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Infinity rules Videos

Infinity 3rd Ed Sneak Peek: Camouflage Rules!

More Infinity: //www.beastsofwar.com/infinity/ We have Carlos in the studio with Killian to give you a sneak peek at what's coming up in the 3rd Edition rules ...

User Comments

My Sphinx isn't sure what to think about this... but my Noctifers love it! Poor poor Aswaung feels bad though. The normal roll worked very well with the adhesive launcher since it only has burst 1 anyway.
I worry about low burst models with dangerous weapons such as tank hunters ,adhl and missile launchers.Only time will tell though when the whole rule system is released and a few games are played.
Also, anybody know where to get the play mat that was on that table in the foreground?
Thanks, was also wondering this!
+Nate W , Thanks!  That's it - //riseofrlyeh.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/post-1786-0-67315600-1401440471.jpg?w=640&h=480In case anybody else is curious, Micro Art Studio said, "It will cost about 50€And will be available in September in our on-line store. Exact dates are still unknown" over at DakkaDakka (//www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/390/481793.page#7032692)
It's the micro art infinity battle mat was on weekender a while ago
+awsomeA3It's not painted though.  If you go to 2:36 and look at the closest corner of the table on the right side, it looks like it's a play mat.
+Rick Denny id say thats their custom painted table would be my guess
It's not from the box, that's this one - //4.bp.blogspot.com/-3yvVFMblDNE/U9bAKfiRA6I/AAAAAAAAroI/wOLu2xbPBeA/s1600/fight!.jpgThere's a good shot of the one in the video at 0:58, and you can see that there is no "Loading Zone" on it.It's similar to the one in the first Beasts Of War Infinity Table Analysis video around 5:55 - //www.beastsofwar.com/infinity/tabletop-analysis-01/
From the Operation Icestom box
Nomads or yu jing? Which is cooler?
I like more the Nomads (Bakunin) design, but... yu jing brings more tactical posibilities on desk...
As a longtime Infinity player, I gotta say that Icestorm is a long awaited thing; a two player starter that is certain to draw more players to Infinity. Not to mention the new gorgeous sculpts and terrain! I'm interested to see the full rules change but I agree with other uses who've said that the +12/-12 ruling will definitely help.
Oh Myyyyy! Haha digging it.

Infinity 3rd Edition Week - New Rules: Templates

Learn more: //www.beastsofwar.com/infinity/3rd-edition-week/ Join the Fight & Order Infinity 3rd Edition! //bit.ly/Pre-Order-Infinity-3rd-Edition Let's take a ...

