and I think you do) or you won't show your working out as I always do. If you're hateful then go ahead and hate, just please don't tel lme that you're in the right. I hate that.
usa has gown down to sewer i cant belive they cant anymore regognice right and wrong if its not clearly pointed in of law i understand that money buys freedom in usa but damn when childrens are involve as a victim no matter who is it you should always put the guilty to the max investigation, atheists say we dont need no god human moral is enough but increase of these crimes show again that peoples do what they belive is right NOT WHAT THEY KNOW IS RIGHT ACCORDING TO LAW same goes for catholics
Say what you want, if you wish to sexual engage a young child and I see you doing so you will be hurt and brought to justice. No Im not going to kill you, my fists will be enough. Pedophilia is wrong and I will not let the a bunch of psychopaths change the laws and minds of men to make it right. I know there are groups out there who wish to do this, you will be met with just resistance. If you cant control your sexual organs I will end their function. Until then keep hiding in the dark.
..comes down to harm being bad unless used to prevent greater or unwarranted harm. One of the most immoral things one could do is cause harm/suffering to someone who is innocent (does not cause harm). To try to ensure that this happens as little as possible, what you propose is being responsible for HUGE amounts of innocent people suffering. Your thinking, which is (if we get one it's worth it) is at its core immoral. You don't base what is right or wrong on suffering, but on your own set of..
sexual nature or actions of other MEN, yet for the purposes of this little tete a tete you chose to do so, that shoot a hundred pedos thing i said was the breaking point, you came back with some (intellectually weak) 'oh you would shoot someone you barbarian' bullshit - non-paedophiles wish paedophiles dead, ALL OF THEM.. that simple. like i said earlier, youre JUST clever enough to defend yourself with petty moral conundrums and quips but you have no substance and by the coldness of your -
..attracted to girls 16 or over (because that happens to be our age of consent). I am a liar. I lie in my day to day life, but I haven't lied once to you and I don't ever lie online. Yes I'd be smarter to not be so open, but I can make a positive difference so I will try. If you are honest and objective then you'll see why what you propse is grossly immoral. Morality is about harm. Harm can be justified if it's to protect one from causing harm to those who don't deserve it. Agreed? So it....
@20BagBoy And A HUGELY IMPORTANT THING - ... ..you have a VERY inaccurate presumption based perception of the likelihood of a person to molest a child because they find children attractive. You are not a doctor, you have not worked with such people who have sought help. I know people, I accept being a paedophile myself and a moral one, I've spoken to psychiatrists who've dealt with people. You *only hear of the paedophiles who DO abuse children*. Before myself , how many others did you know?
..EVERYTHING I thought about I assessed *100%* objectively as if I was an outsider, and I have an obsessive mind when it comes to breaking things down to a simple X or Y and going from there into some huge sprawling flowchart of cold objective reasoning. Had I had a more content life prior, I never would have done this and I would be just-like-everybody-else. You likely won't believe that, but I've lived that for 24 years. I believed in God, I thought I was straight, I thought I was only...
@20BagBoy Okay, now we're getting straight to the meat. Here's why what you believe would be just is hideous, and here's the important part - not moral or good. Let me just say that I was the same as everybody else prior to even just a few years ago. I've been on a Truth crusade and it started with myself. I'd denied a whole bunch of attractions most my life and I know that the Ego makes the rules if you let it. It's not just sexuality, I changed my views on God/afterlife as well because..
..gonna tie me in with paedophiles who've abused children. Firstly that's bullshit, you don't represent rapists for being straight and the same goes for me. Second, most child rape is carried out not by people acting out of attraction of children, but situational offenders, usually relatives exerting power over their easy victims. Just like how adult rape is not based around attraction to beauty but power. And death by stabbing is brutal, call me old school. Really, if you've come..
-and I'm hoping this isn't the basis of your death based position on paedophiles, but it sounds like it is. I don't know how else to tell you that HURTING A CHILD LIKE THAT IS WHAT I HATE MORE THAN ANTHING IN THE WORLD. I'm trying to be respectful, but can you not understand how much this all pisses me off? I love children, then people want me dead because of some cunt that's raped a child. Like I'M in favour of that? Do you or do you not still support my (an innocent man's) death?
-would rather all paedophiles (such as myself) were dead (or you would at least be fine with it) because of your personal feelings of disgust and hatred, you think we deserve death for *moral* reasons. I illustrated how killing innocent people would be the opposite of moral. It's baffling that you say you're not anti-paedophile when you'd like us dead! Again, I-AM-PRO-CHILD. It's not either/or. I'd die to protect children like I'd kill to protect myself. Now, you mention a rapist..
@20BagBoy With all due respect (and while I currently don't actually respect you on account of the whole 'I'd like to brutally murder you and anybody like you' thing, I'm willing to be respectful to you if you do the same), it's a cop-out to say you have nothing further productive to say. Our positions aren't teams we support, they're beliefs we hold. Beliefs can be challenged, and I'm right now challenging yours. I speak of morality because unless you're going to state that you..
