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Revenue canada questions Videos

Do I need to claim lottery wins on my taxes? AskAway.ca

Do I need to claim lottery wins on my taxes? Winnings are 100% tax-free. We recommend consulting Revenue Canada or a tax expert with any other questions.

10 Questions You MUST Ask Before Hair Transplant Surgery

Watch my "FULL DISCLOSURE" playlist documenting my hair transplant procedures: //bit.ly/10cOwgj SUBSCRIBE NOW: //bit.ly/TTi5k8 Make sure you ...

User Comments

David, stupid question, but have you noticed any difference at all in your hair (transplanted or native) since stopping propecia? (I am anti-propecia, just curious is all)
+Lyin' Ted Cruz I feel like there has been a minor bit of thinning since discontinuing Propecia. I'm loving this Capillus laser hat I bought (not endorsed by them, but would like to be, haha). Based on my current experience and knowledge I think it's possible to have hair transplants and not use Propecia and just use a laser hat, but you'll probably end up having at least one more surgery because of not using Propecia than you might have if you did use it. For me it's worth it though, and Propecia/Finasteride is expensive anyway, so over the course of 15-20 years it will probably come out about even to just have the extra surgery. Again, just my current thinking based on my experiences so far. That's all I ever claim to offer :)
Thank you for uploading this along with a lot of other videos you do, you have no idea how much people who are losing their hair appreciate it. I am 25, turning 26 losing my hair and I am curious about a hair transplant, but I am told if done before you hair loss has progressed as far as it will go would be a waste, because I would be chasing a losing battle, and my hair loss will eventually get worse, and it will look silly. I have yet to start taking propecia, so that will probably be my first step seeing as all doctors recommend you be on it if you were to even have the surgery, but in your opinion is having a hair transplant before you go bald a bad investment?
+Marco Freeman Asking it's it's a bad investment is somewhat like asking if buying a house in Thailand is a bad investment. It might be a great investment, it depends on so many factors ...your genes, your finances, and your hair goals being the main three. I suggest you call Steve Cook who's number I put here in the video description so he can help you weigh the decision a little further, and if you have further questions for me after that get my email from Steve and feel free to email me directly. Sincerely, David
Hey david , do u use igrow helmet?
+David DiMuzio ah okay thank u brother. Can u tell me how much doctor McGrath charge for the graft ?
+Jason Ckr I used to, but I'm currently using a similar laser cap instead called "Capillus". It's a little more expensive, but it's more convenient because of the look and ability to move around as it has a battery pack you wear instead of being plugged into the wall.
What will you do wi your scars when you eventually have to shave? The reality is your hair will keep thinning and you can't realistically keep chopping up he back of your head
+Jonny M I love the way I look with hair, so why would I ever shave my head? There are many options these days and no reason to ever need to shave your head. Hair does keep thinning on all people as we age, but not drastically or quickly in most cases. There are also AWESOME concealers that can make your hair look incredibly thick without much "real hair" there. Have you tried Follic Tech or Toppik combed through some dry hair, and then sealed in with hairspray. That stuff is amazing. I use it in my shows when I perform and am under harsh lights. Wigs these days are pretty incredible as well. The need to "have to shave your head" doesn't exist. ...and the wig/concelears ...etc. are only worse case scenariors. Right now my hair looks pretty great just as is.
very helpful, thank you sweeti
+Ade K You're welcome :)
used pubic hair they are strong and not easily uprooted
hahaha just toying with you man you looked more different when you have hair
+ELLIOT RODGER THE SUPREME GENTLEMAN ...so I guess you've tried uprooting your pubic hair?? ...I definitely don't wanna hear that story, lol
It's so obvious that this stuff is true purely by all the immediate thumbs downs. Most hair transplant surgeon who don't do a good job of educating their patients and instead focus on just "selling you a hair transplant" DON'T want you to watch this, and are the first to thumbs down a video like this educating YOU on excellent questions to ask and sales tactics to be aware of before choosing where to get an expensive and life changing medical procedure done.
People are sad David's they see the bad in everything but what they're really doing is giving themselves a thumbs down because that's how they view life

CTV interview proves Justin Trudeau's a tax & spend Liberal

Brian Lilley of TheRebel.Media reports, Trudeau went to Atlantic Canada for a series of announcements and stopped in for an interview with CTV's Steve Murphy ...

User Comments

Trudeau is a pure idiot.
+IamRiTcHa True. Look where that got Harper
And Harper is not?
hes awesome man
im not a troll hes my fav and also hes our new  priminaster yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)
+rowyn kitchemonia get out of here you troll
go trudea go
/i am an adult :/
+rowyn kitchemonia why don't you go play minecraft and leave politics to the adults
This is the most biased thing i have ever heard in my entire life. Steven Harper has the worst growth record in 80 years. No one could run this country worst then the conservatives. This reminds me of Nazi propaganda or something Vladimir putin would do have play on russian news stations
I know they are sucking harper off.
Thank YOU someone finally asked the clown real questions instead of sucking his dick and stroking his lustrous hair... How the general population of Canada has not laughed him off the stage is beyond me... Ok you hate Harper?? FINE.. But Trudeau is an absolute JOKE
Too bad he won
Good Lord, did this kid even graduate high school ? Dumb as a bag of hammers and full of sh.t !! I swear he,s only got one oar in the water !
+250sabre and doesn't know what to do with it.
Please Canada, please don't vote for this idiot. -
well... Liberal majority
+MashedApplePie ok brah

Discovery 15: Government Program Overviews (Day 2) - Part 1

The Innovation Partners Theatre provides an opportunity for government organizations to speak to their individual program offerings. Presenters from provincial ...
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