User Comments

Not a fan of smoke disappearing if a face to face is lost. scattering would probably be better. Where is the best place to buy infinity templates?
The ones they were using in the vid were from MAS - Micro Art Studios.
QUESTION! If say the Interventor missed with both shots, is the Template placed? I am guessing yes, BUT (big but, I cannot lie) what then occurs? - Do both template covered Fusliers suffer no damage? Even if say they both fail their ARO rolls as well?
If the Interventor misses with both shots, then no templates gets placed. Interventor would have to spend another order to repeat the action (attack) if desired.
This is metal minis, right? I don't hink I've ever put togather a metal mini... is it very different from plastic or resin? 
+Javier Perez It's not a scary as it may seem to be. I'm not a big fan of metal myself, but it's not too bad, certainly doesn't seem to have the same sort of casting problems as resin can, but then companies like Hawk wargames seem to do a great job with their resin so I guess it depends on the manufacturer.
+Javier Perez If your starting off with Infinity, you don't really need more than a starter and a blister or two depending on your tastes. None of those should really require any pinning as your likely not going to be using a TAG straight out the bat, though odds are you'll want one eventually.
+Javier Perez You certainly should. It's an awesome game.
+MaiMinase Thanks! I figured that was the case, but I've heard so much about pinning everything and how some models can be fragible on the gluing points, that I was worried. It's good to get the opinion of someon with experience. I guess now I just have to jump in. 
From a player assembly perspective, not particularly. Like with plastic or resin, you may have to remove some imperfections caused by the molding process like mold-lines or sprue parts, but you use mostly the same kind of equipment to do so such as hobby knives and files. Metal minis aren't as easy to customize as some plastic, so you may not be able to pose it kit bash as easily, but the material is a lot more "structurally stable" for a lack of better term, so the sculptors can put the miniatures in more dynamic poses and add in more detail then can easily be done in plastic (although resin can get up there in similar quality, though it varies from a company to company basis) and in all honesty with the high level of product Corvus Belli develops you don't really need it as much. Gluing if fairly similar as to plastic, although you'll typically need a stronger glue then any kind of plastic cement. Metal can be a bit finicky with some minis as you need to slot the pieces in the right position, but the trade off is that you're dealing with a lot less pieces in general, so it will take about the same amount of time to assemble as plastic or less depending on your gluing skill. A lot of Light Infantry in infinity are often only one or two pieces per model, while more complex ones can be up to six pieces, though those are often more fiddly bits such as antenna and jet packs and what have you. The easiest comparison I can make off the top of my head and based off my own experiences are Games Workshops Tau Fire Warriors and Tau Crisis Battle Suits. Which were typically seven and fourteen piece models respectively compared to the two and six piece Light Infantry and Heavy Infantry Corvus Belli produced. Some players swear by pinning for metal miniatures, although in my personal experience that was only truly necessary for larger heavier models such as TAGS. Base-coating is about the same experience wise, as most spray paint basecoats work on both plastic and metal, though its always a good idea to check the labels on the paints before hand.TLDR: file, glue, pin if need be, spray.
Looking forward to the fun my Chain Rifles and Lt Flame Throwers will cause. Cover pahhhh :)
It does meant that Hassht will be slightly easier to knock out now too, with his damn mobile cover!
If one of the shotgun template targets were in partial cover, it would negate it because its template weapon? Or was that just for direct template weapons?
+Sakari Näveri It seems ALL templates (direct or terminal) deny partial cover.
Would the shotgun shot negate the partial cover bonus?

Infinity 3rd Edition Week - New Rules: Retreat!

Learn more about Infinity: //www.beastsofwar.com/infinity/3rd-edition-week/ Join the fight today: //bit.ly/Pre-Order-Infinity-3rd-Edition Run away to fight ...

User Comments

I have another question... in the Loss of Lieutenant situation with an Impetuous unit, the new chart shows that he gets an irregular order as well as a Fury/Impetuous order. Does that mean he could technically act twice by himself? One during the "red" phase (where he's obligated to move towards the enemy) and then one irregular order where he can do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't give away his own order?
Impetuous units aren't affected by Loss of Lieutenant; they always keep the impetuous order and if they are irregular as well they still keep their second order for themselves. If they are impetuous and regular, the regular order becomes irregular (every unit keeps the order for themselves in Loss of Lieutenant in N3 unless they have a special skill).
Looking more exciting with each video.
It certainly is :D
sounds like my japanese will take advantage of 3rd edition
Of course they will :)
Okay going to take a while to see how all the new rules work together.
I think its going to really mix the game up a huge amount.
This certainly makes JSA (and large parts of Yu Jing in general) happy.

Infinity 3rd Edition Week - New Rules: Command Tokens!

Learn more about Infinity! //www.beastsofwar.com/infinity/3rd-edition-week/ Join the fight today: //bit.ly/Pre-Order-Infinity-3rd-Edition We're taking our first ...

