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Columbia pictures egypt Videos

How to be Gangster , ( Egyptian Gangster )

User Comments

in egypt dosent metter u r muslim or u r chrisitan we are all egyptians but if u born outside and u feel egyptian u must learn arabic and be patriot no juts im egyptian"
hey im egyptian! i was born in Alexandria, Egypt, in Miami to be exact. im coptic orthodox.
this vid depicts saudis but was actually filmed in morocco ive heard. Any thoughts?
i was born in new york but im coptic orthodox ass well egyptian =]

Columbia Pictures

Sara Groves - Painting Pictures of Egypt (Official Pseudo video)

Music video by Sara Groves performing Painting Pictures of Egypt. (C)2000 Sponge Records.

User Comments

This song is so very deep...true to my soul

Insidious Chapter 2 Clip - Did You Believe Him? - Patrick Wilson - Sony Pictures

The insidious saga continues in the 2nd chapter, which brings us a new mystery that haunts the Lambert family. In cinemas September 26 in Lebanon, the UAE, ...

Kids of Courage: Persecuted Christian Teens around the World

Quotes, stories, and pictures of Persecuted Christian teens... China, Nigeria, Columbia, Egypt, Eritrea.... set to Casting Crowns "Praise You in the Storm".

User Comments

God be with them!❤ What's the name of this song?
Praise you in the storm by casting crowns :)
Of course all these instances are terrible. Of course I don't approve of persecution of any type, including against Christians. The only thing that gets me is that you get more about persecution of Christians on Youtube than about persecution of any other group. That seems to mean that certain Christians are more especially interested in disseminating knowledge of persecution against their own than against people of other religions or groups; and that is understandable. That is fine. But to bring it home (to my home) there are many Christians who use this stuff to bolster the notion that they are being persecuted in the US. Is it not clear to them that they are vastly in the majority and can do almost anything constitutional they want to as far as legislation? No thought for how atheists, muslims, gays, blacks, hispanics are persecuted for real. I know I am kind of repeating a point, but all any Christian has to worry about is encroaching equality, and the encroaching loss of their power to persecute others -- and no, speech is not real persecution. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
+Pablo Honey With all due respect what you are saying about salvation is not what the Bible teaches. Sadly, there may be people who call themselves Christians who have taught you this, but it's NOT what the bible teaches. Where do you see in the Bible that you have to love God in return and obey him perfectly or you will go to hell? That is the whole point of Jesus dying for us. We CAN"T do that. YES, he wants us to love him! (Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind! ) and YES he wants you to obey Him. (it says to obey him in His Word. of course, HE knows what is BEST for us!) BUT these things are not conditions for us to be saved. The bible says over and over that we are saved by FAITH and FAITH in JESUS alone!! If we aren't saved by our faith in Jesus, then what was the point of Jesus dying for our sins. HE paid a debt, we cannot pay!!! If we could save ourselves by our obedience, then His death on the cross wouldn't be necessary. If we need to obey for salvation + we need HIs death, then we are saying his death wasn't enough. BUT if we understand HIS death was the payment for our sins and we have to TRUST in HIM, then we say HIS death was sufficient!! (Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 1:12, John 3:16. read those to start) I would recommend a book called More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell. I hope this helps and that you will put your faith in the ONE who is able to save, JESUS. Once you are saved, then start to read HIS word, start in John or Mark, learn about JESUS, and the role the Holy Spirit has in your life. Then as you read the rest of the bible you will see it all as God's love letter to you, a book of history that all points to JESUS from Genesis to Revelation. Praying for you to find HIS truth!!
+Pablo Honey I study theology, and from reading your explanation about the Bible, the message and the your view of the Old testament and new testament, it is lacking studying. Ill be honest with you, you believe in Jesus Christ. But you don't trust Him as your savior. You truly don't know him. The difference is this, many people know Barack Obama and say you go to the white house and you tell the guards, I know Barack Obama. The guards will talk with Obama and Obama will obviously say, I do not know him. But if Barack Obama's daughters come and say we know Him, Obama would let them in, because they truly know him and he knows them. The Old Testament is a shadow of the coming of Jesus Christ. The whole Bible is about Jesus Christ coming and salvation for mankind. There are more than 350 prophecies completed by Him alone. Also about Christians being mass persecuted it is true. What you see on YouTube is very little. Before even ISIS many Christians have been killed and tortured for doing what is good. There are many Christian organizations that help feed the poor around the world, who help people in need and who also bring the good news of salvation at the risk of their lives. We also pray for other religious groups, even those who are killing us like ISIS and the people who hate us because we don't accept deviant marriage. You also need to read history my friend, Christians were persecuted over and over again. It started in Jerusalem, then in Rome; Emperor Nero falsely blamed the Christian for the fire, sending them to the arena to be killed by lions, spearheaded and burning corpses made into lamps to light the roads. You have to make up your mind, you are either fully in with Jesus Christ or you are not. You cannot deny scripture and say you believe in Jesus Christ. Also the contradictions listed, do not change the core message of scripture if they were true. They are all readers error and have been answered.Like Jesus Christ said, count the cost. You got to carry your cross and follow him. If you understand what carry your cross means. Jesus Christ also says, if you love me you will follow my teachings. As Moses said in the Old Testament, choose today Israel. Choose between life or death, follow God and his teachings and live or reject God and die in your sins. You have a choice to make, you are not promised to live tomorrow. This is not up for debate, are you all in with Jesus Christ or are you out? Count the cost and make your decision, for there is no in between. It's black or white, there is no gray.
 You have some very good points. I myself believe in Jesus but I do not believe in everything attached to him through the church or bible..Lately I have been studying this doctrine of eternal torment that MOST Christians believe in and teach.I have found it to be false myself and not even biblical matter of fact. Let me get to the point though. I am sick of people believing everything their pastor or someone who knows some scripture says.. One of the things I hear lately is how Christians are being persecuted and it's because they are preaching the righteousness of God and standing for truth etc. Well what they don't say is the part where they are preaching one of the most offensive message you could think of if in one breath they say Jesus is love..so much so He died to set you free...He loves you unconditionally.. Just to turn around and say that the one condition is that if you fail to love Him in return and do His exact will then you will be burned for all eternity...now take one second and think about how much of a mindwarp that is to someone who has never heard "the message of the gospel"  and how offensive that would be to someone.. If you took out the doctrine of eternal torment of hell that is taught, you would have people accepting your Jesus a little easier..what about all the contradictions in the bible...the old Testament God vs. the New testament God...Which is night and day contrast but most Christians try and make them mesh and say they are the same and God never changes.. Anyways I believe in God myself . I believe in Jesus. But I am particularly annoyed with Christians focusing on only themselves as being persecuted also. I feel it is fueled by a few different ideas and teachings. One of those teachings is simply pointing out in the scripture how it says mass persecution will take place..so then they turn and say it is fulfilled prophecy.. You see the dilemma though? Just food for thought. the persecution is real. But many people have been persecuted throughout history and still are today. It's almost as if some Christians wanna talk about it to feel real special and chosen rather than persecuted..Maybe I am thinking too much about it but it has been bugging me lately and I will shut up now.
I find it funny on how Christians get pissy when other religions persecute them, but find it ok to do the same to others, and then get butt hurt when civil minded people don't allow them to persecute and have the nerve to call that persecution
+KingIanSpini never hated on the crusades. i am talking about how Christians want to take away the rights of gays and when they fail they claim they are being persecuted. the USA is not nation ruled based on what the bible states.
+MrJJ6640 Alright here's the thing...Before the crusades and all of that.Christians were being persecuted by other factions,and everyone is alright with that.But when they stand up for he selves and fight back,they get labeled as evil,which the worlds hates the crusades.Yet it isn't smart enough to stop from contradicting itself.
+DivinoamorI am pretty atheists are treated the same in those countries plus more, but that doesn't matter in my argument. Most athiest dont want to prosecute anybody or deny them any rights, but all religious people do; it doesnt matter if its small or big, persecution is still persecution
+redking497 How is that persecution?
Do you know the difference in the persecution of Christians and the Christians who object to immoral behavior? But most importantly can you tell the difference between westboro baptist church vs true Christianity that is bible based? Christians around the globe get killed along with their families, tortured, finances stolen, blocked from having jobs and normal civil rights? The worst persecution of true Christians prosecuting others is objecting to accepting deviant marriage. But this is not about religion, this is about building a friendship with your creator and who also happens to be your savior. For Jesus Christ died at the cross for the sins of those who believe in Him, so that they may have eternal life. Jesus Christ showed He was true, by resurrecting on the third day and purchasing a place for us in heaven, which He paid with his life. To make us inheritors of his Kingdom. All He aks is that we turn away from our sins, put our trust in Him to be saved and to follow his teachings.
Wow lol i can say the same about atheists. You go to any athiest youtube channel its a buch of crazy ass people bashing pretty much everything that isnt atheism especially christianity.