Guys like Sandusky are why I stay at least 5 feet away from any child, never go into a room alone with a kid, and basically treat kids like they are walking jail sentences. Not cause I don't like kids and think they're fun and whatever, but because even the slightest resemblance to anything perverted is not going to happen to me. I'm pretty sure I'm not in the minority either. But then along comes a guy who likes to "hug children, and touch their legs, and 'horseplay'.." - YIKES!
@20BagBoy You removed your post. Don't know why, but you didn't answer my question. Why not when you had no reservations speaking about it earlier? I want to know if this whole conversation has been a waste of time or if you get now that 'paedophile' doesn't tell you anything about the content of a person's character? Perhaps not, as you mention me being representative of the group that [word missing] children the most. I'm representative of myself. Not a soul else. If you were..
..through this whole conversation and still think that "if there was an island for you's that would be lovely, but thers not, so seath is a good start.." (and yeah, you're de-individualising me again by referring to me as part of a group. No, I'm Ric a real person, not RiC the paedo), if you still think I deserve to be "dead or eradicated" then you are one of the most vile, nasty scumbags I've spoken to. But at least we've established who the moral one is between us, havne't we?
@20BagBoy You're a liar. Quote me once, just *once* justifying the rape of children. Can't do it can you? Am I wrong? Can you quote me? Or did you lie? I've repeatedly defended the position of people who have sex with children? Liar. Are you not a liar? Then quote me. You're not only a liar but a coward. You're not willing to defend your belief that I should be murdered. I don't do propaganda, I do painfully honest truth. If you think you do the same then quote me on the above.

Penn State Sandusky Bail Scandal

Judge Leslie Dutchot granted unsecured bail to Penn State University defensive coach Jerry Sandusky who is facing numerous allegations of sexual abuse in a ...

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@GhostInTheShell29 very true who knows by the time this is all said and done there could be some women who come forward. This guy is a very sick sick man I wouldn't doubt if he's only been with young boys. I have 8 younger siblings and I wouldn't let that man near any of my brothers or sisters. Even if he does seem to have a thing for just boys. Ugh it's so sickening that people like him exist I love my brothers and sisters as if their my own and frankly hearing this makes me feel uncomfortable
@TheCarambah okay I will rephrase as well, a majority of heterosexuals including yourself are attracted to young girls, I have heard of straight people who are into bondage/torture, into strangulation, into peeing on each other, and worse, if you want to talk about some fucked up sexual identities, those are wayyy stranger than homosexuals. With that being said I don't see anything wrong with people being into that shit, as long as it doesn't hurt people, so much for your theory about gays,,,
Sandusky always when he was younger wanted to be around kids and sadly I thiink he always had a thing for young boys but didn't want to do anything or let anyone know about it so he began experimenting with ernie and who knows maybe other mentally challenged people to see how it would work which caused him to be like hey as long as I develop a relationship with someone lesser than me I can later control them and later get them to do anything I need. that's who sandusky is and who he always was
@GhostInTheShell29 No, opportunists are anyone that takes advantage of a vulnerable person or situation. Most serial killers, rapists or abusers are opportunists. I was abused as a child by an opportunist, not a pedophile. So was my fiance, and most of the abuse victims I know. A lot of people who want to do it, do it because they have the opportunity, not because they specifically like things like that. Perhaps he was just plain a pedophile, which he probably was, but he had the opportunity.
@RandomSpevver I dont know about my brain but my cock sure needs stimulation.Not gay...just sayin'.... so dont get any fucking ideas okay pal?I dont get why all the fuss about this Jerry guy.So he liked some poon tang with kids... BIG DEAL.If one has ever had tail with a woman so loose her puss farts sounded like a foghorn going off ya would know tight holes are the way to go. My Dad used to tap my turd tunnel steady and it was the best sex Ive ever had.TIGHT IS ALWAYS RIGHT. I subbed you!
@nytehawx Are you fucking serious! Me thinks you need to crack open a history book or better yet a newspaper. The catholic church has been screwing children since the pope was getting screwed. Two mouths ago, one of the biggest child screwing rings was busted in some Scandinavian country and that's to begin with. Do this fool....google child porno ring and see what you come up with. I bet it won't look like Flava Flav. Now, pull your head outta the sand or do you screw little boy also?
@TheCarambah Actually those that are attracted to young boys are not usually attracted to grown men or women and are therefore not considered homosexual (Groth & Gary, 1982, p. 147). And your logic makes no sense, since I doubt you would say the same about heterosexuals when a man rapes a little girl. His sexual orientation has nothing to do with the fact he is a pedophile and the fact is is a pedophile is why he raped the boys. Though I do agree with destroying the asshole regardless.
Sandusky is a very sick man. People say that they're shocked that he is the way he is. I think he was always this sick and it began when he was a teen. His parents were owners of a youth home when he was younger and I heard something that disturbed me... He was good friends with a MENTALLY CHALLENGED boy named Ernie. What does that tell me that from an early age he wanted to take advantage of those who were lesser than he was and take advantage of whoever he could at an early age.
