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Infinity rpg miniatures Videos

Modiphius Calling Ep 1: Infinity RPG Designer's Rules Preview

Modiphius is producing the Role Playing Game for Corvus Belli's sci fi skirmish game Infinity, funding now on Kickstarter. Modiphius Founder Chris Birch, author ...

User Comments

Did Justin also find the "astute player" line hilarious, or did he write that?
+Spenser Clark I did not write it. But I do love it and I jealously protect it against anyone who tries to remove it. ;)

New Infinity Releases Striking Soon!

Find out more at: //www.beastsofwar.com/infinity/infinity-releases-striking-soon/ We've got a whole new wave of miniatures coming out for Infinity by Corvus ...

User Comments

I just noticed that pig thing. That's amazing.
BLING ... Gotta get some of that! :o]
Awesome looking models!

Living 4 Crits - Savage Skylander Skirmish

Have you ever looked at Skylanders or Disney Infinity figures and thought "hey, these would make TERRIFIC miniatures for a fantasy role-playing game?

User Comments

Would you mind emailing me the stats you used for this adventure? My kids love Skylanders and Disney Infinity and I'm a big Savage Worlds Fan.
Thanks so much!  Glad you can use this :)
I will make sure to refer people to your resource as well. Thanks for posting the video.
Of course not!  Please feel free to use everything, change what you want, and share away!  
Would you mind if I created character sheets for these?
I'll do you one better!  I posted them on my blogsite:  //ilive4crits.blogspot.com/2015/03/savage-skylander-skirmish-quick-kid.htmlIf you need anything else let me know!
I love watching the kids play RPGs. ^_^ This is great! Plus, Skylanders and Disney Infinity characters on the map fighting, hard to go wrong.
Thanks!! I may end up having to buy more ;)
That was fun! I'll use my nerf during my sessions too! LOL and I'll take a look on Savege worlds. It seems easy and maybe doing some sessions with disney characters will get my gf into RPG LOL
If you take a look at some of my older blog posts, I do Disney Numenera and Disney Savage Worlds.  It's a great way to get kids… and significant others… to the table!  Oh, and the Nerf gun would be great in a D&D game with miniatures… "The gods are angered by your actions in the temple!"  Pew Pew Pew!


User Comments

SI claro, es una de sus virtudes xD
Se va a traducir a otros idiomas?
Te entiendo +Furikae PNJ a mi se me suma ademas con la relectura de material clasico pero afortunadamente 2 horas de cercanias diarias hacen milagros.
Que me vas a contar, mi pila de libros no leídos crece por momentos. Más que lectura parece una batalla épica XD
Pues nada, mas gasto. Pero que tarde me parece bien que la ultima parte de este año va a ser brutal, los KS de wallhala y la espada negra, el keltia, Numenera, plenilunio, cultos innombrables... tanto rol y tan poco tiempo
Bueno, pues la respuesta fue que sí. Tendremos infinity el juego de rol en español pero tardará bastante en llegar.

How to Paint Miniatures - The Basics - NPC Chris Vlog 004

Learn the basics of painting minis in this here NoVloMo vlog! Chris covers the three techniques he thinks beginners should know: Basecoating, Drybrushing, ...

User Comments

Have to ask, him much money did your paint collection cost? I tried getting into this years ago, and paints and brushes were expensive, and you have 4 to 5 times more than me. Got a new game and I'm getting back into painting minis, thanks for the video
I use some brushes that are a couple years old, but I take pretty good care of my brushes.For paints it depends on how they are stored. They can have the tendency to dry out and thicken and sometimes they can be thinned and work, but sometimes you have to toss them.
+One Thousand XP thanks, this video will definitely help for future painting. Random question, my paints and brushes are a few years old, what's the normal shelf life for both?
Yeah, I hear you there. Best of luck!
+One Thousand XP swamps of death, it's a lot of fun. But my local shop doesn't carry any of the extra stuff, so I'm going to have to order offline. There is so much expansion stuff that looks great, but it's not cheap lol
Nice! Which set did you pick up? A friend of mine owns City of the Ancients.
+One Thousand XP I picked up Shadows of Brimstone. Spent the last week putting the minis together and painting them, didn't have the money to buy wash, I'm not very good, but they give the game more pop.
+gasol18 Hmm...I bought it over time so I am not quite sure how much it cost. Around $3-4 per paint. Typically I will buy a small handful of colors (black, a brown, a white, a flesh, a metallic, and then a couple of shades of the colors I am painting) and then slowly build my collection from there. So what you are actually looking at is a collection that had been built up over several months.What game did you pick up?
Nicely explained, helps me a lot, thanks. Looks great.
+Daniel Engel Thanks! Glad it was helpful.
Really handy info, thanks!
+Adrian Dockerty Glad to help!
How long does it usually take in between these steps for the mini to dry?
+rndmdud77 It depends on the steps. Drybrushing is dry almost immediately, basecoating takes a couple minutes depending on how thick the paint is, and washes take a bit longer because they are more wet.If you're painting multiple minis with the same color palette, then I like to do an assembly line approach, so by the time I am done with the last miniature in the line the first one has had time to dry.Good luck!
Others have said similar, but this was an amazing video! I've painted a whole 40k orc army but never FULLY understood washes and never saw a good dry brush example. Thank you so much! No other vid had been this clear. This is a great, like, 2nd video for someone to watch. Not quite intermediate, but 1 step above absolute beginner.
+Vazzaroth Glad it could be of some help!
This is the best beginner video I've found, very helpful!! I have a question, if you don't mind answering. I make custom dolls, generally for my nieces, nothing ever this small or of this material. So my question involves the paint itself. What sort of paints do you use to paint these figures? Something special? Being a penny pincher and painting on vinyl, I use regular acrylic paints like Apple Barrel, Folkart, Smartcraft, whatever inexpensive brand I can get my hands on so I've actually got about a hundred colors on hand. Would these work or do these figures need a special kind of paint, like enamel used for custom car sets? I also use testors dulcote for my primer and sealant, is that okay to use on these figures as well, or do I need something else? Thanks for reading my message and especially thanks for making this video!
+Chris R. (NPC) I see. Thank you for your answer. Guess I will need to look into some different paints if I do get into painting miniatures more than a one off. Thank you very much.
That's a good question! I am using acrylic painted designed specifically for painting miniatures. The reason for this is because they are made using much finer pigments than regular acrylic paints, which could potentially gunk up details on the model.Typically I will use acrylics I buy at big box stores like Target or Wal-Mart for when I am painting things like buildings or hills, but not really on the miniatures themselves.

