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Lugano switzerland economy Videos

J.E. Stiglitz, 2001 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences @Lugano Fund Forum 2015

J.E. Stiglitz, 2001 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences @Lugano Fund Forum 2015 PANEL: Striving for Growth in a Perilous Environment: an economic outlook ...

How to Build an Intelligent Machine | Michael Bronstein

Our laptops, tablets, and smartphones will become precision instruments that will be able to measure three-dimensional objects in our environment”, says ...

User Comments

Vision could be a trap. Data sensibility, data correction, fast correlation and implementation are the best attributes to help humans. Machines helping is good but if we want to seat in the sofa and let them take care of all, very rapidly humans do not have space/need to exist. The human body is a machine, "Intelligence" is merging one to the other.
I think our vision system is strongly correlated with the touch during childhood which leads to the sense of dimension and texture...

The Science of Socio-Economic Systems and What Physics May Contribute

The Science of Socio-Economic Systems and What Physics May Contribute. Dirk Helbing, ETH Zurich. March 7th, 2014. Talk at USI Università della Svizzera ...

Lugano, Switzerland • г. Лугано, Швейцария

User Comments

Где новые видео? :с
)))))))))))) Классно!
Буду с нетерпением ждать!))) Ахах,пасиб :3 
Привет, скоро будут! )))) Много работы в рождественский период! ))) Я смотрю ты поменял графическую тему, КРУТЬЬЬЬ!!!! )))))
Берег в цветах - красиво как в раю! И горы, и архитектура....красота! Лайк!)
Привет, благодарю за коммент и спасибо за лайк!!! ...а в Швейцарии многое как в раю... ))) 
+Змей Thanx you!!! :-)

Dr.Daniele Ganser:" War on Terror doesn't make sense!"

"How can you fight violence with violence and expect Peace as a result?" Watch the full interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EqFtAlFKuI Daniele ...
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