@TheCarambah Actually he is married to a female and seems to be heterosexual, though his sexual orientation is not the big issue here. You do realize that homosexuality is not pedophilia. Most homosexuals also appall pedophilia like I think most of us do. This guy is not a homosexual but a pedophile. It's pedophiles that rape children and I wish this would deter them. I hope they find this guy guilty and put in the prison gen pop and make sure the prisoners know what he did.
@TheCarambah Being attracted to the same sex, is different from having sex. A gay person is gay whether they have sex with guys, or are still a virgin.. They don't magically become gay the first time they have sex with a guy. Just like a straight person doesn't magically become gay if they have sex with someone of the same gender. A pedophile is sexually attracted to prepubescant children. Who aren't devoloped yet anyways so the gender difference isn't really a big deal.
what a crock of shit. whatever her intentions, the dumb-ass judge had to know this relationship was going to be received poorly. To lack the foresight to recuse herself, is basically admitting she won't judge the case impartially. atleast she got replaced (as of this writing), up to Penn's electorate to finish her off next election. can't wait for the inevitable press release blaming the public for misconstruing the facts and causing distress to this dishonest "judge."
All this talking about victims rights and stopping sexual predators and protecting children suddenly becomes less important when the predator is an important coach of the favorite local football team? Pro sports results trump the right of kids to be free of sexual abuse, and the reputation of the university team trumps the need for justice. Despicable. Sandusky/Paterno supporters and the court officials in this case should be very ashamed of their priorities.
@GhostInTheShell29 I'm not saying its not pedophilia. I'm saying that they wouldn't act on it if they didn't have opportunity most of the time. And it doesn't make me happy to think of it like that, it makes me very sad. But a lot of people who abuse children don't have a sexual attraction to children, its just that children are vulnerable, and less likely to fight back or get them caught. Psychology doesn't define everyone who abuses a child as pedophile.
I heard some very interesting things from his relationship with ernie to lead me to believe that this transferred over to kids. I think sandusky is a domineering person and preys on those who he can with Ernie he would do similar things that he would do with these kids. He taught him sports, and they would do activities like swim together. I think that sandusky began experimenting with molestation as early as his high school years with this boy ernie.
@clayj17 I was responding to someone who was blaming sandusky having sex with boys on him being a "faggot". While I was trying to emphasise the point that it was because sandusky was a pedophile. I really don't like that my comment got thumbed up.. it was really only directed at one jackass, who was accusing all gays essentially of being pedophiles. Plus it all gets confusing on what definition of gay you go with, American gay? yeah he definately is.
I'm beginning to wonder if Jerry Sandusky is indeed a bonafied psychopath. Right after the scandal broke and while he was on bail, he was seen at the local mall smiling and wearing a Penn State sweat shirt. If he was innocent, he would have laid low. If he was guilty, he would have laid low. Since his alleged crime was so sensational, a morally sane person would have just let their lawyer do the talking and not give shameful interviews to Bob Costas.
@EdgarD8387 i wouldnt be against that, but to overrule the supreme court youd have to pass an amendment, which is impossible seeing as how alot of dems are against the death penalty totally, and the ones who support it only do so in cases where theres been a death, but i do feel some what content knowing he'll definitely get life and the other prisoners have their own way of doleing out justice inside, like happened to madoff.../watch?v=0oJOaTgsY64
@TheCarambah The people you call "Dirty faggots" And the people I call homosexuals. Are two different people. The 8-10% population figure applies to homosexuals by my, or a normal definition. Since your going by the definition of anyone who ever does anything "gay" is gay rule. Then yes all male child molesters who molest boys are gay. Even if they are married have kids, and enjoy having sex with woman, and aren't physically attracted to men.
This CONSPIRACY goes so deep we have not scratched the surface. Look into the FRANKLIN COVER-up, I urge everyone to do so, Your jaw will hit the floor. Furthermore, these moronic republican candidates think water-boarding is a wonderful tool, perhaps Sandusky and PATERNO should be interrogated with that very ENHANCED TECHNIQUE. Yes, I said it JOE PATERNO AND HIS COHORTS ARE PSYCHOPATHS by the very definition of the word.
@GhostInTheShell29 Child molester, rapist, abuser. Whichever. As long as we label them for the horrible people they are, and don't blame a whole group of people (pedophiles) as evil child abusing monsters. I actually know a pedophile who has never done anything wrong, and doesn't act on that at all. Not their fault the way their brain is wired. Its just not true that because you are born that, you're automatically evil.
@GhostInTheShell29 If you read my comments then maybe you can see that it's possible that he's a gay man who has a fetish for any male that he can control. Heck from what I've read it could very well be true. Besides his mother said he was shy around girls and she had to be pushy about him being in relationships his mom pushed him into furthering his relationship with his wife. I dont think he is or ever was into women
@rightwing52000 It's not that complicated? That's your response? It was an extremely lenient bail considering the charges and I can't imagine any other reason for her leniency other than their previous history. It's that simple. Check out the Uniform Bail Schedule. For charges that would result in life sentences (as in this case), bails typically range from $500,000 to $1,000,000 depending upon the county of residence.
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