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Weedy Weekend 20

This weeks stories in Cannabis - a Canadian week. Alberta Mom had to go to Ontario to save her child ...

User Comments

Cheers Brother!
+Judah Seeds and a huge smile back at ya :)

HANDSOME ISAAC: Tortured by Jiggers - Labeled by his own as Crazy!

Listening to him talk, one quickly realizes that Isaac is actually not 'mad' as society in Banja has referred to him for years. He is a good-looking young man with a ...

User Comments

So the white substance is not a maggot, but pus, and somewhere in there is a flea, an insect?
+Sarah Del Pasture Sarah, go to marker 7:52 - 8:38. You'll first see a fluid liquid flowing out. It's not actually white, but more greyish. Jim is saying that pus is a combination of the dead and decomposing mother jigger and white blood cells which the body sends to fight off an invader. You will also see a live mother Jigger in this same time frame. She is white and has a form and not fluid. Her abdomen has been swollen and extended because she's pregnant with her baby jiggers. The jigger is white but you'll see streaks of black which is her intestines full of fecal matter. The jigger must be pried out as she's got her angular head buried downward; it's her rear end area that is sticking out which appears like a little dark spot as they first slice into the skin. Okay, that's my best shot at it. Others may have a better explanation for you and, if so, I welcome it. So glad to see you joining us in the Fight against the Jiggers. There is more basic information on Jiggers given on our webpage on Kevin's Blog. Just go to: //www.killthejigger/org Bless you! Mamite
Look at his beautiful smile! I love this so much. This why you don't mind giving money to help...the evidence is right here putting into work. Jim you and your people are the greatest. God bless!
Hyjikggx nnn gj by gy h hjhj Uuu h
This is my second time asking if the brown specks jiggers just getting started??
Who knows which brown specks you're talking about?  This guy was SOO speckly!  But, jiggers just getting started do look like a brown speck to the naked eye at first, then after they begin to swell, there's a noticeable bump.
Why wasn't his feet cleaned beforehand like they do in other videos? There's no way opening wounds on such dirty feet can be sanitary. Lots of jiggers left behind too 
Well it has to be done in many sessions or else when the numbing stuff wears off it will be quite painful. Hope I helped xx
Jim and his helpers are Godly people and God will carry them as far as they need to go. People don't need to hate on people that are helping someone any way they can. Here in America we sit by and watch people that need help like the homeless instead of helping or we record people being hurt instead of helping them and then start riots to show we care after its to late so no one here in America needs to say anything bad about Jim. Instead thank him for doing something nice for his people and donate if you can. So please keep your negative comments to yourself until you been in their shoes. 
You have no idea how important it was for me to hear this from you! My eyes are full of tears of gratitude for you, and my prayers include "Leslie Owens" now. Thank you.
+AdriennePS thank you so much!! I just can't stand when someone says negitive thing to people trying to do good when most people won't even do what Jim and all the people that has helped do.
Thank you for ANOTHER lovely sentiment. I just got a very critical remark because I mentioned the amount of my donation when asking Jim where to send it. Although it really surprised me at first, after I read it again, I just feel sorry for someone who has nothing better to do than be negative. Even if I had meant to be arrogant (believe me, I have nothing to be arrogant about), this kind of remark has no intent other than to cause bad feelings. But then I read yours which MORE than made up for those who just "hate on" others. I'm really glad you wrote what you did.

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