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Unemployment insurance florida poster Videos

Florida House passes bill cutting unemployment

The Florida House passed a bill that would cut unemployment benefits from 26 to 20 weeks. After the bill passed today, speaker Dean Cannon called on the ...

User Comments

Unemployment checks needs to be done away with as there is no excuse for being out of work! All it does is keep many on the couch and waiting around for the next best thing. There are plenty of jobs available, washing dishes, construction jobs, working in fast food, janitorial jobs as many should not be stubborn to take anything! Many times I had to take low end jobs and later was able to get a much better job.
Now it takes MORE time to jump thru the FL unemployment hoops. The New bill is an utter joke, Rick Scott has Big Business and NOT the FL resident in mind. Scott is a complete waste. The unemployed will spend more time onliine and dealing with this new system than actually looking for work. Whos bright idea was this mess??? TIme to get outta FLorida and leave the wasteland to the businesses that WONT come Rick.
There are may jobs available, washing dishes, working fast food, janitorial, construction jobs as there is no excuse for not finding work! All of you are just lazy and do not want to get any job as your pride is bigger than your unemployment check! They should do away with unemployment so many will get a job, regardless of low end it is and low pay. Wal-Mart and McDonalds is hiring! Take it or start fools!
Shut the fuck up! You have NO FUCKING IDEA what your talking about. THERE ARE NO JOBS RIGHT NOW ASSHOLE and I for one even though I'm working right now will be taking advantage of unemployment if and when my time comes! These good people have been PAYING INTO THIS SYSTEM, so it stands to reason that they should benefit from it as well Have some compassion fuck face!
Every day when I go to McDonald's, I see that they are hiring, especially at Wal-Mart is always hiring, so there are many jobs available. But people act as they are too good to do any work. Hispanics are willing to work at McDonalds, why are white people complaining and not willing to work a janitor's job? It is better than being a lazy American.
There is nearly 50 Million unemployed Americans & exacerbating that is the nearly 20 Million undocumented aliens living in the United States!! Its not as Cut & Dry..Black & White as you attempt to allude!!
Also Mr patsoxon IM applying every where I hate people like you that blame the poor and homeless for everything while Ute type pays us and treats us like shit for you're benefit you prick
I believe this was a mistake as well... when you lose a job you should have a maximum of 6 months of unemployment benefits before you get another job.

Jupiter FL Councilman Kuretski loves illegal labor.

Since 2006 the Jupiter Florida Town Council has illegally used taxpayer funds for the 'El Sol Resource Center' facility, commonly known as the Jupiter Illegal ...

User Comments

With 22 million unemployed Americans citizens we do not need millions of illegal aliens taking jobs! Kuretski obfuscates the terms 'illegal alien' with 'immigrant!' This is pure subversion of fact and skulduggery!

Labor Law Posters

Robbie Haas explaining how you can receive Labor Law Posters.

Minimum wage going up in Florida

Wednesday 188 thousand of the state's lowest paid workers will get a pay raise.
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