Filthy Casual : Mike Plays Infinity - Nomads vs Haqqislam 300pts Ep1

Owen and I play a 300 point game of Infinity using the 20x20 Mission System! The primary mission is Upload Evidence with a secondary mission of Raise your ...

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Once you eject from the Iguana it can actually be removed, you can't repair it anymore. So that was a waste of a shot for Owen to destroy it @14:15 ( //wiki.infinitythegame.com/en/Ejection_System). Not a big deal though, just a single shot :)
+StarlightNightflame - very good point. And you should remove it, too. Otherwise, your opponent can forward observe it, or target it for an objective (if he has that objective).
Your nomads look really really cool. I hope to see more infinity from you!
That really depends on the model, but lately I've usually used an airbrush to at least lay down some base colour.
+Epic Duck Studios do you hand paint the whole model or start with the airbrush?
+Chad Tompkins Definitely :D Thanks!
21 minutesish Owen rolls 3 dice in ARO, should be 1.
I'd have to go back and watch the vid, but I'm pretty sure we resolved it correctly. The mine would have ARO'd when the Morlock rounded the corner, but the Morlock still declares it's second short skill and then all events resolve simultaneously. Maybe we missed something though, I'm no veteran Infinity player :)
Absolutely right. Still swear I said "that's great" but I'll do better just in case :)
+Epic Duck Studios Hey, no big deal, you seem like a nice bloke and I'm really glad you're putting out Infinity content [loved the batrep BTW, probably should have started with that!] I'm no saint, and I'm sure I've accidentally said the same thing on occasion as it's something that's crept into common parlance. Just pointing it out as something you probably should avoid with public content.
Pretty sure I said "that's great" but it definitely sounds otherwise playing it back. Not something in my typical vocabulary (one of my best friends and a former roommate is homosexual and I've always minded my language because of that).
+Toby Hall Also, not usually someone who cares too much about political correctness, but 33.45 "That's gay". Not cool man.
+Toby Hall Also, when the Morlock came around the corner, wouldn't the mines have triggered before it engaged?
Hey Mike :) On that final turn. If you're using the Alguacile for ARO's anyways, why not put him on suppressive fire? 3 shots that apply a -3 modfier to his opponents ftf rolls. Better than just burning his order I think?
My thoughts exactly!
Short answer: because I forgot Combi Rifles had Suppression Fire in their profile :) Thanks for catching that!
Models are allowed to try to upload evidence until they succeed. The mission text is pretty clear on this. Every model can upload evidence only once. There is no limit to the number of attempts for each model to pass the WIP test.
So it is. You can blame Owen for that one ;) Maybe they revised the mission at some point?

Infinity Miniatures and 40K Eternal Crusade

In this video I show my Infinity Order Sergeants progress and talk about the W40K Eternal Crusade upcoming video game. Eternal Crusade Forum- ...

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I played Warhammer Fantasy games in the late 90's on PC and Warhammer Online. Though I'd heard of Space Marines here and there and knew you could play table top, THQ's Space Marine was my official intro. That game and following Eternal Crusade has actually inspired me to start modeling again(I used to do WWII miniatures when I was a kid), and I'm wanting to get into table top. I'm just starting in on my Dark Vengeance set and I am accumulating some Death Korps of Krieg to work on after I get down the basics. Eternal Crusade could introduce a whole new generation to the 40K universe, as well as get many interested in Table Top and miniatures.
I couldnt agree more! Thanks for the comment

Stormtable: 4 Yu Jing Figures - Infinity Assemble

Welcome to the Storm Table - a daily blog. This is a daily recording of my hobby workbench. From day to day there is no telling what area you will view from the ...

User Comments

what bases are you using on the first one?
+Storm Table thanks! ill look for those!
Micro Art studio Urban Fight Bases, Round 25mm

Atomic Salt Live Show ep.51 Infinity RPG and other things

Atomic Salt is a weekly recap show covering news, reviews, and discussions about the world of the tabletop gaming hobby. Atomic Salt blog: ...
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