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User Comments

kurvajóóó!! :)

Valedictorian Speech in American Sign Language

Valedictorian speech in sign language.

User Comments

so proud of you Amber ....u did it!!!!

How to clean a hazy foggy headlight

A simple 'how to' restore hazy/foggy plastic headlights hope you enjoy, as 'I certainly did!' Don't forget to subscribe!

Culture Club - Miss Me Blind

Music video by Culture Club performing Miss Me Blind (2004 Digital Remaster).

User Comments

Como sonó y sigue sonando este tema en Venezuela!!!!
linda canção, adoro o Boy George...
I believe the early 1980's may have been the best period of all time In the music Industry.
yes I do believe so ;)
The beginning of the transgender agenda. The illuminati plan to destroy little kids life and destroy the family Union. They use these videos to use MK Ultra psychology and at the same time they had the vaccines ready for society to have the new generation of half male and female gender. I don't blame gay world but the truth is that Royal Elites are responsible for creating a new generation in there image. Then again they are only following orders from the fallen ones
Begone, troll. You have no power here.
Miss Me Blind Theory By Miss Devilz: George has had a hissy fit and said to the other three "Ok m8ty if i went to do some @*%& you would miss me some much that you would see things and all the karma thing will prove alot!" or something. So as George prepares the band talk it out and go to look for George as Jon gets all hissy too. Roy aint having it. Coz he misses his guitar. As they sing as George said happens. The Karma Is Real. "Guys, what is happening, all these blinds are shutting and we are in a world of cartoon!" AKA Georges mind. As it is called miss me blind! he uses blinds with paintings on to confuse them in the world of George and Culture. So Miss me blind! Miss me Im behind blinds. He never sees them in person due to the deal in the vid. The 3 cant get used to the blinds but get used to the mind of another member of the band. As they mess around and stuff George notices they get on without him, sudenly scaring them then... at the end Georges pranks fail and it all ends... But not just there! TO THE NEXT SONG!! From Miss Devilz {THE BEST THEORY EVER right?}
+Miss Devilz This reply is now 3 weeks or so later and I still agree with my theory XD
What the hell are they saying at the end there??
+disiskrazy d thank you, I was so confused! That makes it a bit less weird
+Bennett McCann They are saying," Wake up, Wake up, Wake, Wake up, the house is on fire!! In Japanese. Which is introduce to their third album at the time called, "Waking up with the house on fire."
Always loved those Asian women...beautiful , and so very feminine....
+Jon Williams talking of Asian women! I had a weird ass dream after seeing this about George living in china as a migrant child and his sister was that girl and his mother was one of those big ladies who make the dumplings and sushi. and George used to go home every day with a hessian backpack with white masks and allsorts in it. I had that random ass dream for a week straight and I was like "what the fuck is wrong with my mind and Asian women"
Escuchar esta canción me pone de buen humor!! ❤
City n
I never knew he went to jail? Boy George
+disiskrazy d lol, it sounds funny you describing what happened to him. I can picture him wearing one of those ankle bracelets in his home
+Daxkalak I think he got 15 months, only server 4 months in jail. The rest of this time was on house arrest.
+disiskrazy d It just shows celebrities are only human in the end. Campy as they are. heh
+Daxkalak He did, for 4 months.
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