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How to be financially independent after college

How to Become Financially Independent After College - Savvy Sugar www.savvysugar.com/How-Become-Financially-Independent-A... by Anna Monette ...

ISRAEL Financial Aid

Israel recieves more financial aid than all the other countries of the world, put together! Every voter should see this video, then decide if they want to vote for your ...

User Comments

@ a 28071985 u fucking jewish twat ur evil propaganda not working any Moore stay in the original topic stop accusing ppl bein an Arab or muslim u just want to to chandelier the subject like every jewish do coz u find us eazy to manipulate not any Moore we Christian now who is our enemy they are not muslim our enemy are in deed filthy evil dirty jewish scumbag Jesus killer it's about time all the Christian to woke up from long sleep & unite with the muslim world & start flushing the chosen shit into promise toilet were they belong the sooner the better u can only judge pll by their holly book so TALMUD classified as the world only evil holly book they are the only dirty stinky evil race expelled by god & by 127 country they are the world most notorious child molester body snatcher child killer 
This is to build up Israel so it can be the ruling state of the world. Thereafter the US will collapse and Israel takes over, wage a big war on the surrounding Arab nations, occupies a territory extending from the nile to the euphrates, control the gulf oil, enslaves the world, the Antichrist (who will be a Jew) will then arise and be the 'sovereign ruler' , opressing the whole world , but who will eventually be killed by the true Messiah , Jesus Son of Mary, establishing God's kingdom thereaftr
Christian walks into a buffet and says to the Jew buffet host, "give me some bread kike"! The Jew, feeling oppressed, vengefully slides the bread to the Christian and states, you know, that was a degrading insulting name you called me! How would you feel if the situation was reversed?" The Christian is convinced he can handle it better than the Jew, so agrees to try it in reverse. The Jew tells the christian, "give me some bread fundie." The Christian replies, "sorry, don't serve kikes here!"
Excellent points.. and this week, CALIFORNIA WAS DENIED ANY ASSISTANCE while Israel had it's over TWO BILLION-DOLLAR CHEQUE written and signed. ON top of that, WE are shipping all kinds of ARMS to Israel so that they can continue OPPRESS the people of Palestine, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, and NEXT?, IRAN. All this and Israel PIRATED an American ship yesterday, taking a nobel laureate AND former congresswoman HOSTAGE? HOW will Obama react to this? Thusfar, her has NOT. This is not CHANGE!
The ZIONIST State of ISRAEL IS ANTICHRIST and is "the disgusting thing that causes desolation standing in the Holy place, as spoken of by Daniel the Prophet... Separate yourselves and quit touching the unclean thing! Any support of Israel by Christians verbally or monetarily is an abomination to our King Jesus Christ. He and He alone alone has Legal right to rule in Israel, all other claims are counterfiet by satanic and evil "state of Israel" WAKE UP CHRISTIANS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!
A group of non-denominational Christians were taking a tour of heaven upon their arrival. As they passed through, they noticed each denomination's as a place of worship for them. They passed through each one on their way to theirs saying "hey" to each denomination as they passed, until they reached the Pentecostals. "Shhh," said St.Peter, "we must be quiet here!" "Why?" Asked the non-denominational's. "Because," said St.Peter, "they think they're the only ones here."
Why did the Jew cross the road? Because he thought he owned that side too! A Christian, Muslim and Jew are all out hunting. they want to commemorate their homelands so they each shoot something associated....Only the Christian survived cause after the Jew manipulated him to kill the Muslim, Jesus intervened at the last minute as the Jew was about to stab(shoot) the Christian in the back!
THE TRUTH being revealed at such an alarming rate!! What on earth are you zionist pigs going to do?? It's all crashing down, your sickening agenda for the world. It has all been REVEALED!!! What will you do NOW?? Another "terrorist attack"?? Another "WAR"?? We will not be deceived again!! CHECK MATE!!!!!!!!!
Zionists have gotten away with this for so long because American politicians are literally terrified of losing the AICAP support. How did a state the size of Israel put a ring through the nose of the world's only superpower? Speaking out against Israel is becoming political suicide and that's just wrong.
Actually the EU gives more aid than the US. The US gives more aid to the palestinians than Israel. US gave over 18 billion in loans, bonds, and credits to egypt. What is your point? This is for fiscal year 2006. Google Nation master or the stockholm instsitute for a non US source.
this video is funny. Israels last Fiscal year 06 recieved $240 million. Gaza received 1.14 billion. You do the easy math and see who is deceiving here. Go to any NGO, UN, or nation master dot com and you will see the statistics on aid. Egypt receives 8 times more aid than israel.
the palestiniens are paying for being terrorists and for killing jews and israeli citizens thats what they are paying for, we never said they have anything to do with the holocaust. Look we are here, and we are here to stay. we'll never give up israel.
Its only due to the presence of Israel that the US has a strong military & intelligence ally in the middle-east. Even Iran which literally lambaste about wiping Israel seriously fears Israel. The US has definitely got a powerful ally in the ME.
Bullshit. Israel gets about 2.5 bil, Egypt gets about equal, Jordan gets about half..the list goes on and thus proving your claim is utter crap. "Dumb"goy is right ---From a goy who ain't so stupid and is not such a brainwashed bigot.
Jews are the most unbelievabally dishonest people in the world, I don't blame Hitler he was not the one who killed jews it was the bloody banker group who sponsored him to do such act and guess what bankers are the jews in reality :)
@zamalekbeauty The Grand Mufti was considered "an honorary Aryan according to Hitler." Guess what? Virtually all white supremacists throughout the world wants to see Israel destroyed as well. I am not Jewish, but I am a Left-Zionist.
There they go again, i$rael is screwing America like the leeching parasites that they are and yet the stupid Yanks continually open out there arms to support their "closest alley and friend". Wake Up USA before it's too late.
there still is eletricity and water in gaza. Palestinians do not pay taxes. Tarifs over the last 20 years along with inequities yes israel holds cause the palestinians have defaulted on past loans way over 1 billion dollars.
will never happen. joos lack courage in the face of danger. they can never conquer any nation by themselves. this the man reason they use the USA white mans army to conquer the world. joos are only good in the shadows
@S28071985 No my dear. I am an American of Russian origin and a full blast Christian. Keep in mind that six million Jews went to death camps in a Christian country in central Europe! NOT Muslim. Read your history.
jews are very dangerous to any country who lets them in they are the parasite of the human race and they cant tolerate a nation free of jews because they will provoke a war on it just ask germany and iran
@elitekimo thank you! its people like you who makes israel right! because of this antisemite arguements that you present here israel can claim that we have the right to protect ourself's. so thanks!
Ohh other countries like spain, UK, Thailand, Philipines, Russia, pakistan, india, etc... and the list goes on but what terrorist attack has been made on the states since 2001?
israel is given aid because they are the most THREATENED country in the world. dont blame america for giving aid, but blame the terrorists who make it so we have to give aid.
Lets see all through the 50's and 60's it was French jets. Most missiles in the israeli inventory are indigenous and cheaply made versus importing from USA or Europe.
@shasha1873 Read my history? where exactly is the part where i said muslims had gone through holocaust?. i still would put a billion dollars you are a muslim.
@Refaimufeer and fuck you too! long live israel you give 50 billion to arab nations around that a-lot more money than what you are giving us!
nice fallacy, so if your logic is correct then France and Germany must be attacked too since they support Israel as well.
@S28071985 Then again, you are right. I have no idea why we give money to the Arabs. It is just insane.

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