User Comments

I never understood why killian has to be part of these videos and they dont just let carlos do his thing alone. Literally all killian does is repeat everything that carlos says...
+norskombia Yeah an actual dialogue is much more interesting to watch for me so I think it is necessary.
+norskombia +1
+norskombia Yeah, gotta agree with norskombia. I'm fairly good at understanding broken English, but sometimes Carlos gets very hard to understand when he gets excited (which is quite often, bless 'im), so Killian acting as translator is sometimes necessary. :p Love Carlos though. <3
I find that sometimes Carlos gets a bit to carried away and it's not to easy to follow, having killian provide a nice summary of the changes is very useful, specially for new players. It's also nicer to have 2 people engage in dialog than just a monologue.Maybe veterans find it annoying, but they are trying to expand the player base, so...
I am thinking I am going to love 3rd ED.
Just because you have a boyfriend walter doesn't mean you call everything gay walter.
Everything about 3rd edition is looking fantastic. 
My Infinity days are long gone :), but I'm sure it's evolved well
finally N3 is here! I'm so stoked
lol I never paint... text me sometime and I'll teach you how to play :P
3rd ed not out till 17th dec ? so these series of vids are a little early ?
+Madrox TheMultiplemanThese vids should have been tiltedInfinity 3rd Edition Pre-Order Week.. although it doesn't have quite the same ring to it lol
It's because pre-orders start today.

Infinity the Game Camouflage Rules 2 3 (中文字幕)

Sin City Infinity episode 5.....gym rules

In this episode we talk about gym rules. Sure in reality you don't have to follow these rules. its common courtesy though. Sure you may think its is mentally ...

Infinity 09 - Paul Random's Project (Virgin Rules Remix)

This is the new infinity song off 2009 If You want the song here is the link: //www.zippyshare.com/v/15758212/file.html.

User Comments

Love the beat! but I think the Infinity 2008 by Guru Josh Project is better... But they're both great!
hes a resident Dj in montreal! if your ever down here hunt him down
thxx :P great song by paul
pssss chusta

Infinity Contest *Rules and Info in the desc*

User Comments

Nevermind just finished editing the speedbuild with the Rube Goldberg machine before the speedbuild. Now waiting for the render and the upload, video is over the ten minutes so I will post the link in the comments and send it in a pm to you. I will remove the other video ofcourse.
im i going to try this! i love redstone and any modded stuff that has to do with it :) im gonna enjoy making this. ill let you know when i post the video. or does it have to be as a response?
Could I enter my build here and on another Infinity server contest to get a better chance? Also, If I do enter I can't do a commentary because there's a lot of background noise lately.
Well I rather have you watch them both, they are both not more than 6 minutes. But if you really want I cant edit them in the same video since I'm not done with the speedbuild video.
Uhm, I'm a little bit confused. In the beginning you said it has to be red stone, but later you said you could do a speed build... So which is it exactly? Sorry to be a bother.
Just one last question. Can I build in creative mode if I'm doing a speed build, or does it have to be survival? Thanks for answering my last question by the way!
Will post my video as a response here and at the other video, no commentary over it sorry. Thanks for making this possible for us!
i have a question if our rube gold burg machine for SBK's contest involves redstone can we use that for your contest as well?
does the creation have to be mod related or will a vanilla redstone creation do? im not good at installing mods.
MrFluffly, Im uploading this over night but should I give it to you by video response or post it on my channel?
Ow but I already submitted my Rube Goldberg machine, but still want to make a speedbuild video is that OK?
Crap i have a great build but i didnt record making it... Oh well guess i wont be on the server
If I upload it on another site which you can view it on, can I send you a link through inbox?
So have watched these responses and not many of them are actually what Fluffy asked for. :l
i would love to upload my entry for sbk's contest but i did not record my building of it
fluffy add me on skype so i can give you my snaps my user is sprrow900 please accept
It's not that I'm uploading wrong, it's god damn YouTube, I'll try again soon though
Hey fluffy would you prefer we inbox you the video, or set it as a video response?
You forgot to delete the porn tab at the bottom thingy, just to let you know. ;)
Dude it messed it, it wont let me send it Im uploading it then ill send the link
Left my new video, speedbuild and rube goldberg. Please watch that one. Thanks!
This is not possible i have a mac as you i cant instal a mod WTF DUDE HELP PLZ
Yeah this is one, you can make a redstone contraption or a random building
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