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Traffic lawyer union mo Videos

James Ferguson on new Charlotte traffic-stop study

Part of Missouri Interstate Under Water From Floods

Some traffic on Interstate 44 in central Missouri is moving again, but a stretch near St. Louis is still closed because of flooding. Officials say part of I-55 south of ...

Macon Personal Injury Lawyer - Missouri

Call the Macon, MO Personal Injury hotline 24/7 for a free, no obligation consultation. We are here to help! Macon Personal Injury Lawyer - Missouri ...

Debtors' Prisons Alive and Well in Missouri...

Thom Hartmann shares a New York Times article about police in two Missouri towns targeting African Americans with traffic tickets to raise revenue. If you liked ...

User Comments

Well, they are too addicted to a patch of land they are under the illusion that they own, to just pack up and get the hell out of there. Sorry they got suckered. We bailed out in 2008 and will never pay a mortgage (directly) again for the remainder of our lives. What a scam. Just to keep you put till they can figure out how to feed you to the prison mill. If you have any smarts at all, get the hell out of there!! Then try and help your family and friends get the hell out. What if they made a state and nobody came? No state. Problem solved.
+ime akpan Yeah.  That'll teach us to get rid of their slaves.  They'll just make slaves out of all of us.  Find some bs reason to incarcerate us, then put us to work for pennies a day.  Joke is on us my friend.  Should have let them keep their damned slaves.  Hell, even the bible says only to care well for your slaves, not that we shouldn't have them.  Right?Sorry, I am sick today, thanks to not getting my medications on time last month.  Yet another way to fuck us over and make us pay for screwing up their money makers (slaves).  They will not be controlled by the masses.  They are here to control the masses.  And we are too weak and powerless to stop them.  Enjoy the ride.
The problem is in every state and in many municipalities...

Officer, Motorist Fight During Traffic Stop

A Middletown police officer and a driver got into a fight during a traffic stop Wednesday evening.

Dash Cam Video Showing Laquan McDonald's Fatal Shooting Released

For more WORLD NEWS "SUBSCRIBE" US US officials have released dashboard camera video showing a white police officer shooting a black teenager 16 ...

Missouri Troopers Seized 400 pounds of edible marijuana chocolate bars

The Missouri Highway Patrol, Troop A, displays 400 pounds of edible marijuana chocolate bars seized during a traffic stop yesterday in Lafayette County during ...

RAW VIDEO: Cops and Ferguson protesters clash in St. Louis

//12160.info/page/page/list?q=Ferguson FBI BS Links Ferguson “Anarchists” to ISIS Sovereign citizens also linked to Islamic terror organization The feds are ...

User Comments

knee-growz are AWESOME at "shutting shit down"... Not so much in building things up though.
Just backhand the Niggers. A nice cattle prod would have been useful and Fucking hysterical. Can you see that little Coon taking 50K volts? I sure could have. 
03:53 Hahahahahaha .......He's gonna go tattletale. Here's a hint: Nobody cares..you had it coming :)
I hate white liberal f@gs even worse than knee-gurz.
niggers arent human upvote if u agree 1 like = 1 love
White people who are racist to other races are assholesupvote if u agree1 like = 1 love
YES YES YES!!! Pillage the fascist police department! People of color must rise up and trample white supremacist society! These white devils have oppressed you for far too long. I may have white skin, but I am NOT a white person. I am a Jew, and I stand with minorities, women, and our LGBTQZYT brothers and sisters (as well as other inclusive pronouns). We must do everything in our power to build a more progressive, diverse, and multicultural society in order to prevent another holocaust. 85 million Jews have already been slaughtered by white fascists, and I won't stand idly by and watch it happen again.
+twn5858I'll uphold to it with you!Fuck these intellect cowards who think too hard to actually BE at the end of the day! They want the world to remain sick! The only way they'd do anything, is if they saw others commit to it first, and that's the ENTIRE problem! Perfectly TRAINED to go along with the crowd."People are naturally vicious.  The human race is violent, and destructive. It is only because of civilization that we have anything.Man is not beyond it's primal thirst for blood. Just because you hold a noble cause does not mean others will."The human race is being lead by psychopaths, and therefor repeat the same behavior. Ruthlessness is taught as success (In school and in media), so NO SHIT people are going to be retarded (By definition: Held back from progress), All it usually takes is for something to be repeated for it to become truth for most assholes on the planet! You get hurt enough and with a retarded mind, you'll spread your disease to the rest without warning or reason! Might, is right to these DUPED idiots."You have nothing to fear if you've done nothing wrong"What is wrong? What politicians say and Robocops (Slave Cops) follow?Attacking someone, violating their freedom to be and express themselves, nonviolently?Or, Deciding with your own free will to put a substance ANY substance in your body?Notice how VIOLence is a VIOLation of another's free will? No? Police will, by written law, violate YOUR free will to do what YOU will, with YOUR OWN body.Don't repeat the garbage that humans are just greedy animals, as this does not excuse fucked up behavior. An animal is what it is and has no need or ability to explain! We will always question and wonder why! This is why we are where we are. Those that don't are absolutely BROKEN! Unconscious automatons.Yeah, you think we've come far because of this society? Then why are we enslaved and stuck in time?
+John Stevenson it would explain the huge nose. But how'd you figure it to be a troll account?
The top comment is not a Jew, that's a troll account.
+twn5858 you have nothing to fear if you've done nothing wrong.
+twn5858 People are naturally vicious.  The human race is violent, and destructive. It is only because of civilization that we have anything.Man is not beyond it's primal thirst for blood. Just because you hold a noble cause does not mean others will.
+Kat Licks I'm a peaceful person who leaves by two rules. Do no harm to others (unless acting in a defensive manner) and honor your contracts. The police are  my greatest fear! If we had freedom I could defend myself from acts of aggression from the police without it being a kamikaze mission like it is now if you try to protect yourself from the police.
+twn5858 k m8 whatever you say
+twn5858 What is freedom, if shackled by fear?What is freedom, if extinguished by another person's will?
+Derp Herp  Once you realize freedom and give up on the lie of governments you don't grow out of it.
The police are the house slaves that don't get whipped as hard or as often as the common folks.
+twn5858 Ok ok teenie. You'll grow out of it soon.
We're all slaves.  The police are just too stupid to realize it because of the table scraps their owners give them. These idiots are drunk on their own power.
+twn5858 Silly anarchist get out of here.
What the hell are you talking about? Did you even notice that some of the cops in this video were black?
With a nose like that, I hope you smell the mace when you get it too. :D
Excuse me, you excluded BK from your list, as a Barnacle Kin, I would be offended if I could feel the emotion "Offended" but I am a barnacle kin and can not.
"multicultural society" in your scenery thus means people yelling "I hate very last one of you", then, wonderful. Sounds like you're shooting for the Nobel.

Chicago police release dashcam video of fatal shooting

For More Latest News Subscribe us: US officials have released dashboard camera video showing a white police officer shooting a black teenager 16 times in ...
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