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Intel black ssd Videos

Black MacBook (Intel 80GB SSD) Boot time

Specs: Black MacBook 2.2Ghz (Santa Rosa) 4GB DDR2 Ram 22% disk usage (16.5GB/74GB) Recordings: ~11s - apple logo ~16s - spinning wheel ~20s - login ...

User Comments

@TheShowMen But he could also launch 50 apps in 30 seconds vs 5minutes on your Macbook. The SSD gives you incredibly fast access to random data & launches/closes apps instantly. Its not about saving 10 seconds in boot time which unfortunately is what 99% of videos allude to. An SSD even in an old 1.5GB sata limited Macbook shows massive gains in daily useability. There's just no waiting for anything. And when you have photoshop, dreamweaver, office, and 20 tabs open it really does make a diff.
@TheShowMen Also a 7200rpm really sucks down the juice vs SSD. It's just a shame that SSD is so expensive right now. But as in all tech the prices will drop to half of what they are now and in not so short a time all laptops will come with SSD standard.
My 2.0ghz Macbook 3,1 Santa Rosa boot up in 31.3 seconds with 2gb ram and a 500GB 7200rpm.. Just saying. all you really gain is speed in data transfer and all you loose is well... 420Gb of storage.
@MisterMontyCarlo how does your black mac run with the caddy? i've seen threads on the subject but no actual reviews from someone who has done it.
Hey which optibay did are you using? I bought one with a SATA interface (machine) but the superdrive seems to have a different connector?
Quick question, which ssd are you using? I would like to upgrade my black macbook as well. Thanks.
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