【APH】 Egypt


User Comments

heeey , nice working iam Egyption and I congratulate you about it i love hitalia but i want tell you something , we dont Wearing that Head scarf the Gulf States Wearing it , but i know this is Arabs mark ^_^ XD and i really i love it thank you
@aphnote Egypte DEFINITELY needs more love!!! I really really wish he had a voice actor!!! That would be so awesome! I mean, Turkey has a voice actor, so why can't Egypt? I know he doesn't talk much, but can't they give him, lyk, ONE line?!
I LOVE LOREENA MCKENNITT ; - ; egypt is so cute.. hidekaz needs to make him appear more often T~T since he has an awesome history to begin with i have faith hidekaz could make an awesome comic about him xD
.......... I just drowned in bliss *still mesmerized by vid, sitting there w/ fangirl eyes and grinning face* egypt just got a new fangirl/stalker ^w^
that is JUST what i imagine Egypt would look like as a human. ya kno? anyone else feel the same way?? luv it!
ORESAMA VOICED EGYPT! :D once Egypt appears in another episode, hope that oresama will voice him again!
The first picture is absolutely amazing and you really made the video flow! *presses like button*
@LadySeraph yes, in a way. each character's video is released on their 'birthday's'.
Egypt doesn't hit it with me.. he's kinda boring ;; and he isn't ancient Egypt so..
isnt Gupta an indian name but Muhammad hassan is the real arabic/egyptian name ?:33
same :DDD i wish they'd make Egypt have more screen time that'll be sooo cool X333
@Kairi808chan At least show him more on the anime. Hidekaz needs to draw him more.
WoW u just made me discover dat i hav a crush on Egypt
for some reason, this made me want to watch Alladin. lol
@Norwegiancalamity 'Marco Polo' by Loreena McKennitt
where did u find these pics? n wat tags did u use?
@69LatinoLover I did? *checks* Lol fail by me. X)
@noorchan you come from the middle east too? :D
I hope Gupta gets to speak in the cartoon
What song did you use? :D and Yay Egypt! Cx
Egypt is so mysterious and sexy....
Where can I find the pic at 0:06?
Nice vid. Egypt needs more love.
@WonderWoman913 I know~ >W
Egypt needs more love
You making a collection?
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